War Diaries of 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards



Home 1939 1940 1941
1942 1943 1944 1946




January 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.Col Swetenham

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices


1-9 Jan


Regt, less B Sqn, in Munstergeleen 6965, in Div Res. Operational role - counter-attack if necessary. B Sqn at Wintraken 7065.



9 Jan


B Sqn moved to Buchten over Gebroek 6575 in dismounted role with one tp mounted. Sqn took over coy posns in Gebroek from 2 Devons and tp 8H after dark, where they remained as inf until last light 11 Jan. No action ensued. Other locations unchanged.



10 Jan


Regt, less B and C Sqns, moved to Papenhoven 6373. B Sqn remained in Gebroek. C Sqn moved to Buchten, where defensive role involved six dismounted guards on perimeter and post on Juliana Canal bank. C Sqn commitments remained as such, with no action, until night 13/14 Jan. During this period the weather was bitterly cold and the Sqn suffered two frostbite casualties.





All vehicles were snow camouflaged.





Locations unchanged. A Sqn remaining in Papenhoven in sp 11H, with counter-attack role South of Roosteren 6577, between Juliana Canal and River Maas.





B Sqn returned to Papenhoven with one tp at 30mins notice to sp sqn 11H in Ilikhoven. No other change.





A Sqn moved to Holtum 6573 and took over defensive responsibilities from I Coy 1RB. The village was held with approximately 50% of Sqn in tks and the remainder dismounted, with an additional 50 men from echelons. The Sqn was thus committed until the 15th, during which time no action ensued.





During the night 13/14 Jan the enemy counter-attacked Bakenhoven 6676. One tp C Sqn was despatched from Buchten to Gebroek 6575 at 2130hrs, in sp 9DLI, and one tp in sp canal post. These tps remained in sp until 16th, when they were relieved.





The Regt’s location, together with B Sqn, remained unchanged.



15 Jan


B Sqn moved to Nieustadt 6872, where it remained until 21st in sp A Coy 1RB, as a holding force covering the right flank of the Div attack. No action during this period, but spasmodic shelling.



16 Jan


A Sqn returned to Papenhoven in res and passed to under comd 131 Inf Bde. No other change.



17-18 Jan


4Tp C Sqn placed under comd B Sqn for defence of Nieustadt, from which coy RB had been withdrawn.





A Sqn was warned to move at 2300hrs to take over Oude-Roosteren 6677 from a coy of KOSB, who had captured the village. The Sqn followed a track which had been flailed by 1 Lothians and Border Yeo. The fourth vehicle in the coln (an ARV) was blown up by a mine on the track, just short of Oude-Roosteren. In attempting to pass the mined vehicle, a tank was also blown up in which one man was killed and three were injured.





As the village was captured after dark, it was decided to check the houses in daylight the following morning. This was done and three officers and 30 ORs were taken PW. The Sqn remained in Oude-Roosteren until 19th.





The approach to Oude-Roosteren was flailed again on morning 18 Jan and some more mines exploded. It was used continually throughout that day without mishap, but at 0830hrs 19 Jan the Sqn water cart went up on a mine. Later that morning a thorough search by RE with detectors revealed a further four R mines on the track, and many in the verges which had NOT been set off by the flails.



19 Jan


C Sqn placed under comd 131 Inf Bde to take over defence of Susteren 6775 from 1/5 Queens. Take-over completed by 2330hrs. 4Tp C Sqn (from under comd B Sqn) rejoined at Susteren.





A Sqn returned to Papenhaven.



20 Jan


Regt, less B and C Sqns, moved Susteren.





C Sqn reverted to comd and Regt became responsible for defence of right flank, from incl Nieustadt to incl Heide 6976. B Sqn remained in Nieustadt. C Sqn to Heide. RHQ and A Sqn Susteren.



21 Jan


B Sqn to under comd 1RTR. Role, firm base in northern outskirts of Echt 6980, where they relieved No 6 Commando.





Remainder of Regt remained in area Heide - Susteren.



22 Jan


At about 0830hrs the CO was warned that, after certain reliefs had been carried out within 131 Inf Bde, the Regt, with 1/5 Queens under comd, would be required to seize Montfort 7482. It was considered improbable that 1/5 Queens would be available until the afternoon. The enemy had still been resisting in area North end of St Joost - Steil 7181, until last light 21 Jan.





By 1100hrs it became apparent that the enemy had withdrawn East and NE from St Joost and contact had been lost. Orders were therefore received to begin the adv on Montfort without waiting for 1/5 Queens. If possible to capture the village, but at any rate to regain contact and obtain max information of enemy dispositions, preparatory to attack on village by 1/5 Queens when they became available. The adv to be made on two routes:-





RIGHT - Schilberg - Hingen 7180 - br 716809 - br 747809 - Montfort.





LEFT - Echt - Steil 7181 - br 734820 - Aandenburg 7482.





Additional troops under comd - A Coy 1RB, two secs RE and two scissors brs.





The Regt was then concentrated in the Schilberg - Echt area, where RB and RE were to RV.





Troops on RIGHT route: A Sqn, with under comd -





One tp Recce.





One motor pl RB.





One sec RE.





One scissors br.





Troops on LEFT route: B Sqn, with under comd and in sp -





One tp Recce.





One motor pl RB.





One sec RE.





One scissors br.








A Coy RB, less two motor pls.





                       C Sqn.





                      A1 Ech.





There was some delay in the arrival of RE and scissors brs and, owing to this, no move from Schilberg - Echt, except for recce tps on each route, 6473, preparatory to taking could be made before 1430hrs.





Meanwhile, 8H patrols had reported brs at 747809 and 734820 blown as expected. Our own recce patrols proceeded along the Regtl routes and took over observation of the two br sites from 8H. They reported both gaps bridgeable by scissors, but the approaches to br 747809 on right route to be mined.





At 1430hrs A and B Sqns began their adv from Schilberg Xrds and Echt respectively. Recce meanwhile reported no opposition at br sites, except some shelling and mortaring in area of right br 747809.





B Sqn established a small brhd at 734820 without opposition and br was launched by 1630hrs. Recce was immediately pushed forward towards Aandenburg and NW towards rd Aandenburg - Station 7384. The leading tp of B Sqn reached the outskirts of Aandenburg by 1700hrs and reported no opposition.





A second tp and the scout pl of A Coy 1RB were therefore ordered forward at once to secure the village. As the leading tp worked forwards towards the Xrds 747827, they were engaged with small arms fire and bazookas from the houses round the Xrds, and were forced to await the arrival of infantry before proceeding further.





The opposition in the village was gradually strengthening and it was therefore decided to move up the whole of A Coy RB, less two motor pls (one for each brhd), to Aandenburg village at once, to be followed by a coy of 1/5 Queens, who would not be able to reach the village before about 2359hrs.





Enemy counter-attacks, shelling and mortaring in Aandenburg continued throughout the night and the two tps in the village suffered ten casualties. In the dark it was impossible for the infantry to prevent bazooka parties stalking the tks, three of which were damaged.





As the opposition was increasing, a second coy of 1/5 Queens was moved into the village at about 0400hrs 23 Jan, which was then held by two coys 1/5 Queens, A Coy RB, less two motor pls, and two tps B Sqn.





During B Sqn’s operations in Aandenburg, A Sqn had reached the br at 747869 and had cleared the mines West of the river, and laid a scissors br. This operation was carried out under mortar fire and fire from one or two SP guns in South end of Montfort.





The ground East of the river was completely open and overlooked from the East, and it was NOT possible to get troops across the br until after dark. After dark I Coy 1RB formed a brhd.





Just before last light the recce patrol to the North of B Sqn reached the rd about 744834 and reported no opposition.





C Sqn remained in res in Echt and were used only to ferry up the first coy of 1/5 Queens to RHQ at Steil 719814.



23 Jan


At first light recce patrols were sent out to ruins 745822, which were held by enemy, and NW towards 744834, to ensure that there was no infiltration onto the CL between br 734820 and Aandenburg. This northern patrol engaged and drove off an enemy patrol which was endeavouring to cut the CL from the North.





The third coy of 1/5 Queens relieved A Coy 1RB in Aandenburg during the morning. Enemy counter-attacks in the village had slackened off but any movement in the streets drew sniping and Spandau fire.





During the morning the Bde Comd decided to attack the North end of Aandenburg village with 2 Devons supported by 5RTR. As a preliminary to this, C Sqn and coy 1RB cleared the area 7382 to general line of track 743828 - buildings 739835. The buildings were found to be occupied  and were cleared, and subsequently held, by coy 1RB with two tps C Sqn in support.



24 Jan


Recce patrol at first light reported farm buildings at 745822 unoccupied and patrol at 755822 East of Montfort reported enemy inf movement on SW edge of wood at 765824. Patrols withdrawn at 1700hrs.





A Sqn entered Montfort village from the South after Sappers had swept the roads in sp 1RB, South end of village.





C Sqn entered Montfort along northern route in sp 1RB, North end of village.





B Sqn relieved in Aandenburg and moved to Echt 6979.



25 Jan


A and C Sqns remained in sp 1RB at Montfort.. B Sqn in Echt 6979.



26 Jan


C Sqn, with scout pl 1RB, RE recce sec and two tps Recce Sqn under comd, was ordered to recce towards the outskirts of St Odilienberg, to gain information concerning enemy defences and minefields. One tp Recce was sent to 767837 and one tp to area Zittard 785836, to remain in observation for one hour before committing the remainder of the force. The left hand tp unfortunately ran onto a minefield at 767837 and lost two vehs. The right hand tp ran into enemy holding house at 786837 and came under arty fire, and was ordered to withdraw and try to reach the area 792837 via Reutje 7982. This tp reached the northern outskirts of Reutje and were engaged by an 88mm firing from the NE. Enemy in the house at Zittard were engaged by arty.





1Tp, with one carrier sec under comd, then moved via 767837 - 774834 - 781839 - 783839; they reported and moved mines at 774834 and 779837. They engaged enemy in houses at 783839, who withdrew leaving behind one MG, two rifles and a bazooka. The Tp then advanced to 785834 and came under Spandau fire, and the leading vehicle was engaged by a bazooka, but not hit.





The Tp was then ordered to withdraw, unfortunately losing one tk on a mine at 778837. Meanwhile 4Tp, with one carrier sec and REs, were clearing the minefield in area 775839 and reached 779839, where they were engaged by Spandau and rifle fire from Hoosten 733844. The pl comd was killed and, as further minelifting operations were not possible, the force withdrew. The Sqn returned to Echt for the night.





B Sqn moved to Montfort to take over defence role from A Sqn, with elements 1RB. Standing patrols eastwards  by day





A Sqn withdrawn into res at Piej 7079.



27 Jan


B Sqn standing patrols at 785836 and 772837, as left flank protection to force of Devons and C Sqn during attack on St Odilienberg. At last light one tp moved into St Odilienberg in sp A Coy 1RB, to form patrol base. Another tp in sp C Coy 1RB at 765828.





A Sqn in res at Piej 7079.





Clearing of St Odilienberg.


      This was carried out by two coys 2 Devons, one tp 1 Lothians and Border Yeo and C Sqn.  




The town was entered by two routes: half-tp of flails leading, followed by a tp of tks and a coy, on each route. Order of march - left route 1Tp C Sqn, B Coy; right route 4Tp C Sqn, D Coy.





The force on the left hand route crossed the SL at 1330hrs and came under heavy arty fire, the coy comd and tp ldr both being wounded.





In the advance to the first objective the flails got into difficulties and three of 1Tp’s tks were blown up on mines; however, the inf reached their intermediate objectives, supported by the two remaining tks of the force, until they reached the centre of the town, where the last remaining vehicle of 1Tp was destroyed on a mine. During the whole of this time a certain amount of Spandau fire was encountered, together with fairly heavy and continuous mortar and arty fire.





The remaining SHQ tk on this route reached the final objective alone, after doing considerable destruction to the enemy, both in the town and across the R Roer.





On the right hand route the SL was crossed at 1400hrs and the first objective reached without incident. On the objective itself mines were found, but these were quickly removed. Further mines were encountered before the final objective was reached at 1630hrs.





Eight enemy inf were killed by the tks and nineteen PW taken. Arty and mortar fire continued throughout the clearing operations.





During all this, 3Tp was deployed guarding the right flank facing towards Paarlo.





The town was finally cleared by 1700hrs and the force was relieved by two tps of B Sqn and coy 1RB.





The Sqn suffered the following casualties: five tks (all except one recovered later), one officer and two ORs wounded.





On completion of the handover the Sqn returned to Echt for the night.



28 Jan


B Sqn standing patrols as on 27th relieved by A Sqn at last light and moved to Peij 7079.





C Sqn moved to Peij.



29-31 Jan


A Sqn in sp 1RB in Montfort. B and C Sqns in Peij.





February 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.Col Swetenham




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices

In the Field

1-18 Feb


Regt concentrated in the area of Schilberg 707792 in Div res. Operational role: Counter-attack in either:

a) Posterholt

b) Linne

c) Montfort




Routes to these places were recced by all tp ldrs.




The following training was carried out between 1 and 18 Feb:-




1. Regtl wrls instr for potential wrls ops.




2. Courses on mines




3. Gny trg within sqns.




4. Complete check of clothing and eqpt in all sqns


19-28 Feb


Div taken out of the line and Regt moved to area Opoeteren 5467, Gruitrode 497789, Neeroeteren 565782, where it remained till the end of the month. During this period A and C Sqns fired on Lommel Ranges, on 21 and 22 Feb respectively, and all vehicles in the Regt were painted.




The Bde Comd visited the Regt and inspected all Sqns on 28 Feb.




March 1945

Commanding Officer: : Lt.Col. J.E. Swetenham




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices

In the Field

1 Mar

Regt in area Opoeteren 5476.

Inspection of Regt by Brig 22 Armd Bde.

2-5 Mar

Opoeteren area.

6 Mar

Regt moved to Zomeren, where it remained for final preparations prior to the crossing of the Rhine, till 25 Mar.

24 Mar

D Day for the crossing of the Rhine - the Regt was making final preparations at Zomeren. The two airborne divs passed directly overhead under perfect weather conditions. Orders to move the following day were received at 1600hrs.

25 Mar

At 1250hrs the Regt moved out of Zomeren to a rear concentration area Geldern - Straelen, crossing the River Maas at Venlo 9008. Harbour area in the woods South of Gemel 984247.

26 Mar

The Regt remained in concentration area all day. Recce of forward concentration area East of Rhine carried out by 2IC. Area Diersfordter Wald 1747.

27 Mar

The Regt moved at 0600hrs via Sonsbeck 0535 and Xanten 1141, crossing the Rhine at 0845hrs at Xanten 1141. The advance continued through Bislich 1442 and Hamminkeln 2048. At a point one mile West of Brunen 2748 the Regt concentrated prior to continuing the advance.

From this point B Sqn led and advanced approximately two miles, when leading tps reported fire from wooded area 307507, believed to be enemy SP guns and a few infantry. Recce patrol reported bridge at 335505 intact but only suitable for light vehicles. The bridge on the main CL at 323516 was also reported blown. By 1800hrs one tp of B Sqn had reached this bridge. A Coy 1RB were brought up to form a bridgehead supported by B Sqn and a plan was made for the REs to lay a Churchill bridge.

RHQ spent the night at a farm 312508. A Sqn at 327513 protecting right flank, one patrol of Recce at bridge 333520.

28 Mar

Crossing at 333517 was ready for use by 0500hrs. B Sqn patrols with 1RB pushed on towards Brink 3652 and Raesfeld 3852. Progress became more rapid through Raesfeld 3852 and northwards towards Borken 3961. From Raesfeld the Regt moved two sqns up - A on right, B on left. A certain amount of opposition in the form of SP fire and bazooka men was met but, by 1700hrs, the outskirts of Borken had been reached.

At this stage orders were received to bypass the town and exploit to Gemen 3963 and Ramsdorf 4365. Gemen was found to be occupied by some SS and was cleared by the DLI. Further progress North towards Weseke 3969 was found to be impossible owing to a road block in Gemen. Regt concentrated for the night in Gemen with DLI.

29 Mar

During the night 28/29 the road block was destroyed and at 0600hrs the advance continued along the road to Weseke 3968 and Sudlohn 4072. The advance started with B Sqn on right and A Sqn on left.

The right hand tp of B Sqn, moving through wooded country, came upon a house containing about twelve enemy, who were engaged and taken PW. Progress on that flank became very difficult owing to the nature of the ground.

Further advance along the CL was stopped for the time being owing to SP fire. The DLI attacked the farm buildings 1,000yds SE of Weseke 3968, followed by the advance on Weseke itself by C Sqn. This operation was successfully carried out, four SPs being destroyed.

A Sqn, advancing along the left route as flank guard to the CL, found the going difficult but made good progress and successfully carried out their task.

C Sqn now took the lead through Weseke, which was burning well, along the CL. SP guns and transport were engaged successfully and by 1900hrs two tps were in the outskirts of Sudlohn 4070. A Sqn, guarding the left flank, shot up some SP guns and transport. A total of eight SP guns were claimed destroyed, and much transport.

At about 1930hrs orders were received to proceed to Stadtlohn 4377 but, owing to large bomb craters on the CL, an alternative route had to be found. This was done but it was not until 0430hrs the following morning that the whole coln could move on. In the meantime, while the alternative route was being looked for, A Coy 1RB crossed on foot and proceeded up the CL. One tp C Sqn managed to work round and cross by the railway and supported the Coy forward.

30 Mar

At 0430hrs B Sqn moved round the alternative route, followed by I Coy DLI in Kangaroos, RHQ and A Sqn. C Sqn, less the tp which got round to support A Coy overnight, remained about the railway bridge, having got some tanks into difficulties while trying to move round, via the railway line, the previous night. The enemy resisted strongly in trenches till 0300hrs on a line 1,000yds SW of Stadtlohn 4377, astride the CL. They then withdrew. B Sqn then moved up in sp of A Coy 1RB, as far as the railway line South of the town.

At 0815hrs DLI, with B Sqn in sp, entered the town with a view to seizing the bridge at the North end. Determined resistance from houses made progress slow and each house had to be cleared in turn. It was not till 1745hrs that the bridge was finally taken. A party of inf and tks clearing the East end of the town managed to seize the bridge (Class 9) at 448783 by 1500hrs.

As soon as the North bridge was secured, 1RTR were passed through on a new CL directed on Rheine on the River Ems.

C Sqn, with DLI, ordered to form base Stadtlohn, where it spent the night. Regt, less C Sqn, in area 426742.

31 Mar

Regt under comd 131 Bde.

1RTR continued the advance during the night 31/1 Apr as far as Heek 5791, with 1/5 Queens, and at 1700hrs the Regt moved forward to Wullen 4786. No further action.





Copy No 27

Demonstration of the Effectiveness of

95mm HEAT Ammunition against Armour



7 Mar 45



1.             Introduction. The demonstration will show the effect of firing HEAT ammunition from  a 95mm Tank Howitzer Mk I mounted on the Cromwell, at service ranges.

2.             Armament. The 95mm has already proved its usefulness as an HE weapon but, before the introduction of hollow charge, the gun was of no value as an A Tk weapon, and was only usable in a close support role. With the introduction of HEAT it is now effective against armour also.

3.             Amn. The ammunition is HE A Tk and is of hollow charge type. It works on the same principle as the PIAT bomb and the velocity of the projectile at the moment of impact in no way affects the penetration performance. Present scale 10% HEAT carried in tank.

4.             Sighting. With the present telescope No 48 Mk I there is a fixed crosswire and range scale only for MG. As a result, the aim is taken up by putting estimated range on with the range drum and then laying the crosswire on the target. This procedure means a small delay in getting on the target for A Tk action, but it is hoped that the new telescope will overcome this difficulty, either by having a hollow charge range scale, or moving graticule.

5.             Demonstration. Two Panther tanks will be engaged, one at 400yds, the other at 800yds. Beyond 1,000yds the accuracy of the gun with this type of amn falls off considerably, owing to the low MV - but it is hoped to show in a third shot at a target between 1,200 and 1,600yds that, once a hit has been obtained, the result will be the same as at shorter ranges.

                When all firing has been completed spectators will be asked to inspect the targets.

6.             Adm

                (a)    The demonstration will start at 1100hrs.

                (b)    The firing point and spectators RV will be at 300981, which will be marked by Provost, who will also sign the route from Lommel and supervise vehicle parking.

7.             ACK

    (Sgd) J E Swetenham
    Lt Col Comd 5 INNIS DG
A Sqn     Copy No 1 Comd                  Copy No 20  
B Sqn     Copies 2-6  Adjutant               Copy No 21  
C Sqn     Copy No 7  QM                     Copy No 22  
Recce     Copy No 8 Gny Officer          Copy No 23  
HQ Sqn  Copy No 9 File                       Copies 24-25  
22 Armd Bde       Copies 10-19 War Diary            Copies 26-27  




21 Army Group



(to be read out to all troops)



1.             On the 7th February I told you we were going into the ring for the final and last round; there would be no time limit; we would continue fighting until our opponent was knocked out. The last round is going very well on both sides of the ring - and overhead.

2.             In the West, the enemy has lost the Rhineland, and with it the flower of at least four armies - the Parachute Army, Fifth Panzer Army, Fifteenth Army and Seventh Army; the First Army, further to the South, is now being added to the list.

                In the Rhineland battles, the enemy has lost about 150,000 prisoners, and there are many more to come; his total casualties amount to about 250,000 since 8th February.

3.             In the East, the enemy has lost all Pomerania East of the Oder, an area as large as the Rhineland; and three more German armies have been routed. The Russian armies are within about 35 miles of Berlin.

4.             Overhead, the Allied Air Forces are pounding Germany day and night. It will be interesting to see how much longer the Germans can stand it.

5.             The enemy has, in fact, been driven into a corner, and he cannot escape.

                Events are moving rapidly.

                The complete and decisive defeat of the Germans is certain; there is no possibility of doubt on this matter.


                The enemy possibly thinks he is safe behind this great river obstacle. We all agree that it is a great obstacle; but we will show the enemy that he is far from safe behind it. This great Allied fighting machine, composed of integrated land and air forces, will deal with the problem in no uncertain manner.

7.             And, having crossed the Rhine, we will crack about in the plains of Northern Germany, chasing the enemy from pillar to post. The swifter and the more energetic our action, the sooner the war will be over, and that is what we all desire: to get on with the job and finish off the German war as soon as possible.

8.             Over the Rhine, then, let us go. And good hunting to you all on the other side.

9.             May 'The Lord mighty in battle' give us the victory in this, our latest undertaking, as He has done in all our battles since we landed in Normandy on D-Day.


     (Sgd) B L Montgomery
    Field Marshal Group
March 1945    



April 1945

Commanding Officer: : Lt.Col. J.E. Swetenham




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices

In the Field

1 Apr

The Regt and 9DLI continued the advance at 0700hrs, passing through 1RTR - route Ahaus 5087 - Heek 5791 - Metelen 6494 - Wettringen 7101 - Neuenkirchen 7605 - Rheine 7908. Road blocks and mines were the chief source of delay but, in spite of this, 25 miles were covered in five hours, with a total of 208 PW.

B Sqn worked round the NW end of Rheine and the leading tp was attacked by bazooka men - no casualties.

A Sqn moved round to approach the town from the South, via the woods at 7907, and reached the railway at 799082, but got into difficulties owing to the bad state of the going.

C Sqn sent one tp East of the CL, which shot-up and brewed-up the barracks at 7807. DLI entered Rheine at 1800hrs but were unable to secure the bridge before it was blown.

All sqns were recalled to area NE of Neuenkirchen 765059, where the Regt spent the night. During the whole of this advance Recce Sqn patrolled on either side of the CL.

2 Apr

Regt moved to harbour area in woods at 8905, as the advance of 11th Armd Div was held up by enemy holding the high ground 9705, astride the CL. 11th Armd Div were unsuccessful in clearing the enemy from this area by the evening, so were relieved of this task by 7th Armd Div the following day. Regt spent night in the wood - very wet.

3 Apr

A Sqn and one coy DLI moved forward to try and clear a way through the gorge East of the one held on the CL at 0093. This advance went well to the top of the hill but, proceeding further North, they came under heavy Spandau fire and sniping from the woods on either side of the road. One tk was knocked out by bazooka and, as the DLI were suffering too many casualties, the advance was halted. It was decided to fall back for the night in close leaguer in area 003053.

 During the night enemy patrol was shot-up and driven off.

4 Apr

Attack by A Sqn and one coy 9DLI started at 0800hrs, with the object of seizing the bridges at 982078 and 986077. Opposition was determined and our progress was slow, and we suffered more casualties. C Sqn supplied reinforcements for A Sqn and eventually took over from A Sqn at 1700hrs.

A Sqn was withdrawn for the night in the area of RHQ 003053.

5 Apr

C Sqn remained in position watching the crossing South of Ibbenburen 9807, as it was decided to put in an inf night attack along the main CL, with 158 Bde.

 Remainder of Regt rested in area 005039.

6 Apr

At 0700hrs the Regt and 9DLI moved to Barver 5847 via Tecklenburg 0502 - Westerkappeln 0914 - Halen 1415 - Wallenhorst 1917 - Engter 2222 - Venne 2933 - Bruche 3322 - Hunteburg 3626 - Stemshorn 4228 - Lembruch 4336 - Diephoiz 4246 - Rehden 5046 - Barver 5847 (62 miles), with task of protecting the main CL.

7 Apr

Recce patrols in the morning to find out the best route to Barnstorf 5257, as the bridge on the main road at 563491 was blown. At 1000hrs Regt and 9DLI relieved by 199 Bde and ordered to take Bassum 6673 and Twistringen 6167, and to make both these places firm.

Regtl Gp moved via Sulingen 7254, thence North with B Sqn leading. Light opposition was met all along the route with Spandau and small arms fire, until reaching the line of the railway at 671724, when the leading tp was engaged by an 88mm. The leading vehicle was hit, but not put out of action, and the tp ldr was able to put three rounds back at it before it could reply a second time. The gun crew were all killed. An ammunition lorry went up under the bridge and blocked the way for 1½hrs, owing to the exploding ammunition.

C Sqn was sent to Twistringen 6167 after two tps of Recce had got into it from the East. A Coy 1RB was ordered to go to Twistringen to make it firm with C Sqn.

DLI put two pls into Bassum 6678 from the East, which met some Spandau fire. By nightfall the North side of the town was still in enemy hands. B Sqn in sp 9DLI remained in area railway 672724. A Sqn on road by RHQ 677702.

Plans were made for A Sqn and A Coy 1RB to attack Bassum from Twistringen, in conjunction with attack by B Sqn and 9DLI from the South. C Sqn to remain in Twistringen with one coy 9DLI as firm base.

8 Apr

A Sqn and A Coy 1RB got to the outskirts of Bassum, after knocking out two A Tk guns guarding the approaches. 4Tp A Sqn met determined opposition on the NW end of the town. It accounted for two SP guns, transport and many killed during the morning.

 DLI and B Sqn advanced, linking up with A Coy 1RB in the town at road junction 669727. The town was cleared by 1700hrs.

Regtl Gp relieved by HLI and ordered to proceed, the following morning, to Wildeshausen 4778, to cut the East exits and, if possible, capture the town.

9 Apr

The advance started with B Sqn and A Coy 1RB as left flank protection to the Regtl Gp, with instructions to blow the bridge at Colnrade 5070. This bridge, in fact, was blown by the Germans on their arrival. The main coln proceeded via Twistringen 6167 - Becklen 5774 - Winkelsett 5375 - Reckum 5175 - NW to the road running East from Wildeshausen 4778. Little opposition was met on the route - a bazooka team on bicycles were caught in the open and destroyed.

C Sqn, who were leading, got tps up to good positions overlooking the road and destroyed enemy equipment, lorries and staff cars, and took between 50 and 60 PW.

In an effort to reach the town through the woods NE of it, heavy opposition was met in the form of bazooka men and snipers, so it was decided to fall back for the night, and sqns withdrew to area Reckum 5175. C Sqn lost two tanks from bazookas. One killed, eight wounded.

10 Apr

A Sqn entered the town without opposition at 1100hrs. 9DLI, with A Sqn in sp, and one bty Norfolk Yeo, responsible for the defence of the whole town. RHQ in the centre. One pl A Coy 1RB at hospital in woods at 492793, which contained 150 convalescent soldiers.

Ni 10/11 Apr

At 2230hrs pl A Coy 1RB reported five SP guns moving through the woods SW towards the town, also about 40 inf. Owing to bad wireless conditions, this report did not reach RHQ before OC A Coy himself appeared, followed by OC A Sqn, who reported that one SP gun had penetrated the forward positions of the Norfolk Yeo and was at that moment standing outside his HQ. A fierce shooting match ensued, with RHQ tks joining in. The SP gun was knocked out by OC A Sqn's tk at a range of 5yds.

Enemy inf infiltrated as far as the DLI RAP and they took six medical orderlies PW. Another bazooka party, in an effort to destroy an A Sqn tk, scored a glancing blow which only resulted in superficial damage to the vehicle and did not put it out of action. The remaining SPs withdrew to the woods and, after two hours, everything was quiet.

 Later, the pl 1RB in the capital area reported that the SPs had returned and were again moving back along the track in the woods towards the town. However, no further attack developed and they were finally heard to be moving away in a NE direction.

11 Apr

Enemy shelled Wildeshausen 4778 during the morning and about 30 inf infiltrated into the town from the SW. Counter-attack put in by inf and one tp A Sqn dealt with the situation.

Regt relieved in Wildeshausen by 3rd (Br) Div and moved to Div concentration area West of the Weser, three miles from Nienburg 000505.

12 Apr

Regt in concentration area West of Nienburg.

13 Apr

Regt moved across the Weser to area of woods at Steimbke 117525.

14-15 Apr

Regt in same area.

16 Apr

Regt moved at 1655hrs over the River Aller via Rethem 1066, to area three miles West of Walsrode 2175.

17 Apr

At 0500hrs Regt under comd 155 Bde in sp 7/9 Royal Scots - task to clear CL between Dorfmark 3680 and Soltau 4190 inclusive. Recce with carrier pl 7/9 Royal Scots under comd to work forward to the town. C Sqn in sp A Coy and half-sqn 7RTR.

B Sqn went forward later to sp coy 7/9 Royal Scots and at 2200hrs, after some opposition, A and B Sqns and three coys Royal Scots were firm in Soltau 4189.

18 Apr

A Sqn and half-sqn 7RTR cleared the CL to 1,000yds North of the town. Regt later moved up to Heber 4200 and at 1800hrs North to Wintermoor 399122.

19 Apr

Regt under comd 131 Bde moved to area Undeloh 4913, with task of protecting right flank of main CL.

At 1200hrs Regt reverted to Comd 22 Armd Bde and moved to Welle 3818, where it spent the night.

20 Apr

Regt ordered to move up, passing through 1RTR in area Dibbersen 4232, to seize the high ground outside the CL at 462389 West to Vahrendorf 4439. Slight opposition met in Tottensen 4536. 20 PW. Objective reached at 1100hrs.

A Sqn at Vahrendorf 4439 and the woods or the high ground to the NW, in sp 2 Devons.

B and C Sqns in Tottensen , with forward tps on high ground in sp 1RB at 462389.

RHQ in small village West of Tottensen 452364.

21 Apr

C Sqn sent one tp in sp 1/5 Queens to Metzendorf 4736, which was reported clear. At 1600hrs Regt relieved by 131 Bde and moved to Moisburg 3036 for the night.

22 Apr

Regt, with two coys 1RB, ordered to take Buxteheude 3043. B Sqn advanced on right route, with C Coy, via Nindorf 2737 and Ottensen 2841. C Sqn on left route, with C Coy, via Apensen 2539.

An ultimatum was issued for the town to surrender within 45mins, which was accepted. PW - between 300 and 400, including one admiral (admin) and 500 'Wrens'. Regt concentrated in Apensen 2539, with one sqn in Buxteheude 3043, in sp 1RB, and one sqn and one tp Recce Sqn providing OPs and patrols for the left flank. C Sqn in Buxteheude.

A and B Sqns in Apensen.

23 Apr

C Sqn in Buxteheude; A and B Sqns in Apensen.

Two tps A Sqn were sent to Harsefeld 1741 with the object of demanding the surrender of the town and the collection of all arms. Small party of enemy withdrew over the bridge at 175422 and blew it. Mines had been laid at the South entrance to the village at 180408. All arms were collected and destroyed, after which whole party returned to Apensen.

24 Apr

After the surrender of Buxteheude the Regt was based on Apensen 2539, with the task of patrolling North and West in the direction of Horneburg 2247 and Bliedersdorf 2144. One sqn remaining in sp of 1RB in Buxteheude.

A Sqn in Apensen at rest.

B Sqn in sp of 1RB at Buxteheude.

C Sqn and one tp Recce left flank patrols and OPs.

25 Apr

A Sqn relieved B Sqn in Buxteheude.

B Sqn left flank patrols.

C Sqn in Apensen at rest.

26 Apr

A Sqn left flank patrols.

B Sqn in Apensen at rest.

C Sqn in sp 1RB in Buxteheude.

27 Apr

A Sqn in Apensen at rest.

B Sqn in sp 1RB in Buxteheude.

C Sqn left flank patrols.

28 Apr

A Sqn in sp 1RB in Buxteheude.

B Sqn left flank patrols.

C Sqn in Apensen at rest.

29 Apr

A Sqn left flank patrols.

B Sqn in Apensen at rest.

C Sqn in sp 1RB in Buxteheude.

30 Apr

A and B Sqns in Apensen.

C Sqn patrolled into Horneburg 2247, which was clear of enemy.




May 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.Col. J.E. Swetenham




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices

In The Field

1-2 May

Regt concentrated in Apensen 2539, with one sqn in Buxteheude 3043 in sp 1RB and one sqn and one tp Recce Sqn providing OPs and patrols for the left flank.

3 May

Regt moved to Harburg 4942, on the surrender of Hamburg, and supervised the calling-in of arms and the disarming of German troops. Guards were also provided for hospitals and DP camps and bridge over the Elbe.

4-7 May

Regt at Borstel 3767 - disarming German troops.

7-13 May

Regt concentrated at Beldorf 0616 - administration of DPs, and guards on bridge and ferry over Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, stop line.

13 May

B Sqn moved to Camdorf 0710 to guard ferries at 026041 and 034091, and patrol along the canal bank.

14 May

Regt at Bendorf 0811, with C Sqn at Brunsbuttle-Koog 9290. Admin of DPs in area.

22 May

A Sqn moved to Ecklack, guarding ferries over Kiel Canal.

22-31 May

Regt remained in the above areas.




June 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.Col. J.E. Swetenham




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices

Bendorf 0811

1 Jun

Regt located at Bendorf, with A Sqn at Ecklack 0097, with the task of guarding the Stop Line on the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, and controlling and disposing of Displaced Persons.

Regt remained in this location until 12 Jun, with the exception of sqn movements as enumerated in App A

Mulenbarbeck 2729

12 Jun

Regt moved to Mulenbarbeck with A Sqn at Hennstedt 3005, B Sqn at Itzehoe 1793 and C Sqn at Lockstedt 2398, where it remained until the end of the month, with the task of administering DP camps in the area, also hospitals; and guarding an SS camp at Itzehoe.




July 1945

Commanding Officer:




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices

Muhlenbarbeck 72975

1-16 Jul

During this period the Regt was stationed in the area of Muhlenbarbeck with sqns dispersed as under:-

A Sqn Lockstedt 2803.

B Sqn Itzehoe 175940.

C Sqn Lockstedte Lager 2398.

Recce Lohbarbeck 2596.

Commitments were - guarding and administering DP camps in the area; guarding the SS barracks at Itzehoe; and attending to matters of a MilGov nature in the Regtl area.

16-17 Jul

Regt moved to Moll, Belgium, where it converted to Comet tanks, and remained there until the end of the month engaged in conversion courses and shooting on the ranges at Lommel.




August 1945

Commanding Officer:




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices


1-7 Aug


Regt concentrated at Moll while converting to Comets.  



9-27 Aug  

Regt at Brunsbuttelkoog with A and B Sqns in area

Brunsbuttel 9290 and C Sqn at St Margarethen 0090.

Regt committed to control Stop Line along Kiel Canal in Brunsbuttel area.


29-31 Aug Muhlenbarbek



Regt at Muhlenbarbeck 272979 with A Sqn at

Lockstedt 2803, B Sqn at Itzehoe 175940 and C Sqn at Lockstedter Lager 2398.

Regt responsible for DP camps in area.





September 1945

Commanding Officer:




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices


1-30 Sep


Regt at Muhlenbarbeck 272979. A Sqn at Lockstedt

B Sqn at Itzehoe 175940, C Sqn at Lockstedter Lager 2398, Recce Sqn at Lohbarbeck 2596.

Regt responsible for control of DP camps in area.




October 1945

Commanding Officer:




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices


1-31 Oct

Regt at Muhlenbarbeck 272979. A Sqn at Lockstedt


2803, B Sqn at Itzehoe 175940, C Sqn at Lockstedter Lager 2398, Recce Sqn at Lohbarbeck 2596.

Regt responsible for control of DP camps in area.

20 Oct

Visit to the Regt by the British Columbia Dragoons, 9 (Cdn) Armd Regt.

Throughout the month a large exchange of personnel took place, in order to replace all low Age & Service Group personnel in the Regt with Regular and high Age & Service Group soldiers.




November 1945

Commanding Officer:




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices



Regt at Muhlenbarbeck MR (K4) 272979. A Sqn at


 Lockstedt MR (K4) 282030, B Sqn at Itzehoe Barracks MR (K4) 188949, C Sqn at Lockstedter Lager MR (K4) 239982.

7 Nov

A Sqn moved into Itzehoe Barracks.

17-19 Nov

Regt engaged in 22 Armd Bde Internal Security Signal Exercise DEFRAT.

23 Nov

C Sqn moved into Itzehoe Barracks.

27-28 Nov

Regt engaged in 7th Armd Div Security Signal Exercise SINN FEIN.

During the month of Nov the reorganisation programme was practically completed and individual training commenced as per programme outlined in App J




December 1945

Commanding Officer:




Summary of Events and Information

 References to Appendices


1-5 Dec

RHQ at Muhlenbarbeck 272979.


A, B and C Sqns at Itzehoe 175940

5 Dec

RHQ move to Itzehoe 175940.

As soon as the Regt was assembled at Itzehoe an individual training programme was started.




No 223. Fri 28 Dec 45    

Part 1. Orders for Saturday


1.             Detail

                Regimental Orderly Officer                       Lt J C Cupper.

                Next for Duty                                           Lt A W Moore.

                Regimental Orderly Sgt Maj                     SSM Clayton MM.

                Next for Duty                                           SSM Gower.

                Regimental Orderly Sgt                             Sgt Toyo.

                                                                                           Saturday                            Sunday

                                                                                        A    B    C   HQ             A   B   C   HQ

                Night Guard                                            Cpl     1                                              1

                                                                               Tprs   3    3     3      3               3   3   3     3

                Hungriger Wolf Guard                             NCO        1                                   1

                                                                               Tprs    1    1           1               1     1         1

                Coal Dump Guard                                   NCO               1                      1

                                                                               Tprs    1    2    2     1                2     1    1    2

2.             Parades. Sqns will parade under orders of OsC sqns.

3.             Duties. B Sqn will provide the Sgts' Mess caterer for the month of January.

4.             POL Accounting. The following procedure will come into effect forthwith:-

                (a)    B Vehicles, including Scout Cars and Half-Tracks

                (i)                  AF G3518, Transport Work Tickets. These will be issued by QM(T) office in bulk to the Transport Officer, who will be responsible for issue to individual vehicles, including LAD and Signals, on the 1st and 15th of each month.

                                      Drivers are responsible for seeing that all columns are completed, including 'Fuel Received', which will be entered by the storeman supplying the fuel, who will initial the left hand side of Coln 8 ('Type of Oil').

                                      The officer or NCO authorising the journey will classify the journey by putting one of the undermentioned letters in the right hand side of Coln 2 ('For whom the journey performed'):-

                                      E - Authorised exercises (these are special exercises which will be

                                      notified from time-to-time).

                                      T - Training.

                                      A - Unit administration.

                                      O - Outside unit (Bde and Div detail etc).

                                      Completed work tickets will be returned to QM(T) not more than two days after expiry, signed by Regimental Transport Officer and initialled by OsC sqns, or OsC sqns in the case of vehicles under sqn control, together with any that have been cancelled during the preceding fortnight. Covers of work ticket book will be returned to QM(T) as soon as they are finished.

                (ii)                 AF G825, POL Issue Voucher. These will be completed by petrol storemen and returned to QM(T) daily. Duplicate copies will be returned in the case of issues to other units, including LAD and Royal Corps of Signals.

                (iii)                AF G810, Daily State and Inspection Chart. These will be completed by Transport office and returned monthly to this office after inspection by OsC sqns, together with work tickets.

                (iv)                AB 412. These will be checked weekly by Transport office, who will ensure that weekly totals of fuel, oils and mileages are correctly entered. Daily mileage and fuel need not be entered.

                LAD and Royal Corps of Signals will be responsible for maintaining their own AF G810 and AF G3520. Work tickets and AF G825 will be returned to them after checking by QM(T). Transport office will maintain separate books of work tickets for LAD and Royal Corps of Signals vehicles.

                (b)    A Vehicles

                (i)                  AF G825, POL Issue Voucher. Separate books of these will be issued to storemen, who will see that fuel issued is entered in AB 413, and will initial the entry.

                (ii)                 AB 413. Daily records of POL and mileage will be entered by drivers of tanks. They will be handed in to QM(T) monthly under sqn arrangements, not later than the following dates:-

                                      A and B Sqns  3rd of the month.

                                      C and HQ Sqns               4th of the month.

                They will be returned on the day of handing in, whenever possible.


    (Sgd) R B Kettle
    Capt Adjt 5 INNIS DG





Football. The undermentioned team will represent the Regimental second eleven vs 2 Lt Fd Amb. It will be an away match. Kick off 1415hrs. LCpl Gelfarb, A Sqn, will be present as linesman. Transport will leave the Guard Room at 1345hrs. Team will parade there under Cpl Mason, HQ Sqn:-

Tpr Payne (B)

                                                  Cpl Mountford (HQ)                   Cpl Trapps (C)

                LCpl Horsfield (HQ)  Tpr Scott (A)                                        Cpl Mason (HQ)

Tpr Tickeridge           Tpr Shepherd                LCpl Clarke         Tpr Nunn          LCpl Evans

          (HQ)                   (A)                                 (HQ)                   (C)                     (HQ)






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