War Diaries of 

8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars



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In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of January 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.- Col. C Goulbirn (to 26 Jan)

(From 27 Jan)- Lt.-Col. GRD Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC.

Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
630372  1 From 0930 to 1000hrs there was enemy fighter activity over our sector though no bombs were dropped and no strafing occurred.  "C" Sqn had nothing to report from GEBROEK. 8H Op Instr No13 was issued (See Appx)

GSGS 4336

Sheet No. 4

8H Op Instr 13

App D1

630372  2 At 1100hrs "C" Sqn reported an enemy sniper firing from the direction of BAKENHOVEN 6676.  Otherwise the day was quiet.  2 DEVONS relieved "C" Sqn in BUCHTEN 6473, and the mounted tp at GEBROEK and the canal post came under comd 2 DEVONS.  
630372  3 "B" Sqn relieved "C" Sqn mounted tp in GEBROEK and canal post.  At approx 1130hrs the canal post was approached from the WEST by local resistance tps who apparently mistook our sec for enemy.  They opened fire but no casualties were caused.  
630372  4 During the morning "A" Sqn Leader recce’d posns in HOLTUM 6573 preparatory to relieving 5 R Tks.  "B" Sqn had nothing to report apart from arty and SP fire directed at 11H in ROOSTEREN 6577.  The canal post did not move fwd (See 8H Op Inst No13) as the attack of BAKENHOVEN, planned for 5 Jan, had been cancelled.  
630372  5 "B" Sqn reported another quiet day.  It was now obvious that the enemy’s intentions on our front were no longer offensive.  Elsewhere on the front increased enemy digging and mining was reported.  It was established too that the sector from STEVENSWEERD – SAEFFELEN 7571 was held by only one enemy inf div.  
630372  6 "A" Sqn moved out at approx 0900hrs to relieve 5 R Tks at HOLTUM where they came under comd 2 DEVONS in a dismounted role.  Elts drawn from 8H Recce tp occupied a fwd posn in the Mill 667740.  Our posns were mortared during the afternoon but no casualties were sustained.  The C.O. visited the C.O. 5 DG at MUNSTERGELEEN 6865 in connection with the future relief of 8H.  
630372  7 There was nothing to report from either "A" or "B" Sqns during the day.  8H was notified of the impending relief by 5DG (See Appx) Main 22 Armd Bde messae form of 071830A
630372  8 HOLTUM was mortared during the morning and one shell scored a direct hit on our OP in the chateaux 667738.  The OP was not occupied at the time.  
  9 "A" Sqn was relieved by I Coy 1 RB and reverted to comd 8H at GREVENBIGHT, "B" Sqn, on its relief by elts 5 DG, moved to WINTRAAK 7065 and came under comd 131 Bde.  8H was now relieved of all commitments for the first time since 2 Dec 1944 and was to go into & Armd Div res with a counter-attack role. (See Appx)  
  10 At approx 1200hrs, following arrival of main body of 5DG, 8H less "B" Sqn moved to MUNSTERGELEEN 6865.   Route : GREVENBIGHT – BORN 6571 – X rds 663707 – EINIGHAUSEN 6668 – KLEINDORP 6767 – LEIJENBROEK 6866 -  686657.  During the night 10/11 Jan 8H was warned of a further move and recce parties stood by to leave the following morning.  
686657  11 Recce parties were sent to the area KRAWINKEL 6564 and the regt spent the day in maintenance and rest.  At 1730hrs the C.O. held a confce and outlined the nature of future ops.  
  12 At 0900hrs HQ Sqn moved to KRAWINKEL  The sabre Sqns following at half-hourly intervals.  RHQ was set up at 659647.  
659647  13 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  Baths were organised at the nearby coalmine.  
  14 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  Tanks and scout cars were whitewashed to serve as camouflage in snow.  This proved effective in practice.  At 1700hrs the C.O. held a confce at which he gave further details of the coming Corps offensive.  
  15 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  At 1100hrs the C.O. gave out detailed verbal orders the main points of which were embodied in 8H Operation Order No15 (See Appx)

8H O.O. No 15

Appx. D3

  16 The attack by 131 Bde on SUSTEREN and DIETEREN 6776 which had been postponed from the previous night commenced at first light.  The C.O. therefore was enabled to brief the Sqns during the morning.  
    The remainder of the day was spent in maintenance and rest.  
  17 Maintenance and rest.  
  18 maintenance and rest.  8H was ready to move at one hour’s notice.  
  19 Although 131 Bde had secured the area SCHILBURG 7079, HINGEN 7080, ECHT 6979 8H received no orders to move.  The day was spent in maintenance and rest  

At first light the C.O. with "A" and "C" Sqn Leaders went to HQ 1 R Tks at SCHILBERG and then proceeded to recce area HINGEN 7180, SINT JOOST 7181.  The enemy’s withdrawal had been skilfully conducted and it was evident that he intended to impose the maximum delay on our adv.

    To this end he was still holding the village of SINT JOOST with its vital crossings over the KROM BEEK.  His strength was estimated at one Coy.  At 1000 the C.O. met the Brigadier 22 Armd Bde and immediately afterwards ordered 8H to move to SCHILBERG at 1100hrs.  
    The task of clearing SINT JOOST and seizing the brs fell to I Coy 1 RB with "C" Sqn in sp.  
    The attack began at 1430hrs but from the start met with opposition from determined inf and skilfully sited SP guns.  So exposed was our right that it was possible for the enemy to knock-out two tanks of "C" Sqn reserve tp on the rd SCHILBERG – HINGEN.  Our inf with one tp of tanks in close sp made some progress in SINT JOOST and prisoners identified two coys of PARA REGT HUBNER, last located further NORTH.   
    Our own inf casualties were heavy in the house-to-house fighting and the attack was held up short of the rd junc 716808.  Meanwhile two secs of the Recce tp with one tp "A" Sqn in sp had crossed the KROM BEEK at HINGEN making for the main rd to the NE.  Enemy SPs in the wood 7280 prevented progress and one Stuart tk was knocked out.  At last light a new plan was made.  9 DLI was to attack through I Coy 1 RB at approx 0030hrs and "C" Sqn was to remain in sp.  The "A" Sqn tp and Recce secs EAST of the KROM BEEK were withdrawn to area 720800 and a pl of 9 DLI sent to support them for the night.  
708793  21

The attack by 9 DLI made little progress and suffered hy casualties, "C" Sqn in sp lost one tk to an SP gun but knocked out the gun itself.  Approx 34 PW had been taken, and from statements made it appeared that a third Coy had arrived to reinforce the garrison.


It was decided to resume the attack at approx 1000hrs with 9 DLI and C Coy 1 RB adv in bounds through the village.  I Coy 1 RB was withdrawn and "C" Sqn relieved by "B" Sqn, who were to support the operation by fire from the area 72184 and from the main NORTH - SOUTH rd WEST of SINT JOOST.Before they were withdrawn the "A" Sqn tp EAST of the KROM BEEK lost two tanks to the roving SPs in the woods NORTH of them.

    The 9 DLI attack again made slow progress and by midday it was held up short of the enemy strongpoint 715808.  In the afternoon however "B" Sqn tanks proceeded to knock down house after house with their shells, flamethrowers were brought into operation and the br 717808 taken.  An enemy wireless intercept revealed that the German comd was begging for permission to withdraw and signs of withdrawal were reported towards last light.  It was decided to complete mopping up operations on 22 Jan, and at the same time send recce patrols to brs 747809 and 734820.  

At first light two secs of Recce Tp worked up to the rd STEIL 7181 – MONTFORT and at approx 1030hrs reported the br 734820 blown.

    Two tps of "A" Sqn on the route to the SOUTH took longer to reach their obj but found on arrival that br 747809 was also blown, as was br 749806.  They were ordered to remain in observation until relieved by 5 DG whose task it was to capture MONTFORT.  Meanwhile the northern PORTION  of SINT JOOST was entered unopposed.  8H was ordered to concentrate in the gen area of SCHILBERG and came into Div res.  
  23 Maintenance and rest in Div res.   
    At 1700hrs "C" Sqn came under comd 1 Cdo Bde at MAASBRACHT 7084 and was ordered to move to BRACHTERBEEK 7284 before first light on 24 Jan.  

Maintenance and rest in Div res.  During the morning "C" Sqn gave close sp to a bn of 1 Cdo Bde in their attack on MONTFORTERBEEK 736844 – 729859.  It was found however that the enemy had withdrawn during the night to LINNE 7485.

    At approx At approx 1600hrs one tp "C" Sqn and one tp Cdos attempted a raid on LINNE along the rd DE VILLA 733857 – LINNE.  Shortly after leaving the star point our inf and tks came under heavy HE fire from SPs and a suspected Mk IV tank in the town, and the force comd decided to return.  Our tks could not in any case have deployed from the rd and must have been good targets for enemy A/T defences.  
  25 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  A frontal attack on LINNE was carried out by 1 Cdo Bde, the inf riding fwd on "C" Sqn tanks under cover of a smoke screen.  The enemy had again withdrawn during the night and the town was firm-based by 3 Cdo sp by "C" Sqn.  

Maintenance and rest  in Div res.  The C.O., who was leaving the Regt on the following day, visited all Sqns and a farewell dinner was held in the Offrs mess.  This was attended by Brig-Gen WINGFIELD DSO, MC. representing 22 Armd Bde and by Lt.Col the Earl of Lewis representing 7 Armd Div. 

    During the morning "C" Sqn was relieved at LINNE by one Sqn 1 R Tks (See Appx).  This was the first occasion  on which 8H had worked with Cdo tps, and the Sqn was commended for its co-operation by the Brigadier 1 Cdo Bde.

Tasks 7 Armd Div 26 Jan 45.

Appx. J1

  27 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  Lt.Col G.R.D.Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC., took command of the regt.  A Squadron Leaders’ confce was held at 1430hrs and a sabre Sqn organisation was discussed.  It was decided that four fighting tps be maintained, each tp to consist of two Cromwell tks and two Challenger tks, when the latter should become available in sufficient nos.   
  28 During the morning the C.O. visited all Sqns.  The Padre held church services as usual.  
  29 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  At 1800hrs the C.O. held a confce and outlined future ops.  Depending on the state of the rds 8H was to come under comd 131 Bde on 30 Jan and relieve 1 R Tks at POSTERHOLT 8081.  
  30 The move of 8H to POSTERHOLT was cancelled and 8H remained in Div res.  
  31 Maintenance and rest in Div res.  




In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of February 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.-Col. G.R.D. Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC.

Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
707793  1 8H was ordered to relieve 13-18H at KONINGSBOSCH 7574 on 2 Feb and to come under comd 52(L) Div with the role of Armd res  
707793  2 8H less "B" Sqn moved to KONINGSBOSCH at approx 0930hrs.  Route : SCHILBURG – ECHTERBOSCH 7876 – KONINGSBOSCH.  "B" Sqn moved to WALDFEUCHT 7775  and sent one tp to BRUGGELCHEN 7876 under comd 52 Recce Regt.  "B" Sqn was therefore the first Sqn to enter Germany during the present war.  Very few civilians had remained in WALDFEUCHT.  RHQ was set up at 750742.  Area : HEINSBURG and BRAUNSRATH recce’d by Sqn Ldrs.  
750742  3 8H under comd 52(L) Div in sp 156 Bde.  Maintenance was carried out as far as possible.  
750742  4 8H under comd 52(L) Div in sp of 156 Bde.  Maintenance continued.  
750742  5 Relief of 52(L) Div by 35 US Div was completed and 8H came under comd 35 US Div.  All rds however were disintegrating rapidly owing to a very heavy thaw and movement was becoming so difficult that it was doubtful if the Regt could have operated if called upon to do so.  
750742  6 8H was ordered to move on 7 Feb to GREVENBIGHT 6273 and revert to comd 22 Armd Bde.Recce parties were sent to GREVENBIGHT and the Regt prepared to move  
750742  7 8H moved to GREVENBIGHT at approx 0830hrs.  Route : KONINGSBOSCH – ECHTERBOSCH 7676 – SCHILBURG 7079 – SUSTEREN 6775 – ROOSTEREN 6577 – ILLIKHOVEN 6475 – GREVENBIGHT.  The heavy thaw entailed the necessity of every B veh to be towed some 3 miles out of KONINGSBOSCH.  
630732   8 Under comd 22 Armd Bde.  Maintenance and rest.  The Regt was in Divisional Reserve with 1/5 Queens.  Lt Tisdall, MC., took over the duties of IO from Lt Mossop, who was posted to "B" Sqn.  
630732   9 Under comd 22 Armd Bde, in Div res.  Maintenance and rest.  
630732   10 Major Huth, MC.  Took over duties of 2i/c.  Lt Ryde was posted to "B" Sqn from "C" Sqn, and Lt Craven from "A" Sqn to HQ Sqn.  Gunnery, Wireless and D&M courses started.  
630732   11 GOC 7 Armd Div (Maj-Gen L.O.Lyne, CB DSO) attended 8H Church service and read the lesson.  He then inspected Officers and all NCOs down to the rank of Cpl.  After the parade the GOC lectured all Offrs and NCOs on the part the Regt played in clearing the enemy out of the ROER - MAAS triangle, complimenting the Regt on its fighting at ST JOOST 7 LINNE.  
630732   12 Sqns started the job of giving all vehs a new coat of camouflage paint.  
630732   13 Painting of Vehs continued.  
630732   14 Painting of vehs and maintenance.  
630732   15 Lt (QM) O’Malley, Lt Kirkham, AP/WO II Knill, Sgt Williams and Sgt Marshall left for UK on LILOP Scheme (Leave in lieu of PYTHON)  
630732   16 Maintenance of tanks and B vehs was carried out.  
630732   17 All 1st gunners and 50% 2nd gunners to LOMMEL  range (2798) to fire practices.  Billeted in houses in village of HEIDE.  
630732   18 Very bad visibility made firing almost impossible.  Maj Phillips went “LILOP” to UK.  
630732   19 Moved to MAESEYCK under 2i/c.  Firing continued at LOMMEL under bad weather conditions.  Capt. Robertson once more promoted to A/Major. APPX. D1.
632796  20

"C" Sqn gave a demonstration of indirect firing on LOMMEL ranges which was watched by GOC 7 Armd Div and reps from all Units in the Bde.

632796  21

Lt Jephson posted from "B" Sqn to "C" Sqn.

632796  22

Maintenance was carried out by all Sqns.

632796  23 Individual training commenced in earnest in Gunnery, Wireless and D&M.  
632796  24

Comd 22 Armd Bde gave lecture at Bde HQ to all tk comds.

632796  25 Padre held usual Church services.  
632796  26

Sqn Ldrs attended sand-table exercise at Bde HQ.  News was received that Lt.Col. C.Goulburn had been awarded the DSO.

632796  27 An American tk (M24) with full crew had been attached to the Regt for the past four days, giving all round instruction on the tk.  
632796  28 Sqn Ldrs confce on stowage.  Capt. P.H.V. de Clermont arrived.  




In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of March 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.-Col. G.R.D. Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC.

Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
632796  1 Capt. P.H.V. de Clermont took over the duties of Adjt from Capt. J.A.G.Ladenburg who proceeded on leave prior to taking up an appointment as a G III at 12 Corps.  Individual trg and maintenance cont.  
  2 The C.O., Lt.Col.Fitzpatrick, left for UK on a four days course on Air Sp at OLD SARUM.  In his absence Major Huth took over comd of the Regt.  
  3 Warning order received that the Regt should be ready to move to an unknown destination on 6 March..  
  4 Recce parties left to recce new areas for the Regt near LOUVAIN.  These had hardly left before a counter-order was received saying that the location had been changed and further recce parties were sent out to recce an area SOUTH of ZOMEREN 5912.  Usual services were held by the Padre.  
  5 Regt proceeded to prepare itself for the move, and orders were received that this would take place the following day.  
  6 The Regt moved from MAESEYCK to its new area  SOUTH of ZOMEREN.  
    Order of March :- "A", "B" "C" Sqns, and RHQ.  The march was uneventful.  Two tks broke down, but later came in under their own steam.  The Regt was billeted in a very scattered area along the line of the canal SOUTH of ZOMEREN which caused considerable admin difficulties.  
596108  7 Maintenance and settling into new area.  In the afternoon tks of "A" and "C" Sqns proceeded to LOMMEL ranges to fire the following two days.  
  8 Shooting on LOMMEL ranges.  Good results were obtained in fair weather conditions.  
  9 Shooting on LOMMEL ranges.  Remainder, Tp trg on a trg area SOUTH of ZOMEREN.  
  10 "B" Sqn gave a demonstration of indirect shooting in co-operation with, and controlled by, 5 RHA.  This demonstration was extremely successful, and showed how the fire of a Sqn of tks could be superimposed on a bty fire-plan.  Bde Boxing Competition took place in the afternoon,  SQMS JESKINS beating Capt Meade in the final of the Lt-Heavyweight.  
  11 The Padre having gone home on leave, Church Services were held at Bde HQ.  
  12 Collective trg started, 1 R Tks giving demonstration of the use of a bull-dozer in removing a rd-block.  C.O. returned from UK and resumed Comd.  
  13 Collective trg.  "A" Sqn did a scheme, “Co-operation Inf and Tks” with 1/5 QUEENS  
  14 Collective trg.  In the evening a lecture on “Air Sp” was given by Wing Comd, RAF, at Div HQ at HEEZE.  
  15 Trg continued.  
  16 An Offr from 4 Fd Sqn RE carried out a mine testing examination of the Regtl Mine Lifting Squads.  This was most satisfactory and great value was obtained.  The "A" Sqn team was found particularly good.  
  17 St Patrick’s Day.  The day was devoted to recreational trg.  A football match was played against 5 DG.  It was a good game and we were beaten 4 – 1.  In the second half they had more than their fair share of the game, but the team lacked finish.    
    In the evening the C.O. and Offrs gave a party at NEEDEWEERT to the Div and Bde Staffs, and friends in other Regts of the Div.  
  18 Recreational Trg.  Church services held at Bde.  
  19 Tks of "A" and "B" Sqns left to shoot at LOMMEL ranges for the next two days.  The main object was to shoot in a number of CHALLENGER tks which had been drawn recently.  Lt.Col.Fitzpatrick lectured to Fd Offrs of the Div on offensive Air Sp.  
    Div Comd followed by lecturing on occupation of GERMANY.  
  20 Shooting at LOMMEL most successful.  Except for one or two teething troubles the CHALLENGER proved satisfactory.  
  21 Shooting at LOMMEL.  
  22 Two CROMWELL 75mm tks were loaned to the Div School for their shooting at LOMMEL.  Remainder, maintenance on their having returned from the ranges.  
  23 "B" Sqn gave a demonstration, co-operating with the 1/5 QUEENS, “The attack and clearing of a Village”.  Warning Order received that the Regt would be prepared to move to its Conc Area for the next battle, on Sunday, March 25.  
  24 The Regt received a Warning Order to be prepared to move to conc area near GELDERN 0225 (Map ESSEN 1:100,000).  The day was spent in packing up.  A grand view of the Airborne Op was witnessed, the entire party flying over our locn continuously for four hours.  
  25 THE regt moved at 1400hrs to conc area near GELDERN.  Order of March :- "A", "B", RHQ, "C" and A1.  "B" Ech moved under Bde orders to HELDEN 790038.  After a slow start due to the bottle-neck over the BAILEY br at NEEDEWEERT, it was a good run to VENLO where a further traffic-jam resulted where we had to cross the MEUSE. Appx G1.
    The Regt reached its new locn at 965195 at 1700hrs and went into open leaguer.  O.C. 8H attended a conference at WALBECK, from which we learnt that the Regt, in the initial stage of the op, would be under comd 131 Bde.  
0225  26 2i/c, Major Huth, moved off with Recce parties at first light to recce a harbour area NORTH of the RHINE.  The day was spent in maintenance. The C.O. visited all Sqns and addressed all ranks on the forthcoming op and relations with the GERMANS after occupation.

GSGS 4416



    Orders received for the crossing of the RHINE.  The Regt were to move at the head of 131 Inf Bde: SP main rd just NORTH of GELDERN: time – 1100hrs.  
  27 The Regt moved at 0930hrs from its existing locn.  Order of March :- RHQ, "A", "B", A1 and "C".  Moving by the bye-rds to the Sp, within half-a-mile it was clear that all rds were chock-a-block with traffic and chances of reaching the SP in time were small.  To avoid confusion, "C" and "B" Sqns were diverted before entering the rd, to the main GELDERN-VENLO highway and were joined by RHQ and "A" Sqn shortly after.   Appx D1.
    When the head reached this rd there was a line of traffic nose-to-croup and it was impossible to even get on to this main rd.  The Regt remained halted in this position for several hrs. There appeared to be no traffic control whatsoever in a situation where, at least, one CORPS were converging on three brs, of which only one was Class 40.   
    The SP was reached at 1700hrs where a further long halt took place.  Moving in the dark, better progress was made and with "C" Sqn in the lead, followed by RHQ, the Regt crossed the br at XANTEN 1141, in brilliant moonlight, at 2300hrs and went into harbour area MARS 1643.  
1643 28 Regt, under comd 131 Inf Bde, received orders to move to BRUNEN 2748.  The C.O. went on to Bde HQ for orders and the Regt moved under comd Major HUTH passing through DURSFORDTER WALD, HAMMINGKELN 2148, and along the main rd to BRUNEN.  This passed through the main dropping and landing zones of the op carried out by 6 AIRBORNE Div.  Many crashed gliders were seen and it was clear that the op, although successful, had been expensive.  The escarpment running NORTH and SOUTH through BRUNEN had not been held and orders were given to adv to RAESFELD and firm-base the town.   
    22 Armd Bde Gp had cleared that town and was adv NORTH.  "C" Sqn led and reached RAESFELD at about 1400hrs when they moved out to the NORTH and EAST and the Recce Tp sent a patrol to the area 4157, and contacted tks of 6 AIRBORNE DIV to the SOUTH.  Odd shelling from SPs took place during the afternoon and evening causing only one casualty.  
    At about 1800hrs "A" Sqn were ordered NORTH to BORKEN 3961, to sp 2 DEVONS who were firm-basing the town, as it was thought possible that 15 PG Div might attempt to break EAST.  The remainder of the Regt harboured on the NORTHERN edge of RAESFELD which, by this time, had been occupied by 1/5 QUEENS.  Except for a few odd shells at about 0400hrs, a quiet night was spent.  
3853 29 At 0700hrs the Regt came under comd 22 Armd Bde and received orders to conc art BORKEN.  We moved up and halted in the SOUTHERN outskirts of the town.  At about 1100hrs "C" Sqn were ordered to the NORTH to do flank protection to CL main rd BORKEN – WESEKE 4068.  
    They moved off encountering considerable difficulty from heavy going which had resulted from the heavy rains of the last few days.  A certain amount of opposition was encountered from odd parties of the enemy and a few SP guns lurking in the background.  The adv of 22 Armd Bde was held up by strong enemy opposition at WESEKE.  Elements of 5DG had attempted to bye-pass this position to the WEST and had reached area 3767.   
    The main brs across the stream to the SW of GEMEN 4063 had been blown by the enemy.  It was, therefore, considered that it would be unlikely for the enemy to be in strength to the NORTH of these blows.  At about 1300hrs OC 8H visited Bde Tac HQ and was ordered to attempt to outflank the WESEKE position by way of GR.BURLO 3468, and ODING 3671.  
    The 8H Gp then consisted of 8H, “G” Bty RHA, and I Coy, 1 RB.  "C" Sqn was, therefore, ordered to move to BORKENWIRTH 3566, and there dominate the main rd BORKEN - GR.BURLO.  Enemy SP guns were known to be op to the SOUTH of this place and it was hoped that it might be possible to cut them off.  "C" Sqn met some opposition in the vicinity of the rly crossing, 3666, but this was satisfactorily dealt with and Lt. GOULD’s tp soon est itself at BORKENWIRTH.  During this time, however, part of "C" Sqn was bogged further to the SOUTH.  Lt.GOULD unfortunately missed a GERMAN SP on the rd due to the fact that his loader had loaded SABOT without letting into the secret either the gunner or Lt.GOULD.  The SP withdrew, greatly alarmed.  Shortly afterwards he dealt faithfully with a GERMAN staff car.  
    During the earlier part of the day "C" Sqn had already accounted for one half-track, one staff car, and an ambulance.  In the meanwhile the remainder of the Regt was conc in the area 3864.  It was intended that "B" Sqn, with under comd one Mot Pl, should pass through "C" Sqn, est at BORKENWIRTH as a firm base and SOUTHERN flank-guard, and capture GR.BURLO and  ODING.  "B" Sqn’s leading tp, however, met considerable opposition from the area of BURLO rly station 3567.  Their leading tp, commanded by Lt.RYDE, came under fire from an SP gun concealed in the edge of a wood.    
    A CHALLENGER tk received a direct hit but the shot never penetrated the mantlet. The 17pdr gun, however, was put out of action.  Lt.RYDE immediately closed with the SP gun and knocked it out at close range.  A number of GERMAN inf men immediately withdrew from the station area.  By this time it was getting dark.  OC 8H ordered "B" Sqn to send a patrol into GT.BURLO to test if it was held.    
    This proved not to be the case, but OC 8H decided it was too late to continue the adv and ordered "B" Sqn to harbour astride the rd about 1500yds SOUTH of the rly station.  The remainder of the Gp harboured at BORKENWIRTH.  The night was uneventful except for the capture of one GERMAN DR who was not in the picture.  
3566 30 The adv continued by way of GR.BURLO to ODING 3671.  "A" Sqn led and, reaching the rd and rly crossing at 343689, came under mortar fire and sniping from the NORTH.  The leading tp, which passed into the wooded area, was also attacked by men armed with bazookas and two tks were quickly k.o’d.  It was soon clear that it would be impossible to open this rd through the woods to ODING without methodically clearing this area with inf, sp by tks.  The woods were thick and came right down to the rd, which was impossible to leave, and it was an ideal defensive position for determined men.  The leading tp of "A" Sqn was virtually written off, Lt.ANSTEY being killed.  Two tks, however, had adv as far as the stream on the SOUTHERN outskirts of ODING.  One had been knocked out and the other had been ordered to withdraw when its comd, Sgt CONSTABLE, had been badly wounded in the head.  Sgt CONSTABLE had, however, continued to fight with what remained of Lt.ANSTEY’s tp, despite his serious wound, until finally ordered to withdraw when his was the only tk remaining in action. Appx F1
    I Coy, 1RB, successfully cleared the woods on the WEST of rd.  A large number of the enemy escaped across the rd to the EASTERN side where they remained strongly entrenched.  The enemy were part of Battle Gp PRIMUS, and composed of HERMAN GOERING tps of 7 Para Div.  It appeared that they constituted 7 Para Div’s EAST flank guard covering WINTERSWIJK 3075.  These GERMAN soldiers fought with great determination.  In the meanwhile, one patrol of Recce Tp was ordered to find a route from BURLO station to the EAST of the woods.  This patrol reported that the going was extremely bad and that they had had vehs stuck.  Nevertheless, "B" Sqn was ordered to proceed by this way and to neutralise the enemy in STERNBUSH 356696, and, if possible, to outflank the wood and rejoin the rd in the area 363704.  "B" Sqns progress was extremely slow owing to the going and considerable opposition near STERNBUSH.

Appx J1.



     OC 8H requested more inf from HQ 22 Armd Bde and one Coy, 2 DEVONS, were despatched.  However, owing to the circuitous route which this Coy had to take, it did not arrive until nearly 1700hrs.  A plan for clearing the rd was made.  One Coy 2 DEVONS was to attack the woods to the EAST.  I Coy, 1 RB, was to clear, once again, the woods to the WEST.  "A" Sqn, 8H, and “G” Bty were to sp this attack.  It was hoped to get additional artillery sp but this was not certain.    
    Whilst this inf attack was being mounted "B" Sqn successfully worked as far NORTH as the small circular wood at 361702.  Here, after a tough fight, Sgt TAYLOR captured 50 GERMAN paratroopers.  Probably as a result of this action the enemy, in the woods astride the rd, withdrew.  Certainly there were very few there when the attack went in at 1830hrs.  Lt.Pott, comd a tp of "B" Sqn, adv up to the br on the SOUTHERN edge of ODING and removed the explosive charge.  ODING was definitely held at the time, and OC "B" Sqn was ordered not to attempt to enter the village until the rd had been cleared and it was possible to get reinforcements and inf up to his leading tp.  
    It was now getting dark.  "B" Sqn was ordered to harbour in the vicinity of the rd junc 363704, and "A" Sqn about 800yds to the SOUTHWEST.  One Coy 2 DEVONS found a pl for "B" Sqn’s protection; the Coy, less one pl, remained with "A" Sqn.  Patrols to the br SOUTH of ODING, in the early hrs of the next morning, reported it was still intact.  8H Regtl Gp, less "B" Sqn, "A" Sqn and one Coy 2 DEVONS, harboured in the area of BURLO station.  

Casualties :- "A" Sqn lost four tks destroyed and one damaged, and Lt.ANSTEY and six ORs killed, three ORs wounded, and six missing believed PW

"B" Sqn had four ORs wounded.

106 enemy were made PW and probably 50 killed

"A" Sqn brewed-up a lorry and an A/Tk gun, and "B" Sqn two lorries and some amn dumps.

3468 31 The regt moved up into ODING at first light and reverted to comd 131 Bde with the task of clearing ODING and allowing the passage through of 4 Armd Bde, who were directed to VREDEN 3783, having come up on the previous evening on our left.  
    The br to the EAST of the town was found blown but an alternative route to SUDLOHN 4072 was found and orders were received for the whole Regt to conc in the area 434743 where we arrived at 1300hrs with the prospect of a short rest.  At 1630hrs new orders were received to move at once to the area 4483 with the task of flank protection to the main CL and with particular ref to blocking rds VREDEN – HENGLAR – WANDFELD, and OTTENSTEIN - SAMSTATHE.  The Regt got on the move extremely quickly and, with "C" Sqn leading, moved about 1715hrs.  "C" Sqn were to block the NORTHERN rd and "B" Sqn the SOUTHERN rd.  RHQ, with "A" Sqn, went into leaguer in the area 448833.  A quiet night was spent with no action from the enemy on any part of our front.  


8H Adm. INSTRUCTION No 1. (Rhine Crossing)    8th K.R.I.Hussars
    24th March 1945



Ref Maps : 1: 100.000, Sheets MAESEYCK, ESSEN.



  1. 8H will move to conc area, previously recce’d on 25 Mar.




      2.   Echelons                      .

            (a)  A1   Ech – Comd – RSM

                                                Composition 6 Amn Lorries

                                                                      6 POL       “

                                                                      Regtl Office Lorry

                                                                      2 Signal vehs

                                                                      HQ Fitters half-track

                                                                      Spare Scout Car

                                                                      Adjts Jeep

                                                                      Tech Officer


                                                                      CO’s Staff Car

                                                                      Offrs Mess

            (b)  A2  Ech – Comd – Lt Rampf

                                                Composition  All Amn & POL Lorries not in A1 Ech

                                                                      Adv det LAD

                                                                      IM’s Wkshop

                                                                      Bty Lorry

                                                                      2 Sig 15 cwts

                  This Ech will move under separate instrs issued to comd by

                  Comd Bde A2 Ech.

           (c)  B      Ech - Comd -  Maj Robertson             

                                                Composition  All remaining B vehs & remainder LAD


                  This Ech will move to area NEER, E 7797 probably 26 Mar under orders to be issued                                   Rear 22 Armd Bde HQ’


(d)   OsC Sqns may include the following extra vehs in their fighting echelons for their use in

                  the conc area.  Those vehs will rejoin B Ech when the Regt moves from the conc area   


                                                                      Offrs Mess Vehs

                                                                      Mens Cooking Vehs


3.   Movement Table                See Appx "A"


4.   SUPS    (a)   5 days rations will be carried on all vehs fwd of B Ech

(b)       Fresh rations have been issued for consumption on 25 & 26 Mar

(c)        Five days rum ration already held will be carried in A2 Ech 

(d)       Whilst B Ech remain West of R. MAAS replenishment will remain as at present

5      POL          After arrival in conc area jerricans containing petrol will be put on vehs as follows                       (a)     Tks – 3 jerricans

                   (b)   Other vehs – 1 jerrican                                                                     

              This will be used for topping up vehs 1 mile short of RHINE crossing.



6.   WATER (a)  WP at 510080 now closed.  WP at 013277 opens 25 Mar.   

(b)   A water shortage may be experienced East of R.RHINE.  All water cans at present  held will be filled before leaving conc area.                                


                          As Bde Rec Sec and LAD are unable to maintain stranded tk crews each sabre Sqn will provide in A2 a reserve of 15 blankets.  An additional 80 rations have been demanded for this purpose and will be drawn by QM 26 Mar, and issued to Comd A2 Ech.  Rec on line of march will be by ARV fwd to conc area.

8.   MEDICAL  ADS is being established in Bde conc area, locn to be notified later.



9.   WIRELESS  Wireless silence will continue in force until further orders.


10. Comn during the move will be by DR.


Signed…P.H.V.de Clermont……………………


Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars
















March 1945


Rank & Name

Killed, Wounded or Missing

1 to 29 Inclusive






W/Lt. Anstey, R.H.




Tpr. Lawrie, J.




APLS  Scott, H.




Tpr. Saunders, J.




Tpr. Morton, D.




Tpr. Collison,W.




W/Sgt. Constable, L.

Wounded - GSW Face.



Tpr. Southall, S.

Wounded - Frac Arm.



ULC. Coles, R.

Wounded – Perf. ear drum.



W/Cpl. Burns, J.

Believed PW



Tpr. Combe, R.

Believed PW



Tpr. Weldon, H.

Believed PW



Tpr. Batten, J.

Believed PW (wounded?)



Tpr. Hollings, J.

Believed PW



Tpr. Eldin, J.

Believed PW (Located Civ Hospital in Holland)













March 1945


Rank & Name

Killed, Wounded or Missing

1 to 29 Inclusive






W/Lt. Anstey, R.H.




Tpr. Lawrie, J.




APLS  Scott, H.




Tpr. Saunders, J.




Tpr. Morton, D.




Tpr. Collison,W.




W/Sgt. Constable, L.

Wounded - GSW Face.



Tpr. Southall, S.

Wounded - Frac Arm.



ULC. Coles, R.

Wounded – Perf. ear drum.



W/Cpl. Burns, J.

Believed PW



Tpr. Combe, R.

Believed PW



Tpr. Weldon, H.

Believed PW



Tpr. Batten, J.

Believed PW (wounded?)



Tpr. Hollings, J.

Believed PW



Tpr. Eldin, J.

Believed PW (Located Civ Hospital in Holland)













March 1945


Rank & Name

Killed, Wounded or Missing

1 to 29 Inclusive






W/Lt. Anstey, R.H.




Tpr. Lawrie, J.




APLS  Scott, H.




Tpr. Saunders, J.




Tpr. Morton, D.




Tpr. Collison,W.




W/Sgt. Constable, L.

Wounded - GSW Face.



Tpr. Southall, S.

Wounded - Frac Arm.



ULC. Coles, R.

Wounded – Perf. ear drum.



W/Cpl. Burns, J.

Believed PW



Tpr. Combe, R.

Believed PW



Tpr. Weldon, H.

Believed PW



Tpr. Batten, J.

Believed PW (wounded?)



Tpr. Hollings, J.

Believed PW



Tpr. Eldin, J.

Believed PW (Located Civ Hospital in Holland)


(a)   "B" SQUADRON

1 to 27 inclusive






AP/Sgt. Russell, A.

Wounded, Frac lt Elbow.



W/Sgt. Taylor, G.

Wounded, GSW, lt Thigh



W/Cpl. Hall, B.

Wounded, Comp Frac rt Femur



W/Cpl. Hall, B.

Wounded, GSW lt hand Finger



APLC. Stebbings, T.

Wounded GSW, Back.



Tpr. Cowlin, P.

Wounded, Frac lt Shoulder

(a)   "C" SQUADRON

1 to 31 inclusive











1 to 28 inclusive







Direct hit on gun mantlet, no penetration.






















From 7 ARMD DIV Intelligence Summary No 271


31 MARCH 1945


On the “I” side the most interesting PW was Oberst PRIMUS, Comd of 4 Para Ers Regt.  This nice clueless old body clocked in on our FWD Del  Sqn after being out of touch with higher fmns for two days.  His last order was to report to WINTERSWIJK but, bearing in mind the reception given to stragglers by 2 Para Army’s Fd Courts Martial, he sent his Adjt and dossed down.  He willingly elucidated the picture so far as he knew it!  He was put u/c 15 PG Div to hold the line excl BORKEN to excl BOCHOLT and was thus on the right of 33 PG Ers Bn which we met at GEMEN.  When we broke through to WESEKE he was ordered to swing round and face EAST in front of WINTERSWIJK.  Our tks, however, working WEST of the centre-line were right in among his tps and he was quite unable to comply.


PW taken fighting today were again from fresh units.  On the left we identified 197 GR.  This is one of two Regts formed from HERMANN GOERING Div rft units at its base in HOLLAND.  It moved from the HAGUE area on 27 Mar and arrived here two days later, when it was ordered to take over in the ODING area from parachute tps.  The latter, which were stated to have 88mm and 150mm guns, and SPs in support, was to fall back on WINTERSWIJK.  The 197 GR hardly concerns us at all as it is mainly well on our left.  Its II Bn is stated to have a ROYAL TIGER; its tpt is said to have returned to fetch a second regt.  Its job is obviously to protect the withdrawal of 15 PG Div and the parachute divs.  These latter are still in contact.  7 Para had lost 2000 PW and they are all very weak.  Tks which entered AALTEN found a Para Ers Bn with no weapons at all.



Oberst PRIMUS, CO 4 Para Trg Regt PRIMUS.

Oberst PRIMUS is a handsome and dignified, if slightly vague, old buffer.  His Regt, which he insisted was a Trg Regt and NOT intended for active service, was brought down from HOLLAND and put u/c 15 PG Div (“16 PG Div” as he called it).  On 29 Mar, in the late afternoon, he was ordered to hold a sector RHEDE 2660 – BURLO 3468.  On his right were tps of 7 Para Div.

Later during the same day out tks broke through on his left, and he asked 15 PG Div for permission to

withdraw.  This was refused.  By this time the sitn had become really chaotic, Div rang up again

granting permission to withdraw in the direction of WINTERSWIJK and ordering PRIMUS to report

to a CP at LAMMERS, SOUTH of WINTERSWIJK.  He was just about to set off for the CP when he

realised that this was probably an invitation to be shot by a Mobile Court-Martial; so he told his Adjt

to go instead and walked over to the nearest British Tps.


His Regt had three bns, but he thought the confusion was such that very few could have managed to escape.

He had NOT bothered to find out the locn of 15 PG Div HQ as he considered them ugly common people who never took any trouble to look after him.

When warned to conceal his nice new leather dispatch case from the covetous eyes of British Liberation tps the Oberst replied mournfully – “I’ve lost my house and all I possess already so I really don’t care who has my dispatch case and shaving kit”

The Oberst carried in his pocket the summary of a long and involved Court martial, the highlight of the evidence therein being the NAAFI ration drawn by 5 Coy PRIMUS on 27 Feb, viz:

24 bottles Champagne

24            Liqueur

10            Cognac

27            Wine


Thirsty work, training!





In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of APRIL 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.-Col. G.R.D. Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC.

Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
448833  1 The Regt moved in the morning up the main CL through AHAUS 5087 – HEEK 5791 METELEN 6494 to WETTRINGEN 7102.  No definite orders had been received as to how far we were going, and on reaching the latter place considerable hold-up ensued.  Subsequently the Regt moved into leaguer just to the WEST of the rd four miles to the SOUTH WEST of RHEINE 7909, where fighting was still going on.  In the evening "A" Sqn moved out to a position NORTH of WETTRINGEN as a flank guard to the CL taking up positions on the rly.  
  2 Regtl Gp, consisting of 8H, “G” Bty, RHA, and one Coy, 1 RB, stood by all day waiting for orders to move.  11 Armd Div had secured a bridgehead over the EMS and the Canal to the NORTH, SOUTH of IBBENBUREN 9809.  The rd leading NORTH to IBBENBUREN however, passed through a defile flanked by steep wooded hills on either side.  
    This admirable defensive position had been occupied by several thousand enemy OCTU cadets and members of NCO’s Schools.  It was intended that 11 Armd Div should clear the rd to IBBENBUREN thence swing EAST; 7 Armd Div, with 131 Inf Bde in the lead, would use the same series of brs and adv NORTH EAST from IBBENBUREN.  
  3 It was expected to conc the Bde in the area RIESENBACH 9306, and a Recce Party under the 2i/c went forward to choose a harbour area.  No move, however, took place.  The RIO, Lt Tisdall, involved himself in a motor smash and was evacuated with a suspected fractured leg.  
  4 The C.O. left for HQ, 131 Inf Bde, in company OC 1/5 QUEENS, at first light.  8H Gp moved under the 2i/c to the area reconnoitred on the previous day.  131 Inf Bde had, in the meanwhile, taken over the op SOUTH of IBBENBUREN from 11 Armd Div and were meeting with considerable success in clearing the woods on either side of the pass.  At 131 Inf Bde HQ, OC 8H and OC 1/5 QUEENS were ordered to be prepared to adv and clear IBBENBUREN once the pass had been secured.   
    A plan was made involving the employment of a task force – Comd Major CHARLTON, "B" Sqn Recce Tp, one Coy 1 RB.  This force was to est itself SOUTH of the town and carry out detailed reconnaissances of all the approaches and flanking routes.  It moved NORTH of the Canal, and harboured between the Canal and SOUTHERN entrance to the pass in readiness.  
    Opposition continued to be so strong in the area IBBENBUREN that it was decided, by 1600hrs, to pass 22 Armd Bde along part of the 11 Armd Div CL and thence on the rd WESTECAPALLEN 0913 – HALEM 1415 – BRAMSCHE 1623.  8H and 1/5 QUEENS were ordered to follow 22 Armd Bde but to turn NORTH off the CL to TECKLENBURG 0502 and LEDDE 0504, and to est themselves in the area HOVERINGHAUSEN 0309, with the object of outflanking the enemy at IBBENBUREN.    
    A composite adv guard, under comd Major FIRTH, consisting of "C" Sqn and one Coy 1/5 QUEENS, led.  The adv started at 1900hrs.  The rd was heavily congested with traffic and progress was slow.  Leading elements reached the br over the rly LANGENBECK 036073 at about 2230hrs.  Here they were held up by enemy inf and bazooka fire.  Lt.PIM’s tk was hit, and he was severely wounded.  The driver and the gnr, however, continued and drove on over the br and disappeared into the darkness beyond.  The Coy 1/5 QUEENS started to clear the houses on the SOUTH side of the rly.  When this had been completed one pl was despatched NORTH to try and contact Lt.PIM’s tk which had become bogged.  This pl was heavily engaged by the enemy and lost seven casualties quickly.    
    The situation had become confused and it was decided to break off the action until first light the following morning.  Considerable difficulty was experienced owing to the fact that the rd was narrow and tortuous and it was not possible to pass vehs along the column.  RHQ, Recce Tp and "B" Sqn closed-up and harboured on the high ground 038068, to the SOUTH of LANGENBECK.  "A" Sqn was ordered to remain at LEDDE during the remainder of the night.  OC 1/5 QUEENS crawled forward and disposed the remainder of his Bn on the high ground already occupied by RHQ, Recce Tp and "B" Sqn.  This was not a satisfactory op and it is considered that night adv against un-reconnoitred positions, on a narrow front, are not a practicable op of war.  
038077   5 At first light "C" Sqn, with under comd 1/5 QUEENS, successfully cleared the remainder of the houses in the NORTH of the village and pushed forward 4 Tp to the X rds at 031097, where, for several hours, they engaged small parties of enemy inf.  Lt.PIM’s tk was recovered but no trace of Lt.PIM, or two other members of his crew, was found.  Later a PW reported that he had been removed to a civ hospital somewhere in the NORTH.  Subsequent information from a medical unit, which occupied the area later, revealed that he had died in hospital in IBBENBUREN on 8 Apr.   
    About midday the Regt was conc and directed on HALEM 1415.  The Regt was in sp 1/5 QUEENS who were acting as flank guard to the Bde CL.  The Regt was disposed with RHQ by the “T” junc at 144157, "B" Sqn at 192173, "A" Sqn at 141132, and "C" Sqn with RHQ, less one tp which was in position covering a br at 118162.  This tp, which was in sp of a carrier pl of 1/5 QUEENS, was attacked during the evening and Sgt. MANNING, Tp Ldr, was killed in the engagement that took place.  
144157 6 TThe Regt moved early and followed the CL through ENGTER 2221 – VENNE 2921 – HUNTERBURG 3626 – DEILLINGEN 4127.  "B" Sqn was sent on ahead and came under comd 1RB to firm base DEEPHOLZ 4246, and the Regt passed through them to REHDEN 5046 finally arriving, after a long wait in the dark, at GR.LESSEN 6851, due to the fact that 1 RB were held up by two SP guns and other opposition in the area SULINGEN 7254.    
    On the march the LUFTWAFFE made its first offensive appearance when four ME’s strafed the tail of the column – fortunately without damage to anything other than kit on the 2i/c’s tk.  “K” Bty, RHA, (Major G.ARMITAGE) joined 8H at this time and came under comd, “G” Bty leaving us.  Orders were received for 8H Gp, to be followed by 1/5 QUEENS, to adv to VILBEN 8374, at first light the following morning.  
6851  7

8H Gp adv at first light and met no opposition until the area of X rds 8269 was reached.  Here one tk of "A" Sqn, the leading Sqn, was put out of action by a hit from a light AP which, fortunately, caused only one slight casualty.  Over 100 PW and six 20mm AA guns were captured in this area.  Opposition in VILSON itself was then encountered.  “K” Bty fired a number of rounds into the village and, whilst plans were being made to attack and clear the village, the citizens telephoned to the house on the X rds saying they were most anxious to surrender.

GSGS 4416




    In the meanwhile "C" Sqn was ordered to move to the area immediately NORTH of the town by way of X rds 805709.  One Coy, 1/5 QUEENS, commenced to clear VILSEN, and collected a few prisoners and one MK IV SP gun was burnt out in the centre of the village.   
    By 1200hrs our objective was gained.  Comd 22 Armd Bde visited RHQ and ordered 8H to capture intact the br over the WESER 8889.  "C" Sqn was ordered to adv on the route VILSEN – SUSDEDT 7974 – HEILIGENFELDE 7676 – GODESTORF 7978 – EMINGHAUSEN 8382 – THEDINGHAUSEN 8686.  One Coy 1/5 QUEENS was placed under comd "C" Sqn.  "B" Sqn was ordered to adv from X rds 8269 direct, by way of the main rd, to HEILIGENFELDE  and to follow behind "C" Sqn.  
     The adv started in the early afternoon; minor opposition was encountered at GODESTORF and considerably more on the SOUTHERN edge by EMINGHAUSEN.  When "B" Sqn reached EMINGHAUSEN they were ordered to picket the flanks and to est positions to the NORTH WEST and SOUTH EAST.  Opposition was encountered to the NORTH WEST.  In the meanwhile "C" Sqn were held up by bazooka fire, and Lt.JEPHSON was wounded and two tks were knocked-out.  
    EMINGHAUSEN was clear about three-quarters of an hour before last light, and "C" Sqn, with one Coy of the QUEENS was ordered NORTH to THEDINGHAUSEN.  They encountered opposition astride the rd at 8584, and were ordered to stay there the night. The remainder of the Gp closed-up onto EMINGHAUSEN.  A number of prisoners were taken, and a quiet night was spent.  
8382 8 At first light "C" Sqn, and one Coy of QUEENS cleared THEDINGHAUSEN without difficulty, but, on attempting to debouch to the NORTH EAST were held up by an SP gun.  This gun multiplied itself  rapidly and soon it was estimated that there were four SP guns operating in the area HOLTORFLUNSEN 8886.  
    One tk, "C" Sqn, was knocked out.  Every effort was made to outflank and destroy these guns without success. The most successful method undoubtedly being fire  from medium arty, spotted by air OP.  "B" Sqn had been moved to EISSEL 8587, but was unable to close with the SP guns and could not cross the Canal EAST of EISSEL.  A patrol of Recce Tp worked right up from the SOUTH to within a few hundred yards of one SP and obtained valuable information.  1 R.Tks were adv towards HOLTORFLUNSEN from the SOUTH EAST.  From "B" Sqn it was position it was possible to see considerable enemy movement to the NORTH of the br and it was clear that there was no chance of taking the br by surprise even if the SP guns could be eliminated.  
    At about 1500hrs the SP guns were seen to withdraw NORTH over the br, and the br was blown.  The Bde Comd therefore ordered 8H Gp to turn WEST and adv through BRINKUM 7091, to DELMENHORST 6095.  During the day reports had been received of an enemy SP and tps in RIEDE 8086.  A careful attack using maximum fire sp was planned with "B" Sqn to move to area 8282, "C" Sqn to area 8284, and "A" Sqn to provide close sp for two Coys 1/5 QUEENS adv on RIEDE from the EAST and SOUTH.  “K” Bty, "B" Sqn and "C" Sqn fired a large number of rounds into the town which was soon in flames.   
    In the meanwhile "B" Sqn were machine-gunned from the NORTH and devoted some of its attention to obliterating opposition in the area 8189.  The town was cleared at last light and occupied by 1/5 QUEENS, "A" Sqn and "B" Sqn..  
8187 9 At first light the adv was continued.  "A" Sqn moved to X rds 7785 thence NORTH to SUDWEYHE 7688.  "B" Sqn simultaneously adv SUDWEYHE by way of AHAUSEN 7989.  At the latter place the Sqn was engaged by some determined men with bazookas.  One GERMAN soldier leapt onto Cpl COMMONS’ tk and engaged him in a hand-to-hand fight, wounding Cpl Commons in the hand.  The latter, however, was the type of NCO with whom such liberties should not be taken: he overpowered the GERMAN and took him prisoner.  Lt.SAXBY, comd the leading tp of "A" Sqn, was nearly through SUDWEYHE, and had reached the stream crossing at 765885 when his CHALLENGER was hit by a bazooka.  The front was penetrated but no casualties resulted.  He found himself involved in a fight with a number of SS tps.   
    The leading Coy 1/5 QUEENS was rushed up and quickly had the situation in hand.  A large number of the enemy were killed and a large number captured.  In a short while the SOUTHERN part of the town was cleared.  A further plan was made for clearing KIRCHWEYHE 7599, but in the meanwhile the citizens claimed they would surrender the town.  This they did, but not until one pl 1/5 QUEENS, and Lt.SAXBY, had killed a number of GERMAN tps in the cemetery between SUDWEYHE and KIRCHWEYHE.   
    "B" Sqn had, in the meanwhile, been firing into both these towns and had also engaged the enemy in the town of DREYE 7791.  In order to avoid delay, "C" Sqn was ordered to pass through SUDWEYHE and continued the adv to LEESTE 7288, and BRINKUM 7091.  
    On reaching the bend in the rd at 739880 "C" Sqn met some strong opposition from the same SS tps who had caused trouble in KIRCHWEYHE and SUDWEYHE.  It was est that these GERMAN trps belonged to the 12 SS Ers Bn which, itself, was at almost Div strength, its companies consisting of between 300 and 500 men.  The GERMANS were est in villas on the side of the rd and at an early stage accounted for Sgt.WAKEFIELD, "C" Sqn, and the pl Comd of the leading pl of 1/5 QUEENS.   
    Either side of the rd the ground was so soft that deployment was not possible except along the tracks.  OC 1/5 QUEENS in the meanwhile ordered one Coy, sp by one tp of "A" Sqn, to adv along the rly running EAST and WEST and est themselves in the area 7389.  One patrol of Recce Tp reached as far NORTH as 721818 from where it was able to observe considerable movement on the rd running NORTH from BRINKUM.  Air sup was requested and received, and it was later learnt that the traffic in and NORTH of BRINKUM afforded the best target that Fighter Bombers had been given for many days.  Just before last light the NORTHERN Coy, 1/5 QUEENS, got right into LEESTE and became heavily involved.    
    At about 1700hrs an anti-tank gun appeared at the X rds 726888 and hit and penetrated one of  the "C" Sqn tks.  This anti-tank gun was knocked out by “K” Bty.  By evening it became obvious that it would not be possible to clear the area of LEESTE and BRINKUM without deploying, at least, one infantry bn and that considerable sp would be required.  8H and 1/5 QUEENS harboured in the area SUDWEYHE level-crossing 746881 – HAGEN 7389 – KIRCHWEYHE.  Late at night orders were received  at Bde HQ that the advance was not to be continued and that 8H and 1/5 QUEENS were to remain in there present locality.  One Sqn 8H was ordered to sp 5 ROYAL SCOTS to the WEST of SYKE 7280.  
750884 10 "C" Sqn patrolled forward and made contact again with the enemy in LEESTE.  One tk was unfortunately blown up on a mine and the hull-gunner was killed.  During this incident another tk became inextricably bogged.  As this veh was under fire it was only possible to attempt recovery by an ARV.  The ARV was not able to pull out this tk which, ultimately, had to be abandoned.  "B" Sqn moved to SYKE at 0700hrs and passed to comd 5 ROYAL SCOTS.  Recce Tp made contact with 1 RB NORTH WEST of BARRIEN 7283.  
  11 During the morning the sector was handed over to 1 Bde, 52 Div, and the Regt marched SOUTH to a conc area near NIENBURG.  "A" Coy, 1 RB, came under comd.  Route : SYKE 7380 – HEILIGENFELDE -  ARSENDORF to conc area 905523.  As there was a prospect of 48hrs rest, pack lorries and office lorries were brought up from "B" Ech.  
905523 12 The day was spent in maintenance and baths.  Visited by the Div Comd in the afternoon.  A number of men went to the cinema in the evening.  
  13 The Regt had orders to move  at 0900hrs to cross the WESER at NIENBURG and conc in the area 0516 just to the NORTH pending the fmn of a bridgehead over the ALLER at RETHEM.  Maintenance and rest.  No likelihood of any move before the following evening.  
0010562 14 Collective trg.  In the evening a lecture on “Air Sp” was given by Wing Comd, RAF, at Div HQ at HEEZE.  
  15 8H Regtl Gp, including “K” Bty and "A" Coy, moved at 0800hrs to cross the ALLER at RETHEM 1167, where a Class 40 floating bailey had been est the day before.  1 R Tanks Regtl Gp, which had preceded us across the river with the intention of driving up to the NORTH and the adv on a rd to the left of the CL, had been held up at KIRCHBOITZEN 1872 by enemy opposition incl an SP and large craters.  
    In consequence, 8H Gp deviated to the SOUTH, leaving the CL at 152701, thence to ALTENBOITZEN 2070 – HOLLIGE 2171, thence to the CL at 2173.  Here "B" Sqn encountered opposition from enemy inf in houses.  Lt.MOSSOP was wounded in the head.  Three GERMANS shot at RHQ in HOLLIGE and were hunted away by HQ, "A" Coy, 1 RB.  "B" Sqn rapidly cleared up the situation and knocked out three 20mm guns to the NORTH of the rd.  
    They then moved NORTH EAST and est themselves on the high ground astride the rd overlooking WASLRODE 2475.  In the meanwhile Recce Tp had been despatched to examine the possibilities of crossing the River BOHME at 252725 to 242713.  EAST of HOLIGE they encountered enemy opposition which they engaged and were sp by “K” Bty.  The latter br was found blown but the former was not considered, at first, to be capable of carrying tks.  In the meanwhile "B" Sqn and "A" Coy set about clearing WALSRODE.  The SOUTH WESTERN entrance to the town had been heavily cratered, but a rd to the SOUTH was found and charges in the br at 253757 were removed.  
    Regtl Gp, less "C" Sqn and Recce Tp, were est on the high ground 2676.  By last light "C" Sqn and Recce Tp had eventually crossed the river further SOUTH, but had been unable to get through DUISHORN 2772, whilst routes to the NORTH were heavily blocked.  They, therefore, spent the night at 255730.  
2762 16

At first light "B" Sqn, with under comd one mot pl, was ordered to move EAST to FALLINGBOSTEL 3276.  "C" Sqn was ordered to adv from its night harbour area through DUISHORN 2772, also to FALLINGBOSTEL.  "A" Sqn, with a section of carriers, was ordered to attempt to cross the River BOHME by the br at 289779 and est itself on the high ground to the NORTH of FALLINGBOSTEL.  "C" reached the rly br at 311758 without incident, and "B" Sqn got up to the WESTERN outskirts of FALLINGBOSTEL, where they were held up by enemy inf in the town.  "A" Sqn reported that the br, by which they had been ordered to cross, had been blown and that they were unable to cross the river elsewhere. 

GSGS 4416





Recce Tp were ordered to locate a large Prisoner-of-War camp believed to be in the area 3474. This they did and, having made contact with the senior offr there, reported the existence of a large number of Allied PW together with a great quantity of DP’s.  Major HUTH, with a Military Govt offr, joined Recce Tp and subsequently reported that STALAG 11B contained 6500 British and American prisoners and STALAG 357 some 3500.  On the whole the prisoners appeared to be in good order and gave our patrols a most tumultuous welcome.  They were subsequently visited by the Div Comd.


By about 1100hrs it became apparent that the FALLINGBOSTEL town itself was so large that it would not be possible to clear it with one mot coy.  Considerable fire power was available but the riflemen quickly became absorbed in the streets and houses.  The task was handed over to 1/5 QUEENS sp by "B" Sqn.  "A" Sqn was now to the SOUTH of the town on the high ground, available to give fire sp.  In the meanwhile "C" Sqn had been ordered to work NORTH to endeavour to find an unblown br across the River BOHME to the NORTH-EAST of FALLINGBOSTEL


By 1500hrs they had reached the SOUTHERN outskirts of DORFMARK 3680, but had found all brs blown.  Inf from civs and DP’s indicated that the two brs in DORFMARK were also blown but some slight opposition in DORFMARK prevented immediate confirmation.  RHQ moved to area 370787, and a plan for clearing DORFMARK was made.  The Autobahn had not been completed; the alignment had been graded only and there was no soling or surfacing.  It was, therefore, impassable to all but tracked vehs. 


Recce Tp were ordered to find a route across country to hit the rd at 385807 with a view to taking DORFMARK along that axis.  One Coy, 1/5 QUEENS, had been placed under comd for this purpose.  Whilst Recce Tp were carrying out this op they knocked-out three small tracked vehs, two staff cars, and took a large number of prisoners.

    In the meanwhile, the leading tp of "C" Sqn reported that it was considered that DORFMARK was clear and the Tp Ldr was ordered to move up to the br at 370808.  Back at FALLINGBOSTEL the town had been cleared but the br was found blown.  Comd 22 Armd Bde ordered "B" Sqn to move WEST to WALSRODE, thence NORTH, thence EAST, in a wide circle to DORFMARK.   
    An unsuccessful attempt was made to br the BOHME at DORFMARK with a scissors br which became bogged in a garden.  By last light 8H, less "A" Sqn, harboured in DORFMARK, "B" Sqn being WEST of the river.  One Coy 1/5 QUEENS remained with 8H and "A" Sqn and “K” Bty harboured in the area 3676.  
3680 17

During the night 16/17, a br had been built at FALLINGBOSTEL.  8h Gp had been ordered to reform at DORFMARK, but to the WEST of the River, at first light. The Regt, less "B" Sqn, therefore moved to FALLINGBOSTEL picking up "A" Coy, 1 RB, on the way and rejoined "B" Sqn at about 0715hrs.  It had been thought that SOLTAU 4190, was strongly held, and therefore the Bde Comd ordered 8h Gp to bye-pass SOLTAU by following 1 R.Tks CL


It was intended to return to the main rd, running NORTH from SOLTAU, at 415727.  At about 0730hrs, 8H reformed and moved fast by the following route : DORFMARK 3680 – KROGE 3183 – BOMMELSEN 3184 – FRIELINGEN 3388 – X rds 3689 – Rd junc 390920.  "B" Sqn led.  On reaching the area 4092, OC "B" Sqn met some 11th HUSSARS who informed him that they had had a car destroyed in that area by what they took to be a party of bazooka men.  As "B" Sqn got near the main rd they came under heavy AP fire from anti-tk guns and a tk.  A PANTHER tk was engaged and the crew baled out.  One 88mm was knocked out.  “K” Bty engaged and knocked out an SP gun to the EAST of the main rd.  


The Sqn then came under heavy NEBELWERFER fire which “K” Bty did its best to neutralise.  "B" Sqn, after this very successful and brisk action, set itself astride the main rd NORTH of SOLTAU.  In the meanwhile "A" Sqn was ordered to adv to HEBER 4200, by the following route : Rd junc 375957 – X rds 360979 – Rd junc 391002.  At the same time "B" Sqn was ordered to attempt to adv NORTH along the main rd.  When the leading tp of "B" Sqn crossed the rly at 420938, LtPott’s tk was set on fire by a large mine.  Lt.Pott was very severely burnt.  It became obvious that the woods astride the rd in this area contained a large number of enemy infantry.  These were seen by "B" Sqn men who went to the assistance of the crew of the burning tk.  "B" Sqn was therefore ordered to discontinue the attempt to advance along the main rd and conc in the area 3992. 


At this time the rest of the Regtl Gp followed "A" Sqn who had reached HEBER and had encountered some slight resistance.  Whilst clearing the town, the OC Mot Pl, which had been placed under comd "A" Sqn was shot through the head.  This fact caused the inevitable disorganisation in ops which was not fully put right until the Coy Comd took charge.  Recce Tp had est, in the meanwhile, that the br at 421975 had been blown and also that at 436994, but it was possible to cross at 420985. 


 "C" Sqn was therefore ordered by this route to HILLERN 4297.  HEBER was cleared by about 1700hrs and one tp, "A" Sqn, was ordered to push NORTH along the main rd as far as possible. Comd 22 Armd Bde ordered 8H Gp to est itself on the rd from HILLERN inclusive to rd junc 4105.

    The night lay-out was, therefore, "C" Sqn with one mot pl at HILLERN, "A" Sqn with one mot pl at 4104, 8H Gp, less two Sqns and two mot pls at HEBER.  
4200 18 At first light 8H Gp moved NORTH to close up behind 1 R Tks Regtl Gp who had been held up SOUTH of WELLE 3818.  After an intermediate halt, the Regt halted at the side of the rd in the area 3815.  The C.O. visited OC 1 R. Tks at WELLE and there learnt that the Regt had met strong opposition in the forest of the LANGELOH area 3722 and was unable to adv further with the force at their disposal.  
    One Sqn, 1 R. Tks, had nearly reached the rly br at 330211 but had met slight opposition.  OC, 1 R.Tks, hoped that he might be able to bye-pass the forest of LANGELOH position. At about 1300hrs, Comd 22 Armd Bde, at RHQ 1 R.Tks, ordered OC 8H to endeavour to cross the rly, capture TOSTEDT 3122, and then adv NORTH to the Autobahn SOUTH of HOLLENSTEDT 3133, thence EAST to X rds 3732, thence NORTH to high ground overlooking the ELBE at ELSTORF 3732.  
    The first problem was the crossing of the rly in order to reach TOSTEDT.  "C" Sqn was ordered through OTTER 3418, which had been cleared by 1 R.Tks Recce Tp, thence to the high ground 3218 and from there to endeavour to find a practicable crossing WEST of 312199.  "A" Sqn, in the meanwhile, was ordered to advance along the main rd WELLE – TOSTEDT, and to endeavour to cross the rly WEST of the br 330211 which had been blown.  
     "C" Sqn reported that the br under the rly at 306195 was undefended, but the approaches were so bad as to render this route impassable.  They subsequently found it was possible to cross the rly at 292183.  The whole Sqn moved by this route but, after two tks had crossed the br at 282199 it collapsed.  

"C" Sqn had with them one mot pl and an RE Recce Offr who supervised the reconstruction of the br.  "A" Sqn found that they could cross the rly at 320204.  When two tps had crossed by this way they were fired on by an SP gun which they thought to be situated at TODTGLUSINGEN 3322.  This latter place had, however, been cleared by 1 R.Tks and 11th Hussars.  In actual fact it is probable that the AP fire came from a TIGER tk and some light A/Tk guns in the area of cross rds 335240. 


"A" Sqn eventually pushed NORTH into TOSTEDT which they occupied just before last light.  In the meanwhile "C" Sqn had conc themselves the right side of the br and set about clearing WISTEDT 2921.  Opposition from snipers and bazookas was met by the leading tp.  Considerable fires were started, and by last light "C" Sqn had est themselves satisfactorily in WISTEDT and the remainder of the mot coy were sent to join them for the night. 


1/5 QUEENS came up to TOSTEDT at last light and took over the organisation of the town for the night.  "A" and "B" Sqns were in their sp. “K” Bty, with Recce Tp protecting them, remained at OTTER.

3122 19

8H Gp moved off at first light on the CL as ordered the previous day.  DOHREN 3124, received the attention of the Mediums as a precautionary measure, but "B" Sqn, the leading Sqn, adv rapidly to the Autobahn at 3131.  Here they turned EAST, but their rear tp engaged an AFV in the wood 3031 and AP fire from HOLLENSTEDT.  "A" Sqn was ordered to firm base the X rds.  The leading tp, advancing over the br over the Autobahn,  came under fire from A/Tnk guns.  One tk was knocked out.

GSGS 4416





Later, two 88mm guns were knocked out on the SOUTHERN edge of HOLLENSTEDT.  "B" Sqn advanced rapidly and were ordered to est themselves on the X rds 3732 and to await further orders.  These involved an attack on the village at 3733 carried out by "B" Sqn and "A" Coy 1 RB.  In the area of the X rds and this village, the Sqn accounted for four 88mm guns and a number of GERMANS.  The crews of these guns, admittedly, were not very highly trained, nor very determined. 


In the meanwhile, Recce Tp had been ordered to send patrols to OLDENDORF 3433, WENNERSTORF  3631 and WENZENDORF 3530.  At the first place the patrol captured a number of HAMBURG policemen who had been sent out to protect the Autobahn.  At the last place the patrol engaged, and knocked out, two 88mm guns and accounted for some of the crews.


This was a great day for the Recce Tp.  In the vicinity of WENZENDORF the patrol liberated a large camp of RUSSIAN PW and also inspected the aerodrome on which they had been ordered to report.  Back to the WEST, 1/5 QUEENS had been ordered to clear and consolidate at HOLLENSTEDT.  "C" Sqn was placed under their comd.  A wholly organised set-piece attack was mounted but no enemy remained to greet it.  "A" Sqn was brought up to the area of the X rds 3732 and "B" Sqn continued advancing NORTHWARDS.  RADE 3734 was cleared without incident but, on reaching the bend in the rd at 366360, the Sqn came under heavy artillery fire from the NORTH-EAST, and accurate AP fire from the area of ELSTORF and SCHWIEDERSTORF 3738.

    The country either side of the rd was either wooded of boggy and attempts at deployment were initially frustrated.  A TYPHOON attack was put in on ELSTORF.  OC "B" Sqn was ordered, in the meanwhile, to try and work around to the SOUTH-WEST.  Just before last light the Sqn was est in the area 3438, and was ordered to try and occupy ELSTORF if it could do so without heavy opposition.  
    Opposition was encountered however, and therefore OC 8H ordered OC "B" Sqn to disengage and remain in the area 3438 for the night.  One mot pl was with "B" Sqn.  The adv made by "B" Sqn during the day was a very considerable achievement.  "A" Sqn remained  for the night in the area of the X rds 3732, and the Regtl Gp, less "A" Sqn, "B" Sqn, and two mot pls, conc for the night at RADE.  
    The night was not entirely uneventful.  A large white bus and trailer, full of strayed GERMANS, motored SOUTH from ELSTORF and blew itself up on HAWKINS mines.  Some GERMANS threw a hand-grenade at the Recce Tp sentry.  
3734 20 At first light "B" Sqn was ordered to attack ELSTORF from the WEST.  Artillery sp was provided and they subsequently admitted to carrying out an air shoot on ARDESTORF 3439, but soon realised their mistake.  The town was quickly cleared and one 88mm gun was found abandoned in a garage.  This was destroyed by SQMS WINCH.  "A" Coy, 1 RB, less two pls, was ordered forward immediately to clear SCHWIEDERSTORF.  As their leading elements and the leading tp of "B" Sqn met on the X rds 366388, a small party of determined enemy were encountered.  

Lt.RYDE’s tk was bazookered.  He jumped out into the cover of a slit-trench, and a GERMAN, from an adjacent slit-trench, shot him through the chest and killed him.  The opposition in this area was quickly mopped-up and SCHWIEDERSTORF was occupied.  Carrier patrols adv NORTH and reported DAERSTORF 3740, to be held.  "C" Sqn was, in the meanwhile, ordered into SCHWIEDERSTORF and was instructed to patrol into DAERSTORF and capture it.

"B" Sqn was ordered to remain in ELSTORF keeping a watch to the NORTH and NORTH-WEST.

"A" Sqn was placed under comd 1/5 QUEENS for the purpose of clearing the rd from X rds 3732 – X rds 3827. 


The leading tp of "C" Sqn came under AP fire from the WEST of DAERSTORF and one tk was damaged.  An SP was seen in the vicinity 365400.  One carrier patrol had worked round, in the early morning mist, to within 500 yards EAST of DAERSTORF and knocked-out a tracked gun-tower.  It was clear that there was considerable resistance in the village.  OC 8H ordered OC "C" Sqn to make a thorough reconnaissance and to take his time over it.  OC "C" Sqn decided that, under cover of smoke, he would move one tp, (Lt.GOULD), across the open and attack the village from the EAST.  “K” Bty, of course, sp the attack.  Fortunately, Lt.Gould slightly lost direction in the smoke and came onto the outskirts of the village from the SOUTH-EAST instead of EAST, and was therefore able to overrun and destroy a 75mm A/Tk gun detachment.  In doing this he was wounded in the head, but continued in comd of his tp until ordered out later.


Once in the village, which was now blazing fiercely, considerable enemy opposition was encountered.  A further tp was sent to reinforce and OC "A" Coy, 1 RB, took up another mot pl to help clear the village.  Sqn HQ and the remaining tp, which was supporting the attack from the SOUTH of the village, came under very heavy shell-fire from the NORTH-EAST.  By about 1500hrs DAERSTORF had been captured.  It contained no less than three A/Tk guns and about 200 inf.  Some of the enemy there succeeded in escaping to the NORTH and NORTH-WEST.  "B" Sqn in the meanwhile killed and captured a number of GERMANS in the vicinity of a searchlight site at 362400.


OC "A" Coy, 1 RB, on his own initiative, ordered carriers forward into WULMSTORF 3740, as soon as DAERSTORF was cleared.  He reported his action to OC 8H who immediately ordered "C" Sqn into this village which was cleared without opposition.  Patrols were est on the high ground overlooking the ELBE at 371418.


This brisk and extremely successful action resulted in 8H establishing itself on its final bound of the war – the first Regt to do so in the 7 Armd Div.  It turned out to be the last serious action of the war and it was satisfactory that it entailed comparatively small loss.  One Coy, 1/5 QUEENS, which had been placed under comd 8H was ordered forward to consolidate DAERSTORF and WULMSTORF with "C" Sqn in sp for the night.

    "A" Sqn returned to comd and occupied SCHWIEDERSTORF.  "A" Cy, less one pl with "A" Sqn, conc in ELSTORF.  
362387 21

The task of the 7 Armd Div was now the consolidation of the bound reached, the high ground overlooking the ELBE, pending the putting into effect of the plans for the capture of HAMBURG.  For this purpose 131 Bde conc in the area SOUTH of HARBURG 5043, with, on the left, 22 Armd Bde stretching WESTWARDS from the inclusive edge of the woods NORTH-EAST of NEU WIEDENTHAL 4244, to the area X rds 3832.  


8H were the right-hand Regt of the 22 Armd Bde with, on their left, 5DG.  The boundary line between the two Regts was the 30 Grid Line running NORTH and SOUTH from BUXTEHUDE 3043.  The left flank of the Div was protected by the 11th Hussars who were looking WEST, roughly on the 20 Grid Line.


The Regtl lay-out was as follows :- "C" Sqn were in DAERSTORF in sp of one Coy, 1/5 QUEENS,  "A" Sqn in SCHWIEDERSTORF, "B" Sqn in ELSTORF.  RHQ was est in the SOUTH-WEST end of ELSTORF, at 363386.  During the day patrolling took place, "B" Sqn sending out patrols to the NORTH-WEST, and "A" Sqn to the edge of the woods on the EAST.  Little enemy activity took place.

    “K” Bty, 5 RHA, est an OP in the area 372418, and they engaged a number of opportunity targets, MET  and other movement in the area of the rd running EAST and WEST through FISHBECK 4044.  At last light a Medium Bty est itself all around RHQ, apparently with the object of engaging targets in the HAMBURG area.  

First light patrols reported NTR.  Owing to the close proximity of the Medium guns, both for  the purpose of comfort and of security, RHQ moved to the NORTH-EASTERN edge of ELSTORF, establishing itself at 367387.  The Coy of 1/5 QUEENS was withdrawn and ordered to conc with its Regt.  "C" Sqn remained in DAERSTORF with under comd one pl "A" Coy 1 RB.

    “K” Bty continued to engage opportunity targets and, during the afternoon, a train arrived from the WEST.  This was quickly engaged and one truck, quickly hit, burst into flames.  It then transpired that this long train was an amn train.  The engine driver, thinking discretion the better part of valour, immediately unhooked and disappeared in the direction of HARBURG – leaving the train stationary on the line in the area 3844.   
     “K” Bty, ably sp by one tp of "C" Sqn doing protection to the OP, proceeded to destroy the trucks one by one.  About an hour later, the engine, whose driver had obviously received different orders from HARBURG, returned to salvage the train.  He immediately received the attention of the tp of tks and, after a few shots, they succeeded in putting an AP shot from a 17pdr through the boiler.  The engine blew up in a cloud of steam to the intense delight of a large number of distinguished spectators, including the CRA.  
    During the day some 20 GERMAN soldiers presented themselves and were made PWs.  At last light four enemy aircraft attacked ELSTORF, dropping four bombs.  Two fell within 50 yards of the Regtl Office but no damage was done.  Considerable but ineffective AA fire was produced by the tp of light AA sp “K” Bty.  
367387 23

Following an exchange of messages, the garrison of BUXTEHUDE, which appeared to be entirely Naval and included 500 GERMAN “Wrens”, decided to surrender themselves to the 11th Hussars.  "A" Sqn relieved "C" Sqn in DAERSTORF, and "C" Sqn withdrew back into SCHWIEDERSTORF during the evening.

    Following reports that a Belgian Prisoner-of-War Camp in FISHBECK contained still a certain number of aged and sick BELGIAN Offrs (the fit ones had been marched away the week previously), a patrol was sent by "A" Sqn to investigate this.  Some 120 Offr Prisoners-of-War were found.  No opposition was met and the prisoners were given orders to remain in situation until arrangements could be made for their evacuation.  
  24 Daily routine patrols were again carried out with NTR.  "B" Sqn sent a patrol at first light through KETZENDORF 3540, OVELGONNE 3341, to contact the Rifle Bde who, by now, had taken over BUXTEHUDE.  This patrol returned through EILENDORF 3041, IMMENBECK 3240, and ARDESTORF 3439.  Recce Tp sent a patrol out to the EAST to try to get onto the high ground in the woods to the EAST of WULMSTORF.  This proved difficult and no satisfactory position of observation could be found owing to the extent of the trees and innumerable false crests.  The Corps Comd, Gen RITCHIE, paid a visit to the OP accompanied by the GOC.  

Normal routine patrols.  “K” Bty’s OP, having been rather cluttered with a succession of visitors, was moved to a new position at 365425 and was now escorted by the carriers of the Rifle Bde.  In the morning, a BELGIAN Liason Offr, Capt.Hantz, arrived from HQ 12 Corps.  A plan was laid on for the rescue of the BELGIAN PWs at FISHBECK.  The op, which was to be carried out by "A" Sqn, was to take place at last light.


The plan was as follows:- A block was to be est by a patrol of tks facing EAST on the rd at 400441 and a further block on the WEST of the village.  Eight half-tracks from "A" Coy, 1 RB, and the Regtl RAP with an escort of carriers, was to enter the camp, collect the prisoners and return to ELSTORF.  12 Corps had made arrangements for lorries and ambulances to evacuate the prisoners on arrival in ELSTORF, and these vehs, consisting of four ambulances and five 3-ton lorries, arrived in ELSTORF at 1800hrs

    The op was entirely successful and no opposition was encountered other than a few parting shots from the woods just EAST of NEU WULMSTORF 380425.  
  26 Usual routine patrolling.  In the early morning "B" Sqn relieved "A" Sqn in DAERSTORF.  In the afternoon a visit was paid to the Regt by MGRAC, MajGen RICHARDS, accompanied by Comd 22 Armd Bde.  Unfortunately they failed to send advice of their visit and no-one was at home.  
  27 Routine patrolling.  The C-in-C, Field Marshal Sir BERNARD MONTGOMERY, presented ribbons at a parade held at Div HQ at midday.  Lt.M.S.Payne received his MC, and the Regt sent three offrs and 15 Ors as spectators.  

Locns:- "B" Sqn at DAERSTORF, "C" Sqn at SCHWIEDERSTORF, "A" Sqn at ELSTORF, RHQ as before.  Major P.H.HUTH left for UK on leave, pending his departure to attend the Staff College Course at QUETTA.  Capt P.H.de V. Clermont was promoted A/Major and took over 2i/c of the Regt.

    During the day Capt.HANTZ, the BELGIAN LO from 12 Corps, arrived to thank the Regt for rescuing his compatriots and to say there was still a further 15 in FISHBECK.  This transpired to be the case, these having been in a different camp.  "B" Sqn laid on a similar op to that carried out on the previous Wednesday by "A" Sqn and the last of these unfortunates were removed successfully.  
  29 "C" Sqn relieved "B" Sqn in DAERSTORF at first light.  "B" Sqn withdrew to SCHWIEDERSTORF.  A church service was held in the village church and in the evening the GOC visited the Regt.  The General went round "B" Sqn and talked to the tps about past ops and the future.  
  30 Usual routine patrolling.  Recce Tp sent a patrol to contact 2 DEVONS in the woods at 410390.  No contact took place and the patrol subsequently made a detour round to the NORTH and returned with NTR.  Locns as for Apr 29.  


















1 to 6 inc







GSW head

8 to 20 inc










1 to 6 inc






Tpr Goossens, G

Wounded, burns face

8 to 16 inc










W/Cpl Scott, D

Tpr Brogden, A

Tpr Bunn, F

Tpr Meadows, K

Tpr Gough, A

Believed killed

Believed killed

Believed killed

Believed killed









Tpr Edwards, W

W/Cpl Logan, W


Wounded, GSW left hand

19 & 20







APLC Lane, A

Wounded, perforated ear drum

2 to 8 inc







AP/Cpl Commons, W

Tpr Barnett, V

GSW, left hand perforated

Burns, hands and face

10 to 14 inc








Lt Mossop, D.J.

W/Cpl Thatcher, W

Tpr Thomas, C

GSW, nose and forehead

GSW, neck

GSW, neck and mouth












Tpr Bodle, W

Tpr Robinson, C

Tpr Castle, J

Tpr Tooth, D

Tpr Pawling, L

W/Lt Pott, J.A.





GSW, shoulder, explosive bullet

Burns, face, hands and body

18 & 19







W/Lt Ryde, W.F.

Tpr Pritchard, P


GSW, Rt leg. Burns, face


1 to 3 inc









Tpr Wheeler, E

Tpr Taylor, G

Tpr Harritch, A

Tpr Smith, A

Believed PW, unofficially reported at home

SW, feet

SW, rt leg

SW, rt arm. Compound fracture rt radius



Sgt Manning, G










W/Lt Jephson, M.J.

Tpr Keeling, R

Concussion and inj. lt leg

GSW, shoulder





Tpr Hibbart, F

Tpr Marshall, P

W/Lt Pim, J.P.S.

Died of wounds

GSW, rt thigh




W/Sgt Wakefield, E




Tpr Mason, L

SW, both legs

11 to 18







Tpr Maguire, J

Tpr Shannon, K

perforated rt ear drum (blast)

GSW, rt leg






W/Lt Gould, S.W.

Tpr Wilson, D

Tpr Parker, A

Tpr Littler, T

GSW, head

GSW, lt arm and rt cheek

GSW, lt and rt hand

GSW, nose












Bazooka hit through lt side of turret which damaged gun traverse (later dumped for clutch failure)








Many penetrations by AP.  Beyond repair

Bogged in enemy country, MR 732880.

Never recovered.  Sprocket slightly damaged by AP





Sherman 17pdr



AP hit. Penetration lt hand side turret

Suspension and Hull damaged, (Bazookas)





Daimler sc/car




Lt hand suspension damaged by mine.

Recovered but dumped.

Brewed-up on mine.





Brewed-up completely by AP 88mm





Completely brewed-up on mine or charge





bazooka hit, front nose plate. Tk did not brew-up and was subsequently recovered.


Both CROWELL 188649 and SHERMAN 363496 were subsequently recovered and repaired

























1 Offr















14x20mm 2x37mm guns,    4 HDT, 1 Mk III SP, 20 MET





1 Ambulance
































1 Half-track





2x20mm guns




50 rifles with amn.

1 Ambulance





1 Staff Car

1 Panther, 2 HDT, 2x88mm

and 1x 150mm guns





4 x 88mm guns, 2 cars and 1 motor-cycle





20 Searchlight trailers.

1 x 88mm gun





























2 Ofs  40 ORs


2 Staff Cars








1 Ofr  12 ORs


1 Staff Car



1 Ofr

206 ORs


2 x 75mm & 2 x 50mm guns,

3 half-tracks, 2 HDT and 1 Tractor
























1 Staff Car. 1 x 3 Ton Lorry












4 x 81mm mortars. 3 tracked carriers.

2 Staff Cars





1 Aerodrome

2 x 88mm AA guns











  APRIL, 1945  



Changes in Command

Approx Strength

Approx Cas’ties








Dets under Comd

Own Tps Detached









SW of Rheine 7909


131 Inf Bde





1 OR









G Bty 5 RHA

B Coy 1 RB























S of Langenbeck

A Sqn Ledde


1/5 Queens




3 OR

1 Tk





Halem 144157

B Sqn 192173

A Sqn 141132

22 Armd Bde











Gr Lessen 6851

B Sqn  Deepholtz 4246


K Bty 5 RHA

B Sqn to

1 RB









Eminghausen 8032



K Bty 5 RHA

C Coy 1/5 Queens




4 OR






Riede 8086







1 Ofr

2 Tks





Hager 7389







3 OR

1 Tk






B Sqn Skye 7280



B Sqn To

5 R Scots




2 Tks





Nienburg 905523



K Bty 5 RHA

A Coy 1 RB




1 OR













































Walsrode 2676

C Sqn Recce Tp







3 OR






Dorfmark 3680

A Sqn 3676


" &

Coy 1/5 Queens





1 Tk





Heber 4200

A Sqn 4104

C Sqn Hillern


K Bty 5 RHA

A Coy 1 RB




6 OR

1 Tk





Tostedt 3122

C Sqn  Wistedt

Recce Tp 3418












Rade 3734

A Sqn 3732






4 OR






Elstorf 3738

C Sqn  Daerstorf

A Sqn Schwiederstorf

22 Armd Bde

K Bty 5 RHA

A Coy 1 RB

Coy 1/5 Queens










Elstorf 3738



K Bty 5 RHA

A Coy 1 RB


































































































































In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of MAY 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.-Col. GRD Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC.

Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
367387  1 At the beginning of the month RHQ was still at ELSTORF 3738, with "C" Sqn at DAERSTORF 3738, "B" Sqn at SCHWIEDERSTORF 3738, and "A" Sqn with RHQ at ELSTORF.  Trg was being carried out in so far as it was compatible with op commitments, which were slight.  The Sqn at DAERSTORF was responsible for the protection of the OP at 375424 which was furnished by "K" Bty, 5 RHA.  

GSGS 4416




    The Sqn in ELSTORF was responsible for a daily first light patrol to contact 5 DG at BUXTEHUDE 3144.  During the day the C.O. attended conferences at 22 Armd Bde HQ and 131 Inf Bde HQ.  He was informed  of the possibility of the capitulation of HAMBURG.  In the event of this coming into effect, the Regt was to come under the comd 131 Bde.  
  2 The Recce Tp carried out a reconnaissance of the following route:- ELSTORF –DAERSTORF -  rd junc 420413 – NAHRENDORF 4439 – MARMSTORF 5840, as that route had been suggested by 131 Inf Bde as a suitable route for moving the Regt to the high ground SOUTH of HARBURG.  The result of the reconnaissance was that, although the route was not a workable proposition, an alternative route SCHWIEDERSTORF – track junc 412373 – track junc 414377 – track junc 435380, appeared suitable and it was used by the Regt on the following day with complete success.   
    During the reconnaissance an enemy outpost was found at 418420, and fresh diggings, with some GERMAN rifles, at 424409.  The day was spent in preparing for a move.  The usual op commitments were maintained.  
  3 The Regt, with, under comd "A" Coy 1 RB, ("K" Bty having reverted to comd 5 RHA), went under comd 131 Inf Bde at 1200hrs.  The Bde's role was threefold.  Firstly to seize certain brs over the River ELBE; secondly to safe-guard the dock area of HAMBURG, and subsequently such installations as were accessible; thirdly, if necessary, to screen the CL through HARBURG.  
    The task of the Regtl Gp was firstly to secure the high ground area MARMSTORF 5840, and secondly to move forward when ordered to take over from the 11th Hussars, who had been ordered to guard the approaches to the town from the NORTH-EAST and WEST.  The C.O. ordered the Coy Comd, "A" Coy, 1 RB, to place one pl  under the direct comd of each Sabre Sqn.  The Regt moved at 1830hrs.  Order of March:- "A" Sqn, Recce Tp, RHQ, "A" Coy, 1 RB, (less three pls), "B" Sqn and "C" Sqn.  
    The Regt arrived area MARMSTORF just as it was getting dark, and orders were received to spend the night in the area and move forward on the following day to take over from the 11th Hussars by 0700hrs.  RHQ harboured for the night at 495390, and sub-units quickly settled down for the night in view of an early start at 0515hrs the following morning.  
495390   4 At 0515hrs the Regt left the area where they had spent the previous night, with the object of advancing through HAMBURG to take over from the 11th Hussars the role of guarding the main approaches to and from the city from the NORTH-EAST and WEST.  The Order of March was unchanged.  The march through the town was uneventful.  It was, however, evident that the heavy RAF raids had accomplished tremendous destruction for many areas of the dock area were completely flattened.  
    By 0700hrs contact had been made at all points with the 11th Hussars but the actual take-over was not completed until 0730hrs.  "B" Sqn guarded the approaches to the EAST, "A" Sqn the approaches to the NORTH, and "C" Sqn the approaches to the WEST.  Shortly after "B" Sqn were in position they contacted elements of 53 Div and the C.O., acting on instructions from 131 Bde, ordered the Sqn to conc and "B" Sqn, therefore, came into reserve.  Hardly had "B" Sqn conc in reserve when three tps were ordered under comd three Sqns of the 11th Hussars respectively who had been ordered to probe along the rds from HAMBURG to QUICKBORN 4273, HAMBURG to PIMMEBURG 3665,  and HAMBURG to WEDEL 2956.  At 1500hrs approximately, 3 Tp, "B" Sqn, who were under comd "D" Sqn 11th HUSSARS, at QUICKBORN, stopped a GERMAN staff car which arrived with a message stating that Adml DOENITZ was prepared to talk about the surrender of the GERMAN Armies facing 21 Army Grp.  
    This was reported back through the 11th HUSSARS and shortly afterwards Gen DEMPSEY himself arrived and rode for a short way on the Tp Ldr's Tk (2/Lt.PD MOLL).  An hour later the C-in-C of the GERMAN Army NORTH arrived and the whole cortege set off towards HAMBURG.  At 1600hrs orders were received that we were to spend the night in the same area.  Accordingly RHQ leaguered in HAMBURG at 501563; "A" Sqn leaguered at FUHISHUTTEL 576618; "C" Sqn at 452478; and "B" Sqn, less three tps, at 467550.  These three tps spent the night under comd of their respective Sqns of the 11th Hussars; 1 Tp at PIMMEBURG, 2 Tp at WEDEL, and 3 Tp at QUICKBORN.    
    At 1600hrs orders were received that the Regt was at one hr's notice to move as from 0700hrs on the following morning to the conc area WEST of the city.  At 2100hrs news of the capitulation of all the GERMAN forces in NORTH-WEST EUROPE was heard  over the BBC news.  This was followed by a British War Report radiated over the HAMBURG radio.  
501563  5 At 0630hrs orders were received that the Div would move forthwith to the DANISH frontier.  Just as the orders were being issued at RHQ giving details of the route, etc, instructions were received that the move was cancelled and that, instead, the Regt would move to the conc area that had been recce'd by the 2i/c the previous evening.    
    At 1015hrs the Regt moved out to the area 4469.  Order of March:- RHQ, Recce, "A", "C" and "B" Sqns.  Before the Regt left HAMBURG "A" Coy, 1 RB, conc and reverted to their own Regt.  The Regt arrived at its new location at 1200hrs, and RHQ was located at 446694 and the Sqns settled down in the immediate neighbourhood.  
446694  6 The day was spent in maintenance in preparation for any further move that might be ordered.  The Padre held church services and at 1200hrs the C.O. spoke to all ranks on the political situation as far as it affected the war, and the Div's possible future plans which were either to go to DENMARK or, failing that, to return to the RHINE.    
    The Div Comd and the Brigadier comd 131 Inf Bde visited the C.O. during the morning..  At 2130hrs a Warning Order was received from 131 Bde stating that the Bde was moving to the KIEL Canal area on the following day.  The locn of RHQ and Sqns remained unchanged.  

The Regt was placed at one hr's notice as from 0700hrs to proceed to the KIEL Canal area.  At 1100hrs the C.O. went to Bde HQ for orders.  On his return it was with the news that GERMANY was signing a treaty of unconditional surrender with the three Allies and that this surrender would come into effect at 0001hrs on 9 May 45.

    The Regt moved at 1630hrs.  Order of March:- "A" Sqn, RHQ, Recce, "B" Sqn and "C" Sqn.  Route HASLOH 4363 – PIMMEBURG 3665 – ELMSHORN 2675 – ITZEHOE 1793 – WACKEN 0704.  The march was without incident and the Regt reached WACKEN at 2100hrs.  RHQ was situated in a farmhouse at 078049.  Orders were received from 131 Bde that there would be no move for the Bde on the following day which the BBC had already notified would be regarded as VE-Day.  Major JW GWYN, MC, left the Regt and Capt. RH AMES was promoted A/Major and took over comd of "A" Sqn.  
078049  8 As there was no move the morning was spent in maintenance.  At 1500hrs most men were able to listen to MR CHURCHILL'S broadcast from LONDON and, at 2100hrs, His Majesty the King broadcasting to the Empire.  

GSGS 4416




    The Regt had been issued with a Union Jack and this was flown from the biggest wireless aerial that could be erected.  List of Offrs serving with the Regt on this day is given in the Appx.  In the evening the Regt was ordered to move on the following day to the area FRIEDRICHSTADT 9352  
  9 The C.O. went forward with the Brigadier comd 131 Inf Bde to the area of FRIEDRICHSTADT early in the morning.  The Regt moved at 1015hrs and arrived in the new area at 1430hrs.  
    Order of March:- Recce, RHQ, "A", "B" and "C" Sqns.  Route – WACKEN 0704 – GOKELS 1314 – over the KIEL Canal to HEIDE 8823 – LUNDUN 8438 – FRIEDRICHSTADT 9352 – SCHWABSTEDT 0053.  RHQ and "A" Sqn were located at 002536; "B" Sqn in sp of 1/5 QUEENS at 845388; "C" Sqn in sp 2 DEVONS at 933539.  RHQ and "A" Sqn were in Bde reserve and "C" Sqn had the permanent task whilst in the area of providing a Check Post at the level crossing at 9312539 for the purpose of disarming tp-trains and directing stragglers to reception areas.  
    The Bde's role was to marshal, disarm, and, to a large extent, organise the movement of GERMAN military personnel into the TONNING Peninsula.  The intention was to seal off  the peninsula when it was full to capacity with GERMAN tps.  
002536  10 The day was spent in settling in to the new area.  2 Tp, "B" Sqn patrolled without incident the rd from rd junc 848370 – track junc 840365 – rd junc 827385 – rd junc 810370, thence on the main rd to LUNDUN.

GSGS 4416



  11 The day was spent in maintenance and interior economy.  
  12 The day was spent in maintenance and interior economy.  3 Tp, "B" Sqn patrolled to 817380.  An amn dump was destroyed near WESSELBURN 7725, and four GERMAN soldiers were captured who were trying to cross the River EIDER by ferry  
  13 The Padre held a Thanksgiving Service at the local church at 1100hrs which was well attended.  "C" Sqn provided one tp, sp a pl of 2 DEVONS, to visit the outlying villages with the purpose of disarming GERMAN tps and arresting SS men.  
    Route – MIDSTEDT 9561 – RANTRUM 9759 – OLDENSBECK 0059 – WINNERT 0257 – OSTENFELD 0460 – HOLLINGSTEDT 1059.  This patrol returned at 1900hrs having collected and destroyed approximately 2,500 rifles and machine-guns  
  14 Maintenance and interior economy was carried out.  A trade test was held for certain potential DMs AFV and Veh Mechs.  "C" Sqn sent out one patrol on a similar mission as on the day before.  The villages of DRAGE 9749, SUDERSTAPEL 0148, NORDERSTAPEL 0349, WOHLDE 0653, were visited.  SQMS RW WINCH, MM, received an immediate commission as 2/Lt.  The practise of Ceremonial Guard Mounting was recommenced.  
  15 Trade tests were carried out for some potential Wireless Operators.  A Tpr in "C" Sqn, during the course of the day, saw a "civilian" bicycling along the rd past the Sqn area, and, by careful interrogation discovered he was a Lt.Col in the SS.  "C" Sqn discovered a small enemy amn dump at 950542 and destroyed some twelve tons on amn.    
    Today was the first occasion on which the Regtl flag was flown in GERMANY since the day the Regt was engaged in the occupation of the RHINELAND after the Great War.  
  16 Maintenance and interior economy.  A conference was held on the tradesmen situation.  
  17 Maintenance and interior economy.  Orders were received from 131 Bde stating that "B" Sqn were no longer required by 1/5 QUEENS and arrangements were therefore made to bring the Sqn back nearer to RHQ in the area of HUDE 0252.  The C.O. inspected the tks of "A" and "C" Sqns during the course of the day.  
  18 "B" Sqn moved in the morning to HUDE 023528, and by the end of the day were well est in their new area.  The A2 Ech was disbanded and the vehs passed back to Sqn control as it had become increasingly obvious that, owing to the changed circumstances, it was not politic to keep this Ech in being any longer.  

Maintenance and interior economy.  "C" Sqn was ordered by 2 DEVONS to provide a mobile patrol every other day to patrol the rd from the br at 942518 to the rd junc at 918574 with the object of preventing GERMAN Military personnel moving out of the TONNING Peninsula.  This patrol went out for two hours between the following times daily:- 0601–1200hrs, 1201-1800hrs, 1801-2359hrs and 0001-0600hrs.  This was over and above their original commitments.

  20 Church services were held as usual.  
  21 The day was observed as a whole holiday.  The weather showed signs of breaking and this detracted from the arrangements which had been made to run short trips on the river in a small GERMAN motor vessel.   
    In the evening a dance was held at RHQ which was very popular.  The female talent was assembled after careful inspection from the local DPs.  "C" Sqn made a routine patrol.  
  22 Maintenance and interior economy.  
  23 Maintenance and interior economy.  "C" Sqn carried out a routine patrol.  
  24 The C.O. made an adm tour of "A" Sqn.  In the evening the Regt was ordered to supply a Control Post at NORDERSTAPEL 0349, to assist in the marshalling, disarming and transit of PWs.  
    Although the Control Post was in 11 Armd Div area, the tpt was supplied by 7 Armd Div.  Lt Bellamy, MC, Recce Tp, was ordered to contact an LO who was already in the area, and arrangements were made by him to aid in the running of the Control Post, which was already in existence , on the following day.  
  25 "C" Sqn made their routine patrol.  The C.O. carried out an adm inspection of "B" Sqn.  A detachment of Recce Tp carried out its duties at the Control Post at NORDERSTAPEL where some 6,000 GERMANS were dealt with during the course of the day.  GOC 7 Armd Div lunched at RHQ and at 1400hrs addressed the Regt on the ops of the Div from the RHINE to the ELBE, on its present role, and prospects for the future.  
    The C.O. carried out an adm inspection of "C" Sqn.  The Recce detachment had another 5,000 to 6,000 PWs through their hands during the day.  
  26 At 1230hrs a warning order was received from 131 Bde stating that the Bde was handing over its present duties to 11 Armd Div at 290001B hrs and the Bde Gp would conc in the area SOUTH of the KIEL Canal on 29 May.  
  27 The Padre held Church Services.  "C" Sqn provided standing patrols for 22 hours as from 0900hrs with the object of preventing GERMAN military personnel moving out of the TONNING Peninsula.  
    The patrols were est at :- cross rds 917572, cross rds 906559, rd junc 902552, cross rds 919540, cross rds 924534.  Orders were received that the Regt would move on the following day instead of 29 May to conc area SOUTH of the KIEL Canal.  The Regt started to prepare for the move.  The C.O. attended a conference at 131 Inf Bde HQ at 1600hrs.  
  28 The Regt moved at 1045hrs to its new area.  Order of March:- "C" Sqn, RHQ, Recce, "A" Sqn, "B" Sqn, HQ Sqn including LAD detachment but less RHQ and Recce.  Route:- FRIEDRICHSTADT 9352 – LUNDEN 8438 – HEIDE 8823 – ALBERSDORF 0118 – br over the KIEL Canal at 044160 – GOKELS 1314 – SCHENEFELD 1407.   
    The journey was uneventful; and by the evening the Regt was well est as follows:- RHQ at AGETHORST 1104, with the whole of HQ Sqn; "A" Sqn at HUGE 1199, "B" Sqn at KAAKE 1301, and "C" Sqn at VAALE 0702.    
    It was not possible to conc the Regt more and the dispersion that existed was inevitable. The Regt had no op commitments and reverted under comd 22 Armd Bde whose role was to guard the line of the KIEL Canal from exclusive the br at 122218 SOUTH-WEST to where the Canal enters the River ELBE.  
  29 118043  The day was spent in interior economy in the new locn.

GSGS 4416




Interior economy. 

Major RH AMES("A" Sqn) went on a preliminary recce to DENMARK as the Regt had been ordered to run a Divisional Leave Centre in that country in the near future.  It was proposed to carry out this task on a Sqn basis – each Sabre Sqn taking a month's tour in turn, commencing with "A" Sqn.

  31 Interior economy.  D & M and wireless classes were started.  













17 Pdr


Sherman 17 Pdr


Chall 17 Pdr


Sherman 17 Pdr
































































Idler axles bent and/or idler bearings broken up




Clutch burnt out




PT Solenoid



Damage caused by water accumulating in compartment under turret.  Some improvement produced by drilling two drain holes and putting felt washer under lid.

Hydraulic System



Challenger – Pipe to clutch seems prone to split.

Sprocket shafts bent



Final drive output shaft broken up also'

PT Generator belts (sets)



Worn out very quickly













NOTE  These totals include defects rectified by unit veh Mechs.














Both idler shafts bent





LH idler bearings collapsed, pressure vacuum faulty





Transmission warning light inoperative





Petrol leak





Clutch plunger inoperative





LH idler shaft bent





RH idler bearings broken up





Clutch plungers inoperative





2 Bogie wheels damaged





2 Bogie wheels damaged





Cracked clutch hydraulic pipe.  PT solenoid faulty.

MG mechanism adjusted





75mm gun buffer replaced (violent recoil)





LH idler shaft bent





PT generator & solenoid inoperative





Fan bearing broken up





Overheating.  Brake fade





Persistent blowing of oil out of crankcase breather. (partial cure- engine changed later)





Oil leak. Radiators oily





PT solenoid faulty





RH idler bearings broken up





LH idler bent





Bogie wheel bearings broken up












Punctured petrol tank





Both eccentric axles bent





Loss of power, clutch sticking





Sprocket shaft bent





Top seals (engine)





Clutch burnt out





Clutch burnt out





LH gearbox output seals leaking





LH suspension collapsed





Fanstays broken. Damaged radiator & oil tank. Faulty clutch plungers.





Water leak from bottom seals (engine)





Loss of power. Radiators choked. Idler shaft bent





Engine loss of power. Self-starter u/s. check on 17pdr gun





Gun buffer defective, gun damaged, sprocket shaft and idlers bent





Oil tank leak. High mileage





Bogie axle bent. High mileage





Sprocket-shaft bent, high mileage and worn tracks





Clutch burnt out





High mileage. No power





High mileage. No power





Final drive bearings collapsed





Ruptured clutch hydraulic pipe












Damaged 75mm barrel changed





2 AP hits (partial penetration) on turret – welded up





HE hit on louver, damage to petrol and water pumps, water hoses pierced





Bazooka hole in front plate welded up. New Swash pump and idler axle fitted. Petrol stoppage rectified. Brakes adjusted





Damage caused by gun hitting road block. New valve box fitted and burred turret ring teeth cleaned up












Bazooka holes





Brewed, fired by burning house, Bazooka hole





Bazooka holes, suspension damaged





Bazooka in turret, gun severely damaged





AP on front turret, no penetration but mantlet pushed back





Bazooka in turret, gun damaged, clutch also burnt out during recovery





Numerous AP hits and penetrations. Semi-Brewed





AP penetration turret, power traverse damaged





Mine damage to LH hull floor, and suspension





Bogged in enemy territory, damage by AP to suspension





AP through glacis plate, complete brew





Mine(?) severe damage to hull side and suspension. Brewed





Bazooka damage to suspension and hull.

AP hits but no penetration







8 MAY 1945




The following signal has been received:-


"1] Representative of the GERMAN HIGH COMD signed the unconditional surrender of all the GERMAN land, sea and air forces in EUROPE to the ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCES and simultaneously to the SOVIET HIGH COMD at 0141hrs Central European Time, 7 May, under which all forces will cease active operation at 0001Bhrs, 9 May.  2]  Effective immediately, all offensive operations by ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCES will cease and troops will remain present posns – moves involved in occupational duties will continue.  Due to difficulties of communication there may be some delay in similar orders reaching enemy troops, so full defensive precautions will be taken.   (Sgd)  EISENHOWER."


                A.U.Case, Captain,
    Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars




Major-General L.O.LYNE, CB., DSO.

Commander, 7th Armoured Division


(To be read out to all troops on parade)


           The war with Germany is won.  It has ended with the complete and final defeat and destruction of the German Armed Forces.


           No Division in the British Empire has contributed more to this result than the 7th Armoured Division.


           Through the long years of fighting in the Middle-East, in Tunisia, in Italy and throughout the campaign in North-West Europe, our Division has always been in the thick of it.


           Your rapid advance from the Rhine to the Elbe, and the hard fighting which made this possible, contributed very greatly to the brilliant success of the whole campaign.


           I wish to congratulate every Officer and man in the Division upon their fine achievements, and to thank them personally for their loyalty and un-flagging enthusiasm.


           Difficult days may lie ahead of us in the transition period from war to peace, but you will over-come these as you have over-come all difficulties in the past.


           It will be a great honour in the future to be able to say: "I was a Desert Rat"




Main Headquarters,    
7 British Armoured Division    
7 May 1945.    





As at 8 May 45.










GRD Fitzpatrick







PHV de Clermont






DRWG Charlton


Sqn Ldr




HH Firth


Sqn Ldr

On leave in UK-LILOP



J Robertson


Sqn Ldr

Comd B Echelon



RH Ames


Sqn Ldr




JAS Hepburn


2i/c Sqn




CGJ Meade


2i/c Sqn




AF McClintock



Detached – Div School



AU Case



Sigs Offr



JN Lombard






CJ Davies


Tech Offr




D Rampf


Comd A2 Ech

(S A Tk Corps)



AJ Hind






MS Payne, MC






RPG Dill

On leave in UK.  Previously att Tac HQ, Second Army, with rank of local Capt



HT Pierson



On leave in UK



GRCA Kirkham






LG Bellamy MC


Comd Recce Tp




PG Hartwright


Comd RHQ Tp




FW Saxby






SKB McClurg






FDC Barnes






AL Preston






PD Moll






FG Turner






CRP Anstey






CC Kennedy






CF Hedley






JB Heycock












WBP Best






FL Hone





FROM:-   8H    
To (For Action)    
Os.C   A, B, C and HQ Sqns, RHQ, Recce, EME, Tech, MO  
To  (For infmn)    
2 Copies War Diary,   File    

Originator's No.



241 (.)     ORDERS (.) One (.) Information (.)  11 Armd Div and 8 AGRA are relieving 7 Brit Armd Div by 2900001 B (.) Two (.) 8H will pass under command 22 Armd Bde (.) Three (.) Intention (.) 8H will concentrate area ITZEHOE 1793 28 May 45 (.) Four (.) Duration of stay 10 days approx (.) Five (.) Method (.) Six (.) Order of march (.) C Sqn, RHQ, Recce, A Sqn B Sqn HQ Sqn less RHQ and Recce Det LAD (.) Seven (.) SP Bridge 940525 (.) Eight (.) Head at SP at 281115hrs (.) Nine (.) Route for C Sqn only to SP via X rds 924535 (.) Ten (.) C Sqn will NOT pass X rds 924535 until tail of D Sqn 11H has cleared that reference (.)  Eleven (.) RHQ will leave present area at 281050 B hrs (.) Twelve (.) Route (.) SP – LUNDUN 8438 – HEIDE 8823 – ALBERSDORF 0118 – br 044160 – GOKELS 1314 – ITZEHOE 1793 – thence as ordered (.) Thirteen (.) Wireless will open at 281000 B hrs – normal calls will be made at 280700 B 280800 B and 280900 B hrs (.) Fourteen (.) LAD less det will rejoin 8H as soon as practicable (.) Fifteen (.) 400 yds distance will be maintained between sub-units (.) Sixteen (.) VTM – 40

This message may be sent AS WRITTEN Originator's Instrs
By any means except Degree of Priority


Signed        AU Case  Capt.  




  May, 1945  




Changes in Command

Approx Strength










Sqns, Btys, Coys


Dets under Comd

Own tps detached




Elstorf 368388

C Sqn Daerstorf 3738

B Sqn Schwiedrestorf 3738

22 Armd Bde

K Bty 5 RHA

A Coy 1 RB






Ops & Trg















Linstorf 495390


131 Bde

A Coy 1 RB









Hamburg 501562




3 Tps B Sqn under comd 11 Hussars








Hasloh Area 446695






















GOC 7 A.Div


Wacken 078049
























Schwabstadt 002537

B Sqn 888389

C Sqn 937539








Holding Area




































































































B Sqn 023526

C Sqn 937539



































Schwabstadt 002537

A Sqn 023526

C Sqn 937539

131 Bde







Holding Area


















































7 A.Div


























Agethorst 118043

A Sqn 115000

B Sqn 140018

C Sqn 076021

22 Armd Bde



















Holding Area




























June 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.-Col. GRD FITZPATRICK, DSO, MBE, MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
118044 1   On the first of the month the Regt was located as follows:- RHQ at AGETHORST 118044; "A" Sqn at HUJE 117097; "B" Sqn at KAAKS 138011; "C" Sqn at VAALE 077021.  The Regt was under comd 22 Armd Bde and had no op commitments. A certain number of D & M and Wireless Courses were being run and a serious attempt was being made to paint all the vehs in the Regt.  A large number of men had been selected to attend courses in the UK, at the Div School in Belgium and in other places 

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  2   Painting, trg and interior economy.  
  3   At 1000hrs the Padre held a Church Service in HQ Sqn Recreation Room.  In the evening a dace was held in the same room and there was a large assembly.  News was received that the CO had been awarded the DSO.  
  4   Painting, trg and interior economy.  
  5   The Adjt, Capt AU.Case, left for the UK on privilege leave and Capt R.R.G. Dill took over his duties.  The CO assumed comd of 22 Armd Bde wef today on the departure of Brig ADR. WINGFIELD, DSO, to UK on leave and duty.  

Six COMET tks were collected by the Regt and allotted two per Sabre Sqn.  Suitable NCOs were already attending COMET instrs courses at the Div School and further nominations were made to fill future vacancies at these courses.

      This being the first anniversary of D-Day, Gen Dwight D.EISENHOWER directed that the day should be a holiday at the CO's discretion.  The Regt continued working throughout the morning except where organised recreation had already been planned.  The remainder of the day was observed as a holiday.  
  7   Painting of vehs and the Regtl Wireless Course for upgrading Dos to Class II standard continued.  
  8   Warning Order received from 22 Armd Bde stating that the Bde would be taking over the whole of KREIS STEINBURG in the near future with new areas of responsibility.  It was, however, noted that this would not necessitate a move by any section of the Regt.  Painting and routine trg continued.  Nine students left for D & M COMET courses and eight for COMET Gnry Courses at the Div School.  
  9   Op instruction received from Bde giving details of new areas of responsibility.  8H Op Instruction No.1 was prepared for issue on the following day.  
  10   Usual Church Services held during the morning by the Padre.  The following NCOs and men rejoined the Regt:-  Sgt. BARNETT, ex PYTHON;  Sgt. WALSH, wounded Aug 44 now discharged from hospital; Cpl. ARNOLD and Tpr. TASKER both ex-PW captured at SIDI-REZEGH; Tpr DAVIS (30) from hospital.  Sgt. BARNETT and Cpl. ARNOLD returned to "A" Sqn, Tpr TASKER and Tpr. DAVIS (30) to "B" Sqn, and Sgt. WALSH was retained in HQ Sqn as temporary Provost Sgt.  
  11   In compliance with 8H Op Instruction No.1, "A" Sqn discovered some amn and arms hidden in civilian houses and two prisoners were taken.  The continued bad state of the weather seriously restricted veh painting activities.  
  12   Orders were issued for "C" Sqn to carry out a patrol on 15 June into PW areas as shown on the att Appx.  

In consequence of a GERMAN Police report that armed Poles were operating in the area, 22 Armd Bde ordered 8H to investigate the area of the main rd ITZEHOE-LOCKSTEDTER LAGER.  A thorough search was made of the woods EAST of the main rd 2203 and WEST of the main rd 2004-2003-2103, but without result.

      The following were Mentioned-in-Despatches for gallant and distinguished service in North-West Europe:- Major RH AMES, Capt AU CASE, Sgt T SKARRAT  

At a Sqn Ldr's conference the Colonel informed those present that the task of running the DENMARK Rest Camp was now allotted to 5 RHA, and the Regt, with 11th Hussars, 3 RHA, and 131 Inf Bde, had been selected to go to BERLIN.


The move would take place in the near future and the Regt was to fulfil escort and guard duties over a period of about four weeks.Sqn Ldrs were told that they might inform all ranks of this project and, also, that the regulation appertaining to soldiers' wives was an entirely temporary arrangement.  8H took over duties of Mobile Reserve at 0900hrs and "A" Sqn was, consequently, placed at half-an-hour's notice to move.

  15   In compliance with the orders issued on 12 June, "C" Sqn carried  out the Bde patrol into PW areas.  Wireless contact was maintained throughout the duration of the patrol with RHQ but there was nothing to report.  The Regtl Wireless Course concluded and final examinations held.  In a soccer match played against 5 DG the Regtl team was beaten after a good game.  The score was 3-Nil.  
  16   Preliminary searches over a period of days carried out by Sqns in their respective areas brought to light one loaded automatic pistol and a small quantity of amn.  This was confiscated and two arrests made.  
  17   Orders were received from 22 Armd Bde that 8H were at 48hrs notice to move as from 0001hrs on 19 jun.  The Regtl area of responsibility would be administered by 5 DG and HQ Sqn, 22 Armd  Bde, subsequent upon moving.  By mutual arrangements it was agreed that 5 DG should carry out the census of rolling-stock  in the Regtl area as ordered by Bde.  The Padre held the usual Church Services in HQ Sqn recreation room  
  18   The Sentry Party in charge of a Tp of CENTURION tks, which had been touring the Bde, visited the Regt and put their tks "on show" for the day, visiting each Sqn in turn.  
  19   Schedules of accommodation giving particulars of large buildings, villages, etc., in the Regtl area of responsibility were rendered to 22 Armd Bde.  The day was spent in completing the painting of A and B vehs.  
  20   The CO inspected the painting and general condition of all vehs in the Regt.  Though there were many small faults, the inspection was highly satisfactory.  The CO congratulated "A" Sqn on having the best turned-out tks he had ever seen, though the overall standard of both A and B vehs in "B" Sqn was the best in the Regt.  
      In the afternoon 1 R Tks held a swimming gala in beautiful weather at the SS Barracks, GLUCKSTADT 1178.  The Regt fared very badly but this was not surprising in view of their lack of trg as compared with the other units competing.  "C" Sqn took over the duty of Mobile Reserve.  
  21   News was received that the Regt was not now likely to move into BERLIN before the end of the month.  The Adjt returned from leave in the UK.  "B" Sqn held an athletic meeting in fine weather.  
  22   Painting and trg continued.  
  23   Painting and trg continued.  Capt J. WESTON-SIMONS, MC, who was wounded while serving with the Regt in Nov 1941, returned to the Regt and was appointed 2 i/c of "C" Sqn.  The CO relinquished comd of 22 Armd Bde to the CO, 5 DG, in preparation for his departure to the UK on LILOP at the end of the week.  
  24   The Padre held the usual Church Services, and, although many were occupied in the morning preparing for the move, in the afternoon most men were able to take advantage of the fine weather and go swimming, etc.  
  25   Painting and trg continued unabated.  During the morning some 34 reinforcements arrived from 262 Fwd Del Sqn and were allocated to Sqns.  
      Orders were received that the adv party was likely to move to the BRUNSWICK area on 27 Jun, and the remainder of the Regt to follow on 1 Jul.  
  26   Painting and trg continued.  By evening, notice was received that the move of the adv party on the following day was extremely unlikely.  

The CO held a Sqn Ldrs conference at which he stressed the importance of getting as many men as possible COMET trained in order that, when the Regt was equipped with this type of vehicle the change-over could be effected with the greatest possible ease.

      It was, however, fully appreciated that commitments in BERLIN might make this no easy task.  "A" Sqn held an athletic meeting during the course of the afternoon.  
  28   GOC, 8 Corps, visited the Regt at 1430hrs and talked informally to Sqn Ldrs.  At 1515hrs he attended a Continental type jumping competition in which riders and horses from other Regts had been entered.  
  29   Training and interior economy was carried out.  
  30   The CO passed-out all subaltern offrs who had been attending a Drill Cadre.  At 1900hrs orders were received that Adv parties were likely to be called fwd on the following day, and that the Regt itself would move to BERLIN on Wed or Thu of next week.  



July 1945

Commanding Officer: 1.7.45. Lt.-Col. GRD FITZPATRICK, DSO, MBE, MC

Maj PHV de CLERMONT from 2nd Jul

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
118044  1   The Regt was still in the ITZEHOE area under comd 22 Armd Bde.  The Regt was disposed as follows :- RHQ at AGETHORST, "A" Sqn at HUJE, "B" Sqn at KAAKS, "C" Sqn at VAALE.  The Regt was at 48hrs notice to move to BERLIN, staging at BRUNSWICK on route.  

GSGS 4416



      An adv party, comd by Major DRWG CHARLTON, left for BRUNSWICK with the intention of proceeding with adv parties from 131 Inf Bde to BERLIN.  The CO left the Regt by air for the UK on LILOP and the Regt will be comd by Major PHV de CLERMONT, 2i/c, during his absence. Appx D 1, J 1
  2   Preparations for the move took place on earnest.  A signal from the adv party stated the two offrs had left BRUNSWICK for BERLIN from which place they reported that "everything flat and filthy, open bivouacs essential".  Appx D 2.
      The remainder of the adv party was leaving BRUNSWICK 4 Jul.  The Regt was ordered to move in two batches – the tnk party, carried on transporters as far as BRUNSWICK  under comd Major HH FIRTH, "C" Sqn, on 4 Jul, and the remainder of the Regt on 5 Jul.  OC 451 Coy RASC (tk transporters) was contacted and arrangements were made by the Adjt for the tks to be loaded on the morning of 4 Jul.  Lt RW GOULD returned to the Regt after being in hospital in the UK as a result of a head wound he received at DAERSTORF on 20 Apr  
  3   A holding party under Capt HT PEARSON, HQ Sqn, was despatched to BRUNSWICK area with orders to hold the staging area from the departure of the adv party until the arrival of the Regt on 5 Jul.  An Op Order was issued giving details of the move as far as the BRUNSWICK area.  This Op Order is attached as an Appx to this diary. Appx D 3.
  4   The tks left the Regt area at 0615hrs and proceeded to an RV at 178940, near ITZEHOE.  There, under comd Maj HH FIRTH, "C" Sqn, OIC Tk Party, they were rapidly loaded onto transporters belonging to 451 Coy RASC, and by 0800hrs they were on the move down to BRUNSWICK.  
      They staged the night at KIRCHWEGE 8893 (SALZEWEDEL 1 : 100,000) near UELZEN, after a journey which was uneventful but for a transporter carrying a CHAFFEE which ran into a tree, slightly damaging the tk.  The remainder of the Regt, still in the Regt area, prepared to move early on the following day.  
  5   The road party, under the comd Maj PHV de CLERMONT, acting CO, left at 0630hrs and moved down and staged the night in the area North of BRUNSWICK, as follows :- RHQ and "A" Sqn at MEINE 9024, "B" Sqn at WEDELHEINE 9425, "C" Sqn at ROTGESBUTTEL 9028, where they were met by the holding party, the latter having arrived earlier in the day.  The acon in these villages had been taken over from the 1st Bn Grenadier Gds who had moved out to BERLIN on the same day.

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3024 6   The locn of the Regt remained unchanged.  The day was spent in maintenance and cleaning.  OC "C" Sqn found some varnish and proceeded to varnish the tks in his Sqn, and this committed the whole Regt to carrying out the same course of action in order to effect similarity.    
      A signal and a letter were received from Maj CHARLTON, with the Adv Party, stating that he had found acon in BERLIN but, owing to damage by bombs and RUSSIAN attacks, it was extremely doubtful that it could be made at all habitable before the arrival of the Regt in the city.  Some 300 GERMANS had been organised to help clean the area.  Plans were laid for the move of the Regt on the following day.  
      The tks were going to complete the rest of the journey on their tracks, and the transporters had already returned to their unit on the day before.  8H BERLIN Op Order No 3 was issued and is attached as an Appx to this diary. Appx D 4.
  7   The Regt left the MEINE area at 0645hrs.  Order of March "HQ", "A", "B", "C"Sqns, LAD.  The route the whole way was along the Autobahn joining BRUNSWICK with BERLIN and only at two places were diversions necessary.  Maj CHARLTON met the Regt at the outskirts of the city and Military Police guided the Regt to its new home which was the barracks at 736491.    
      These barracks were built to house the Olympic Games when they were held in BERLIN in 1936.  The Regt arrived at 1900hrs, and all vehs, except one tnk which arrived on a transporter, made the journey quite satisfactorily.  This was the first occasion that the Regt had been able to live centrally since it was at WEST TOFTS in NORFOLK in the winter of 1944.  
      Acon left much to be desired but enormous strides had been made to make the place habitable and, considering the difficulties, the situation might have been very much worse.  On arrival in the new area the Regt was met by Brig SPURLING, Comd 131 Inf Bde, under whose comd the Regt now passed.  A Tk park for the whole Regt was in the Olympischer Platz area leading up to the Stadium, and the tks were an impressive sight when they had formed up bodily upon it.  
      The chief difficulty of the barracks was the lack of water, as only two hydrants were in operation for washing purposes for the whole Regt, and for drinking and cooking purposes the Regt had to depend entirely on water carts.  This was necessitated by the sewerage system in the city becoming inextricably mixed with the water supply.  However, efforts were made to increase the amount of water available in the available in the Barracks.  
736491 8   The day was spent in cleaning and maintaining the tks.  This had an even greater priority than settling into the new area owing to the forthcoming parades in which the Regt would take part.  It was a very hard day's work and the place was a scene of great activity – not least a bulldozer clearing rubble.  

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      A bomb of doubtful origin lodged in the roof of the Offrs Mess and some gelignite and other explosives found in part of the Barracks occupied by "C" Sqn all needed the attention of the RE.  The GOC 7 Brit Armd Div, who was also the comd of the HQ British Troops BERLIN, visited the CO in the morning and expressed his admiration of the tks he had seen in the tk park.  
  9   The CO attended a confce at 131 Bde HQ in the morning on the subject of the forthcoming parades.  A Sqn Ldrs confce was held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at which Maj de CLERMONT spoke of the parade that had been laid on for British Units to march past the GOC 7 Brit Armd Div on Fri 13 Jul.  Plans were made to have a rehearsal the following day and, as it meant closing the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE, this would have to take place at an early hour.   Appx G 1.
      It was therefore decided to have reveille at 0530hrs and move off from the tk park at 0630hrs to arrive at the BRANDENBURGER TOR by 0700hrs to commence the practice march past at that time.  Detailed orders for this practice are attached as an Appx to this diary.  The day was spent in preparation for this parade, but, in the evening, arrangements were made for 2 x 3 ton lorries per Sqn to tour what remained of the city of BERLIN.  It is intended to continue such recreational trips until the need for them is no longer apparent.    
      The Regt Football side played a game against 3 RHA beating them 4-3.  
736491 10   Reveille was at 0530hrs and at 0630hrs the tks left the tk park and moved down to the BRANDENBURG GATE.  They then formed up 4 abreast and drove along the road past an improvised saluting base 400 yds West of the GROSSE STERN.  This practice proved most useful, among other lessons learnt was that, with a 15 yds interval between rows, this interval was apt to increase.    
      So it was decided that, on the next practice, the distance between rows should only be 10 yds.  It was also noticed that, although the saluting base was on the right, dressing would have to come from the left-hand tk of each row, as the CHALLENGERS had been placed on the outside and as the vision of the driver was more restricted in this type of tk than in any other, dressing on the left became essential.    
      For many reasons it had been decided that it was impracticable to arrange all the CHALLENGERS together, all the COMETS together, and all the CROMWELLS together, as this would have entailed not only splitting Sqns but would also have meant that the rows of CHALLENGERS would have a very difficult job indeed in keeping level.  It was decided to have another practice on the following day.  The remainder of the day was spent in maintenance and area cleaning.  
  11   Another practise for the ceremonial march past was carried out in the early morning and this time the march past showed great improvement and it became obvious that unless anything unforeseen happened the Regt would give a good account of itself on the 13th.  The afternoon was observed as a holiday.    
      The CO attended a confce at 131 Inf Bde at which he was asked to provide a number of tks to seal-off the North and South approaches of the BRANDENBURG GATE on the following day when the C-in-C, Field Marshal Sir Bernard MONTGOMERY, was presenting a decoration on behalf of HM the KING to Marshal ZHUKOV.    
      The CO and the Adjt made a reconnaissance of the area and it was decided that the job could be suitably carried out by 24 CROMWELL tks – having 12 tks on either side.  Orders for this ceremonial parade were issued in the afternoon and are attached as an Appx. Appx G 2.
  12   The morning was spent in maintenance, and at 1415hrs 24 CROMWELL tks left the tk park under the comd of the CO and drove to the BRANDENBURG GATE, taking up their pre-arranged positions there by 1530hrs.    
      The weather was brilliant and a very impressive ceremony took place.  In the morning the Adjt attended a confce at 131 Bde HQ where the final details for the ceremonial parade were tied-up.  In the evening the area of the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE allotted to the Regt for the following day was recce'd and marked out to enable the tks to get more quickly into position.    
      Orders for the C-in-C's parade were issued and are att to this diary as an Appx.  At 2000hrs a message was received from the Brig comd 131 Inf Bde that the C-in-C wished to express his very great appreciation of the way that all ranks had carried their duties on the afternoon's parade, and, in particular, he mentioned the fine effect that had been made by the tks of 8H and the Armd cars of 11H. Appx G 3.
      Notice was received that Lt GOULD and Cpl HOWARD, both of "B" Sqn, had been awarded the MC and MM respectively.  
  13   The Regt was on parade in the tk park at 0900hrs.  The CO inspected the Regt, and at 0930hrs the Regt moved off down the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE, which street was by this time becoming well known to us.  Everything worked smoothly and the tks quickly got into position although dressing the tks proved a difficult manoeuvre.  At 1200hrs the GOC motored in a half-track down both sides of the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE inspecting the parade.    
      He then moved to the saluting base and by 1230hrs the tks and vehs of every unit taking part in the parade had wheeled into their formation for the march past which then commenced.  The value of previous practices proved to have been well worth while as spectators in the stands said that our dressing was second to none, and that the Regt moving by made a most impressive sight.  Just short of the saluting base a press photographer was lying in the middle of the road facing the CO's tk.    
      He remained in this posn and the tk, without slackening speed, drove over him.  He remained on the ground photographing the tk belonging to OC "A" Sqn which also rumbled over him.  It could be said that the Regt was never photographed by so many different people from so many strange angles.  The Regt was back in the tk park by 1300hrs, and the whole parade, as far as we were concerned, had gone without a hitch.  
  14   In view of the hard work put in by the Regt on the previous day reveille was made at a later hour and, after the usual maintenance parade, the rest of the day was observed as a holiday.  At 1700hrs all offrs attended a lecture given by Maj-Gen LO LYNE, comd British Tps BERLIN Area, who spoke of the problems confronting the British tps occupying BERLIN.    
      The CO held a confce in the morning at which the future training policy for the Regt was discussed.  It was decided that the time had now come when it was possible to start COMET D&M and Gny classes with a view to having a sufficient number of gunners and drivers available when the Regt would be equipped with COMETS.  This was expected to happen at the end of Aug.  
  15   The Padre held a Church Service.  The weather for the past few days had been hot, but a swimming bath was in working order very close in the area and this was used to capacity.  
  16   News was received that the big Victory Parade, for which the parade on the 13th had been in the nature of a dress rehearsal, was to take place on Sat 21 Jul.  D&M and Gny classes and an NCO's Drill Cadre were started.  These classes were designed to take place from 1100 to 1230hrs daily.    
      In the afternoon the Adjt held a confce on tradesman.  In the evening the CO attended a confce at Bde HQ on the subject of Barrack conditions.  
  17   The Adjt attended a confce at 1000hrs at Bde in connection with the forthcoming Victory Parade.  Only a few very minor alterations were made from the form used on 13th Jul, and none of these affected the Regt in any way.  Courses and trg continued.  
  18   Courses and trg continued.  In the afternoon Brig SPURLING and Brig RAVENSHILL carried out a billet inspection.  Brig SPURLING complimented the Regt on the high standard of cleanliness in the various Sqn cookhouses.  Capt JB HEYCOCK RAMC, and the Rev FL HONE left the unit on LILOP.  
  19   Courses and trg continued.  News was received that wef 2359hrs 21 Jul, the Regt would pass under the comd HQ RA for all matters concerning ops and adm but that it would deal direct with 7 Armd Div on questions of SD, courses and trg.  
  20   Courses continued.  The day was spent in cleaning the tks in preparation for the parade on the following day.  In the afternoon the Adjt and the RSM marked out the Regt area on the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE.  
  21   As the parade was due to commence at 1000hrs, reveille was at 0430hrs and, after first parade and breakfast, "Crews Front" was at 0645hrs.  The CO inspected the Regt and expressed his satisfaction at the general turn-out of the men.  At 0725hrs the Regt moved off and had a clear run through the city to its allotted area in the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE.    
      The tks were quickly formed up and dressed, and the men then had tea from the cook's lorries which had preceded them.  At 1000hrs the Victory Parade commenced with a salute of 19 guns fired by 3 RHA.  Then the Prime Minister's party drove in eight half-tracks down the rd to inspect the tps on parade.  In the leading half-track were the PM, Field Marshal Sir Alan BROOKE, Field Marshal Sir Bernard MONTGOMERY, Maj-Gen LO LYNE.  In the second half-track were Admiral of the Fleet Sit Andrew CUNNINGHAM, Marshal of the RAF Sir Charles PORTAL, General of the Army GC MARSHALL, Fleet Admiral EJ KING, General of the Army HH ARNOLD, Field Marshal Sir Harold ALEXANDER.  In the third half-track were Field marshal Sir Henry MAITLAND-WILSON, General Sir Hastings ISMAY, The Rt Hon Anthony EDEN, The Rt Hon CR ATLEE, Air Chief Marshal Sir W SHOLTO-DOUGLAS and Admiral Sir Harold BURROUGH.    
      The remaining half-tracks carried high ranking Allied offrs and members of the GOV.  The inspection was completed by twenty minutes to eleven, and at ten minutes to eleven the parade had formed up ready to march past.  The Order of March was strictly in seniority – HQ 131 Inf Bde, 3 RHA, 5 RHA, 8H, 11H, 344 SL Battery RA, Div RE, 3 Coy NF, massed carriers from 131 Inf Bde.  After these tracked and wheeled units came the inf in the following order :- Det RN, 1st Bn Gren Gds, 11/5 Queens, 2nd Devon, Cdn BERLIN Bn, Det HQ 131 Inf Bde, Det 507 Coy RASC, Det 131 Fd Amb, Det RAF, Det RAF Regt.    
      The following bands took part :- Royal Marines, 11th Hussars and 2nd Devon bands, and the brass band of the Cdn BERLIN Bn.  The music was relayed through loud-speakers so that it could be heard by tps awaiting inspection.  The weather was perfect, and all ranks returned feeling that they had taken part in one of the most historic parades in history.  The remainder of the day was observed as a holiday.  
      At Appx is shown the orders issued for this parade.  Fourteen Ors of the Regt were present at the NAAFI/EFI Club which was opened after the March Past by the Prime Minister, and named the "Winston Club".  A copy of the speech made by the Prime Minister on this occasion is attached as an Appx to this diary. Appx G4, J2,J3.
  22   Owing to the absence of the Padre on LILOP the morning service was taken by Maj Rev Wingfield Digby, Senior Chaplain, 7 Armd Div.  The Regt passed under comd HQ RA and Brig FD MOORE paid an informal visit during the morning.  
  23   This day was spent as a whole holiday by order of the Prime Minister, to mark the smartness of the Division on the Victory Parade.  
  24   Courses and trg continued.  In the afternoon the CO held a Sqn Ldrs confce at which general matters were dealt with.  A guard consisting of 30 men under Lt MOSSOP went to POTSDAM to guard in 4 L of C area.    
      At 1600hrs 60 Ors under Lt GOULD, "B" Sqn, were present at the launching of a pleasure steamer by Miss Mary Churchill.  
  25   Courses and trg continued in the morning.  A Regt Athletic Meeting was held in the afternoon, the highest score was held by "A" Sqn, the other Sqns were placed in the following order – "B" and "HQ" Sqns drew for second place and "C" Sqn was last.  
  26   Courses and trg continued.  The CO and Adjt visited the POTSDAM Guard in the morning.  The living conditions of the Guard were found to be most unsatisfactory and representations were made to improve this state of affairs.  In the afternoon 75 men per Sqn were put on a cleaning fatigue of the Barracks area and more traces of GERMAN rout and Russian occupation were removed.  
  27   Courses and trg continued.  The POTSDAM Guard was relieved.  The new GUARD of increased number 43 Ors was under comd of Lt CRAVEN "A" Sqn.  
  28   A dismounted Regt Drill Parade was held in the morning.  A Regt Hockey Match v 11 Hussars was played in the afternoon, the Regt lost, the score being 4-3.  

A Church Service was held at 1030hrs, which was taken by the Padre of 3 RHA. Maj ROBERTSON, HQ Sqn, visited the Guard at POTSDAM.

  30   Courses and trg continued.  The POTSDAM Guard was changed, the new Guard was under the comd of Lt CC KENNEDY, "C" Sqn.  The CO carried out an inspection of HQ Sqn.  
  31   Courses and trg continued.  NCOs on the Drill Cadre under the RSM were passed out.  A fire broke out in the Barrack area in a part of the building which had been bombed.    
      It was thought to have been caused by internal combustion and, in fact, might have been burning unnoticed for three days.  By the evening 113 Fire Fighting Coy had extinguished the fire.  The CO carried out an admin inspection of "A" Sqn.  



From:- 8H   Date and Time – 010930B
To :- OsC "A", "B", "C", "HQ" Sqns, QM , MO, Tech, Sigs, War Diary (2)
283/5(.) SECRET(.) Warning Order(.) 8H will move to BERLIN on 5 JUL 45(.) probability of staging in BRUNSWICK area en route(.) lorries at leave report centre will be recalled by this HQ(.) Instructions will be issued concerning disposal of leave and course personnel during the course of the day(.) tanks will be moved by transporter on 4 JUL(.) Instructions to follow(.)



Copy No. 14.


2 JUL 45


2 Jul 45



      8H will move to area BERLIN 5/6/7 Jul 45


                  (a)  Adv Party as already detailed

                  (b)  Holding Party – Offr IC Capt PIERSON, HQ Sqn, and one Offr or senior Sgt per Sabre Sqn

                  (c)  Tank Party – Offr IC Major HH FIRTH, "C" Sqn, and two offrs from each Sqn, incl
"HQ" Sqn and all tk and ARV crews

                  (d)  Road Party – 8H less parties mentioned in (a), (b), and (c) above.


                  (a)  Adv Party

                        (i) to recce staging area in BRUNSWICK

                        (ii)to recce final area in BERLIN

                  (b)  Holding Party

                        To hold staging area from the time of departure of the adv party until arrival of the Regt


                  (a)  3 Jul – Holding Party leaves for BRUNSWICK area

                  (b)  4 Jul – All tracked vehs move on transporters to BRUNSWICK area under comd

                                   Major HH FIRTH, staging night 4/5/ Jul North of BRUNSWICK

                  (c)  5 Jul – 8H, less Adv Party, Holding Party and Tk party, move to BRUNSWICK area

                  (d)  6 Jul – 8H, less Adv party, remain in BRUNSWICK area

                  (e)  7 Jul – 8H, less Adv Party, move to BERLIN

5.   ROUTE                           To be notified later

6.   EXACT TIMINGS             To be notified later                                                                    

7.   ORDER OF MARCH         To be notified later


                  (a)  Holding Party – Two day's fresh and one day's compo will be taken

                        Tk Party         - One day's fresh  and one day's compo will be taken

                        Water             - All parties will ensure that adequate supplies of drinking water are taken

                  (b)  OsC Sqns will ensure that Water Carts are full to capacity before departure

                  (c)  All ranks will be warned of the importance of conserving drinking water


      Wireless silence will be observed by all parties on the move


      More detailed instructions covering tk party and rd party will be issued in due course


      Please ACK


Method of Despatch SDR   A.U. CASE
    Adjutant 8th K.R.I.HUSSARS


Copy No 1 -  "A" Sqn Copy No 5 – Maj Firth Copy No 9  - QM
Copy No 2 -  "B" Sqn Copy No 6 – Capt Pierson 10 – 11 MO & LAD
Copy No 3 – "C" Sqn Copy No 7 -  Tech Offr 12 – 14 Spare
Copy No 4 -  "HQ" Sqn Copy No 8 -  Sigs 15 – 16 War Diary


Copy No 11  


8H BERLIN OP ORDER No 2   8th K.R.I.Hussars
Maps 1:100.000 NEUMUNSTER   3 Jul 45


         This Op order will be read in conjunction with 8H BERLIN Op Order No 1 dated 2 Jul 45


         8H will move to BRUNSWICK area on 4 & 5 Jul 45


   1.         Comd:-   Major HH FIRTH, "C" Sqn, 8H, who will also comd two vehs belonging to

                             11H and six vehs belonging to 3 RHA

   2.         Composition:-

                             Personnel.  "A" Sqn – 2 Offrs and 78 Ors.  "B" Sqn – 1 Offr and 88 Ors

                             "C" Sqn – 2 Offrs and 91 Ors.  "HQ" Sqn – 2 Offrs and 48 Ors.

                             Tracked Vehs.  Each Sabre Sqn 17 Tks and 1 ARV.  "HQ" Sqn, 13 Tks

                             Six wheeled vehs approx will be travelling with the tk party as already detailed by

                             Sqns concerned.

   3.         SP:-        Rd junc MR 157009

   4.         Head Past SP:-

                             0615hrs 4 Jul 45  ("C" Sqn will move to SP via rd junc 145059, all other Sqns will

                             move via KAAKS 1301)

   5.         Order of March:- "C", "B", "A" and "HQ" Sqns

   6.         RV for Loading:-  MR 178940

   7.         Route to RV:-       ITZEHOE                                                                                    

   8.         Density:-        40 v.t.m.

   9.         Speed:-                12 m.i.h.

10.         11th Hussars:-     Two vehs from 11h will report to RV at 0700hrs, 4 Jul 45 to be loaded  onto transporters

11.         Arrival at RV:-    040700B

12.         Dep. from RV:-   040800B

13.         Route from RV:- HAMBURG via BAD BRAMSTEDT

14.         3 RHA:-              Six tks on transporters from 3 RHA will join coln at rd junc 438593

15.         Halts:-                 At 20 mins to every even hr, and one hr halt from 1200-1300hrs

16.         Density                40 v.t.m.

17.         Speed:-                20 m.i.2h.

18.         Staging:-              Tk party will stage night 4/5/Jul area North of UELZEN and continue

                                          journey 050800B.  Guides will meet this party at ROTGESBUTTEL

                                          904280 on 5 Jul.  If no guides present one veh will go on to MEINE

                                          907241, to contact 8H holding party

19.         Unloading:-         Tks will be off-loaded from transporters on arrival BRUNSWICK area,

                                          and transporters will then return to locn to be decided by 21 Army Gp

20.         Rations:-              Para 8 of 8H BERLIN Op Order No 1, ref rations for tk party, this order

                                          is now cancelled

                                          The unexpired portion of the day's ration for 4 Jul will be taken

                                          QM will arrange for fresh rations to be taken down to UELZEN area

                                          pm 4 Jul

                                          Major FIRTH will leave guide at TATENDORF (on the CL North of

                                          UELZEN) to guide ration truck to leaguer area unless the driver of the

                                          ration truck has already reported his arrival

21.         Convoy No:-       8C/24.  This Convoy number will be chalked onto any wheeled veh

                                          accompanying the party and onto the transporters. (Tks will not show

                                          the Convoy number)

22.         Medical:-                        The medical half-track att "B" Sqn will travel with the Tk party  


D            ROAD PARTY

         1.   Comd -                           Major PHV de CLERMONT, 8H

         2.   Composition -                8H, less Adv Party, Holding Party and Tk Party

         3.   SP -                                Rd junc MR 157009

         4.   Head Past SP -                0615hrs, 5 Jul 45

         5.   Order of March -            "HQ", "C", "B", and "A" Sqns, and LAD   

         6.   Route -                           HAMBURG bye-pass – HARBURG – LUNEBURG – UELZEN

                                                     ROTGESBUTTEL, 904280.

         7.   Div SP -                          Rd junc MR 438953

         8.   Time Past Div SP -         050921hrs and not before

         9.   Halts -                            10 mins at ten mins to every even hour, and one hour halt from


         10. Density -                        40 v.t.m.

         11. Speed -                          30 m.i.2h

         12. Guides -                         Guides will meet Regt at ROTGESBUTTEL, 904280

         13. Medical -                       The Medical half-track at present with "C" Sqn will be transferred to "A" Sqn in order to travel                              at end of Sqn coln

         14 –Convoy No –                8c/23.  This number will be chalked on all vehs


E             NOTES

         1.   A Div RASC rep is remaining with Rear Party, BERLIN area, at BRUNSWICK until all             
         Div Units have been called forward

         2.          ACON

               All accn will be handed over as per the inventory lists by 2000hrs 4 Jul 45

         3.   Empty petrol tins will not be left in the present area, OsC Sqns will ensure that empty cans

               are returned to the Petrol Point by 2000hrs, 4 Jul 45

         4.   OsC Sqns will ensure that the present area is left scrupulously clean


               Please ACK


     TOS 03153073


     Method of Despatch  SDR   Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars


Copy No 1 -  "A" Sqn Copy No 5 – Maj Firth Copy No 9  - QM
Copy No 2 -  "B" Sqn Copy No 6 – Capt Pierson Copy No 10  - MO
Copy No 3 – "C" Sqn Copy No 7 -  Tech Offr Copy No 11  - LAD
Copy No 4 -  "HQ" Sqn Copy No 8 -  Sigs  
Copy No 12 – OC 451 Coy  RASC (Tk Transporters)  
Copies 13-15 Spare, Copies 16-17 War Diary  


Copy No 15

6 JULY 45






Maps :- 1:100,000 BRUNSWICK, N.5:1:250,000  MAGDEBURG, M.53:1:250,000
             BERLIN, N.53:1:100,000, BERLIN West, N.7, BERLIN East, N.8

A            INTENTION

         1.   8H will move to BERLIN 7 Jul 45

B            METHOD                                        

         1.   Order of March -            RHQ, Recce, "HQ", "A", "B", "C", LAD (incl two

         2.   Regt SP -                        Xrds 906241

         3.   Div SP -                          Br 972163

         4.   DP -                                DALLGOW 625503          

         5.   Final Locn -                    Barracks at 735491

         6.   Timing -                         Head Past Regt SP at 070700B hrs

                                                     Head Past Div   SP at 070730B hrs

7.   Route -                           Br at 896168 – br at 972163 – MAGDEBURG, 6500(1:250000)   POTSDAM 6136 – DALLGOW 635503. (NOTE: - Route is
                             mainly along the Autobahn but owing to demolitions a number of                              detours will be necessary. Route will be well marked with the
                             Div sign and all drivers will look out for them.

8.   Density                           40 v.t.m.

9.   Speed                                    30 m.i.2h

10. Halts                               At ten mins to every odd hour.  Lunch halt from 1100-1200hrs    and thereafter ten minutes halt every even hour.

11. Convoy No                    8c/23

           C.           ADM

1    Topping-up                    Topping –up will be carried out between 1100-1200hrs.

2.   Dress                              As laid down to Sqn Ldrs

3.   Marching-out states        To be rendered to this HQ by 1600hrs 6 Jul

4.   March Discipline            Regt will march at ease on reaching Autobahn until further orders are received. (NOTE :- All ranks are reminded that no smoking is              allowed under any circumstances while marching to attention)





       TOS  0613403   A.U.Case Captain
        Method of Despatch  SDR   Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars


Copy No 1 -  "A" Sqn Copy No 5 – Maj Firth Copy No 9  - MO
Copy No 2 -  "B" Sqn Copy No 6 – Tech Offr Copy No 10  - LAD
Copy No 3 – "C" Sqn Copy No 7 -  Sigs Copy No 11-13 Spare
Copy No 4 -  "HQ" Sqn Copy No 8 -  QM Copy No 14-15 War Diary





9 Jul 45


1.   Introduction::-        All tks inc ARVs in the Regt will carry out a practise March Past 10 Jul 45

2.   Reveille:-                0530hrs

3.   Crews front            :-       0615hrs

4.   Dress:-                    Overalls

5.   Move Off:-                      0630hrs

6.   Order of March:-    "HQ", "A", "B", "C" Sqns

7.   Forming up area:-   BRANDENBURGER TOR

8.   Route to Forming-up Area:-                              via CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE


10.             Saluting Base:-       400 yds West of the "Winged Victory" Column on the North side of the road                   represented on this Parade by 3 Dingos, 20 yds apart

11. Forming-up:-          On reaching the BRANDENBURGER TOR the Regt will turn around and                 move back up the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE until stopped
             by a marker situated on the North side of the road

12. Interval:-                 Between rows – 15 yds

13. Interval      :-                      Between colns – 2 yds from curbs (approx 6 yds in centre)

14. Markers:-                The markers (detailed below) will be stationed at the correct intervals for
             both rows and columns, and Sqns will form up on them.  Markers for
             columns will only be placed at the head of each column and, therefore, all
             the tks coming behind must dress from head to rear.  There will, however, be

                                     a marker to dress each row

15. Formation:-                        Only the CO and Sqn Ldrs will travel on the centre of the road followed by
             their Sqns in four columns, two columns on the North side of the road and
             columns on the South side of the road.

16. Move Off:-                        The Regt will move off when the last row has been formed-up.  It is
             absolutely essential that the interval between rows, and the dressing of the
             columns, should be absolutely perfect

17. Speed:-                   10 m.p.h.

18. Dip:-                       40 yds short of the Saluting Base there will be a marker with a white flag.
             On reaching this marker Sqn Ldrs will give the order "Dip", and all guns in
             the Sqn will be dipped to maximum depression.  The Sqn Ldr will order the

                                     sqn with the command "Guns Level" when he has estimated that the rear row

                                     of his column is 40 yds past the Saluting base.  It is estimated that the time

                                     will be 28 seconds after the order "Dip" has been given

19. Return to Camp:-    On reaching the ADOLF HITLER PLATZ Sqns will resume normal Rule of

                                     the Road direction and return to Camp on the right of the road in single file

.20.                               Saluting:-         On the order "Dip", all ranks who are visible, with the exception of the CO

                                     who is the only person to salute, will turn their heads and eyes smartly to the

                                     right and remain in that position until the order "Guns Level" is given

21. Hatches:-                All drivers and co-drivers hatches where applicable, will be open in order to

                                     assist drivers in keeping level with the right-hand tk.

22. Right hand Tk:-      On the right hand tk rests the responsibility of seeing that the interval

                                     between the row in front remains at 15 yds, apart from the dressing-off with

                                     the tk in front

23. Left hand Tk:-        The left hand tk, wherever possible, will be the biggest tk, i.e.

                                     CHALLENGER or COMET

24. CO and Sqn Ldrs:-  CO and Sqn Ldrs Tks, on reaching the "Winged Victory" column, will move

                                     round to the North of the Column and then resume their previous positions in

                                     the centre of the road

25. Crew Drill:-            Crew drill will be that as laid down in the CROMWELL AFV handbook

26. Marching to Attn:-  Throughout the time from the Move Off from the BRANDENBURGER

                                     TOR until reaching the ADOLF HITLER PLATZ the Regt will march to

                                     attention.  Only the Tk Comd and the Operator will be visible, in their

                                     correct positions, from the top of the turret.

27. Goggles:-                Drivers will not wear goggles.  Dust covers on guns, (Besas incl), will not be

                                     worn.  The tk guns will have muzzle covers

28. Berets:-                   All ranks taking part in the parade will wear BLACK berets

29. Police:-                   Lt GOLDSMITH will travel in front of the CO's tk to act as Traffic

                                     Policeman, as far as the forming-up area and in order to carry out any

                                     instructions from the Adjt whilst the Regt is in the forming –up area

                                     He will not take part in the March Past

30. Scout Cars:-            Three Scout Cars, as detailed by OC "HQ" Sqn, will report to the RSM

                                     outside the main steps of the barracks at 0600hrs  10 Jul

31. Markers:-                Each Sqn, inc "HQ", will detail six markers to report to the RSM at 0600hrs

                                     10 Jul, outside the main steps of the barracks

32. Transport:-              OC C" Sqn will detail one three-tonner which will report to the RSM at

                                     0600hrs, 10 Jul, outside the main steps of the barracks, in order to transport

                                     the markers

33. TKS Taking Part:-   "HQ" Sqn – 3 CROMWELLS, 4 CHAFFEES, 4 JELLOPIES

                                     "A"    Sqn – 16 tks plus 1 CROMWELL from "HQ" Sqn

                                     "B" & "C" Sqns – 17 tks each

34. ARVs:-                   The ARV of each Sabre Sqn will travel at the rear of the whole Regt

35. Breakfasts:-                       Breakfast will take place on the return of the Regt to Camp  


    A U CASE, Captain
        Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars


OC  "A" Sqn CO RSM
OC  "B" Sqn 2 i/c War Diary (2)
OC  "C" Sqn Adjt File
OC  "HQ" Sqn Tech Offr Spare (3)


Subject:- The C-in-C's Ceremonial Parade                               8th K.R.I.Hussars


CO Adjt

11 JUL 45

OC "A" Sqn Tech Offr  
OC "B" Sqn RSM    
OC "C" Sqn War Diary (2)    
OC "HQ" Sqn Spare (2)    

1.   The C-in-C is holding a Ceremonial Parade at the BRANDENBURG GATE at 1600hrs Thursday

      12th Jul.


2.   Troops taking part:-                       1st Bn Grenadier Guards, Guard of Honour with Colours

                                                Det 8th Hussars

                                                Det 11th Hussars

                                                Band of 2nd Devons


3.   No Spectators, Officers, Ors or civilians, except officially invited guests will attend the Parade.

      This order will be strictly enforced by Pro.


4.   Timings:-                1500hrs           traffic stopped

                                     1530hrs           all troops in position

                                     1540hrs           distinguished guests arrive

                                     1555hrs           C-in-C and GOC arrive


5.   Role of 8H Det:-  To block all approaches on the West side of the BRANDENBURG GATE

                                 from the North and South, facing inwards towards the

                                 CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE.


6.   Troops of 8H taking part:- 24 CROMWELL 75mm tks Comd by Major PHV de CLERMONT

                                     "A" Sqn will provide  9

                                     "B" Sqn    "         "      4

                                     "C" Sqn    "         "     10

                                     "HQ" Sqn "         "      CO's tk

7.   Grouping:-          Tks will be split into two groups – the North group and the South group

                                 The North group – 10 tks from "C" Sqn and 2 tks from "B" Sqn, total 12

The South group -   9 tks from "A" Sqn, two from "C" Sqn, CO's tk from "HQ"
These tks will be arranged into their respective groups by 0945hrs 12 July

as follows:- The North group along the Northern edge of the Tk Pk

                   The South group along the Southern edge of the Tk Pk

8.   Timings for 8H:-

                                 Parade                 1415hrs

                                 Leave Tk Park     1430hrs

                                 Arrive Brandenburg Gate            1500hrs

                                 In position                          1530hrs

9.   Order of March:-    South Group

                                 North Group

10. Routes:-              North Party – Victory Column, Zelton Allee, Brandenburg gate

South Party -  Victory Column, Hofjager Allee, Tiergarten Strasse,
Brandenburg Gate.

11. Guides:-              North Party – L/C GOLDSMITH, "HQ" Sqn

                                 South Party -  Tpr NORTON, "HQ" Sqn

                                 Guides parade at 1415hrs in front of their respective parties.  

12.  Markers:-           The usual 24 markers will report to the RSM outside the main steps of the                                              Barracks at 1400hrs. Tpt will be provided by OC "HQ" Sqn.  RSM will travel               on this tpt.


13.  Arrival at BRANDENBURG GATE:-

                                                                        On arrival tks will move onto their Markers who will already be in position.

                                                                        The leading tk in both parties will make for the most easterly Marker, i.e. the

                                                                        ones close to the pillar of the BRANDENBURG GATE.


14.  Interval:-            The spacing between the tks when lined-up will be two yds approx.


15.  The North party will leave a gap of one tk on the HERMAN GORING STRASSE, where it approaches the Gate from the North, to enable distinguished visitors' cars to move into the area of the gateway.  This gap will be closed at 1550hrs unless ordered to close sooner.


16.  Crews:-              Neither gunners are required.  RSM, having seen the tks in position, will take

                                 the Adjt's place in the CO's tk.


17.  Dress:-               Drivers – overalls.  All ranks, inc Markers and Guides but exclusive of drivers,

                                                                        will wear berets, best battle-dress, web belts.  Anklets web will NOT be worn.


18.  Saluting:-           No-one will salute, but Commanders and Operators will stand to attention in

                                                                        their turrets while the Ceremony is taking place.


19.  Dispersal:-         Dispersal after the Parade will be up the CHARLOTTENBURGER

                                                                        CHAUSSEE when ordered.  There will be no March Past.  Markers and Guides

                                                                        will return by the North and South routes directly the tks are in position, and

                                                                        certainly not later than 1530hrs.


20.  Inter-Communication:-

                                                                        Wireless will not be used.


21.  Recovery:-

                                                                        (a) "C" Sqn ARV will travel with the North party  and the "A" Sqn ARV with

                                                                              the South party under the arrangements of the Tech Offr.

                                                                        (b)  All rules above ref dress, dispersal, etc., apply to this party.

                                                                        (c)  Overalls, however, will be taken by the crews.

                                                                        (d)  These vehs will line-up at 0945hrs with their respective parties.



    AU CASE  Captain,
    Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars


Subject:- Ceremonial Parade – 13 Jul 45 8th K.R.I.Hussars
          12 Jul 45

1.     8H will take part in a Ceremonial Parade 13 Jul 45.


2.     Order of March:-               RHQ. "A", "B", "C" Sqns

3.     SP:-                         Rly Br 803495


4.     Speed:-                   15 mph.

5.     Density:-                 40 vtm .


6.     Route:-                   GROSSE STERN and then NE to KONIGS PLATZ.  This route will be



7.     Timings:-                First Parade           -               0630-0730hrs

                                       Breakfast              -               0800hrs

                                       Parade                   -               0900hrs                                     Move Off        -    0930hrs                                               Head past SP    -           0946hrs


8.     Forming-up for inspection:-

                              (a)  On arrival in the forming-up area the Regt will form up in two lines facing

                                    inwards, tails of tks on the pavement.

                              (b)  Markers will be provided

                              (c)  Tanks which on practice march past were on the North side of the road will

                                    line-up on the North side.

                                  Tanks which in practice march past were on the South side of the road will

                                  line-up on the South side.

                            (d)  CO's Tk South side                   OC "B" Sqn Tk North side

                                   OC "A" Sqn Tk North side       OC "C" Sqn Tk North side

                                 (Appx "A" refers)


9.    Forming-up for March Past:-

                                  After the inspection tks will wheel West and form up for march on markers.

11.  Markers:-     (a)  6 markers per Sqn will report to RSM at the Main Steps of the Barracks at


                                 (b)                                             OC "HQ" Sqn will provide tpt.

                            (c) Marker Party will be clear of SP by 0930hrs.


12    DRs:-           L/C Goldsmith, "HQ" Sqn, and Tpr Norton, "HQ" Sqn, will move with the Tk


13.  Spectators:-  (a) Sqns will provide own tpt for spectators

                            (b) ALL spectators will parade outside the Main Steps at 1015hrs for inspection

                                 by Capt Pierson "HQ" Sqn.

                            (c) All vehs carrying spectators will be clearly marked on the windscreen


                            (d) Offr spectators will hand their names to Capt Pierson who will arrange

                                 transport for them.

                            (e) There will be two separate enclosures, one for offrs and one for Ors both

                                 near the saluting base in the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE.

                             (f)  Vehs carrying spectators will move along the SOUTHERN LANE of the

                                 SOUTHERN ROAD along the CHARLOTTENBURGER CHAUSSEE

                            (g) Vehs carrying spectators will pass the SP between 1100 and 1115hrs

                            (h) Spectators Car Park on EAST side of SP.

                            (i)  During the March past spectators will stand to attention and Offrs only will

                                 salute the colours.

14. Dress:-           All Ranks (incl markers, spectators, etc.) will wear drill order(Berets, Best

                            Battledress, Skeleton Eqpt,, Anklets Web)

15. Inter Comm:-

                            (a) A move control R/T Gp netting at 130830C on a freq of 3416K/cs is being set up.  Group will maintain continuous watch from time of netting.

                            (b) Regt Sig Sgt to collect call signs etc from Adjt at 1600hrs, 12 Jul.

                            (c) COs Tk will act as this link.

16. Medical:-       First Aid Posts are being established:-

                            (a) EAST side of GROSSER STERN but near it.

                                 At TP in BERLINER STRASSE 2000 yds WEST of SP.

17  Latrines:-       Latrines are being erected near the route.

18  Dispersal:-     Speed will be increased to 15 mph after passing rly br and tks will continue in

                            formation for 2000 yds past the rly br.  Single file will then be formed.




     A U CASE, Captain

    Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars
CO Adjt       Capt Pierson  
OC "A" Sqn Tech Offr RSM  
OC "B" Sqn QM Regt Sig Sgt  
OC "C" Sqn MO Sigs  
OC "HQ" Sqn EME War Diary (2)  
                 Spare (2)  
1. Sqn Ldrs on the March Past WILL salute.  
2. All men on parade, less spectators, will take mugs with them.  
3. QM will please arrange for two cooks lorries to report to the RSM at 0900hrs to move
    down with the Marker Party.  


Subject:-  Victory Parade – 21 Jul 45   SECRET

8th K.R.I.Hussars






               20 JULY 45


1.    8H will take part in a Victory parade 21 Jul 45.

2.    This order will be read in conjunction with the orders issued for Ceremonial Parade 13 Jul of even ref dated 12 Jul 45.

3.    SP             )

       Speed        )    unaltered.

       Density      )

       Route         )


4.    Timings.                             Reveille               -            0430hrs

                                                1st Parade           -            0445hrs

                                                Breakfast             -            0530hrs

                                                Parade, (Crews Front)       0645hrs

                                                Move off              -            0725hrs

                                                Head past SP       -            0746hrs

                                                Inspection            -            1000hrs


5.    Forming up for Inspection – Unaltered.

6.    March Past.                      - Interval and Speed unaltered.

7.    Markers.                           - Unaltered except:- Time of parade now 0700hrs, and tail

                                                   will clear SP 0730hrs.

8.    Spectators.

                                                (a) Parade 0815hrs.  Pass SP between 0845-0900hrs.

                                                (b) Offrs and Ors will salute uncased Colours

                                                (c) Offrs vehs to pass SP not later than 0900hrs.

9.    Inter comm. – Bde Gp nets at 0630hrs

10   Dress.       Unaltered.

11   Cooks.      Cooks lorries as ordered by QM and one 15cwt Offr Mess Truck report RSM

                        at 0700hrs at the main steps

12.  Dispersal. Unaltered.


  A U CASE Captain  
  Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars  
CO Adjt       Capt Pierson  
OC "A" Sqn Tech Offr RSM  
OC "B" Sqn QM Regt Sig Sgt  
OC "C" Sqn MO Sigs  
OC "HQ" Sqn EME War Diary (2)  
               Spare (2)  





The following extracts have been copied from the newspapers quoted and forwarded to the Regiment by Lt.Col L.W. Wathen, late 8H.

"……….in half an hour the inspection was over.

First past the saluting base was Parade Commander Brigadier JMK Spurling, DSO, in his scout car.  Then, as premier regiment of the Army, came the Royal Artillery with their gleaming 25-pounders six abreast.  Every man on parade was wearing newly issued ribbons – Normandy, Germany, and the 1939/45 Stars.  Most of them also had the Africa Star, for nearly all the soldiers belong to the 7th Armoured Division (The Desert Rats).

             Following the Artillery came the famous 8th Hussars..  Major-General Lyne pointed out the leading tank, "Hurry On", to Mr Churchill, and told him that it had come over 3,000 miles from the Normandy beachhead, and that its driver, Corporal Morris, had seven tanks shot from under him –"

EVENING NEWS – 21 Jul 45  
"As the men swung by, their equipment polished and gaiters cleaned as never they were during battle, and, although feeling somewhat conscious of the occasion, they cannot help having thoughts of the events two or three years ago.  Most of them are the men who have seen more fighting than any soldiers in the last war.  They are led by the 3rd Regiment of the Royal Horse Artillery.  Also in the parade are the 5th Royal Horse Artillery, who defended the last road to Dunkirk.  Behind the Artillery came the 8th Hussars, who, being in Egypt in 1933, are entitled to describe themselves as the oldest Desert Rats.  They, too, had been in the ebb and tide of battle in this war.  Their tanks, named after horses and hounds (in what other army would you find this?), have the spit and polish of peace time and not the dust of Normandy today.  The first of them, named "Hurry On", now rumbling past the parade dais, has travelled more than 3,000 miles. It has come all the way from the beachhead of Normandy – and now is being driven by Corporal Morris, who has had seven tanks shot from under him during the long trek to Victory."  





on the occasion of




             Soldiers of the 7th Armoured Division.  I am delighted to be able to open this Club and I shall always consider it a great honour that it should have been named after me.


             I have, not for the first time, had the pleasure of seeing your troops march past, and this brings back to my mind a great many moving incidents in these last, long, fierce years.


             Now, here in Berlin, I find you all established in this great centre, from which, as from a volcano, fire and smoke and poison fumes have erupted all over Europe twice in a generation.  And in bygone times also German fury has been let loose on her neighbours, and now it is we who have our place in the occupation of this country.


             I feel I can go so far as to ask Field-Marshal Montgomery to signalise this happy event of the great Victory Parade we have had today by giving a whole holiday to all the troops in Berlin, and I hope, Field-Marshal, that you can accommodate this to operational and other necessities.


             Now I have only a word more to say about the Desert Rats.  They were the first to begin.  You were in action in the desert in 1940, and ever since you have kept marching steadily forward on the long road to victory.  Through so many countries and changing scenes you have fought your way.


             It is not without emotion that I can express to you what I feel about the Desert Rats.


             Dear Desert Rats!  May your glory ever shine!  May your laurels never fade!  May the memory of this glorious pilgrimage of war which you have made from Alamein, via the Baltic to Berlin, never die!  It is a march unsurpassed through all the story of war so far as my reading of history leads me to believe.  May the fathers long tell the children about this tale.  May you all feel that in following your great ancestors you have accomplished something which has done good to the whole world, which has raised the honour of your own country and which every man has a right to be proud of.






Major-General LO LYNE, CB, DSO
Commander, 7 British Armoured Division
(To be read out to all troops on parade)  

           Very soon we shall enter and occupy the British Zone in BERLIN.


           This is the end of a long journey for some of us, right from the banks of the Suez Canal, through Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany.


           It is fitting that the 7th Armoured Division, the first into the fray, should have the honour of leading the Imperial Forces into the Reich capital.


           During the next four weeks the eyes of the World will be upon us.


           I know that the great reputation which you have gained by your prowess on the battlefield during the past four years will be enhanced by the example of your smartness and soldierly bearing in Berlin.




Main Headquarters,    
7 British Armoured Division    
30 Jun 45    



August 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.-Col. GRD FITZPATRICK, DSO, MBE, MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
735491 1   The Regt was still in BERLIN.  Courses continued in the morning.  In the afternoon Regt Swimming Sports were held in the indoor bath of the Olympic Stadium.  "C" Sqn were the winners.  The CO carried out an inspection of "B" Sqn

GSGS 4416



  2   Courses continued.  Lt Moll, "B" Sqn, with a relieving guard, relieved the Regt Guard on the British Delegation Area in POTSDAM.  The CO carried out an adm inspection of "C" Sqn.  
  3   Courses continued.  The CO held a conference at 1100hrs for Sqn Ldrs.  The Regt started to provide a night security guard at the GOC's house at GATOW of 1 NCO and 6 men.  This duty was for one week and each Sqn was called upon to provide men for this duty in turn.  
  4   A Regt dismounted Drill Parade, which was to have been held at 0900hrs, was cancelled owing to rain. The CO talked to the Regt instead.  He stressed the importance of taking great care of all types of equipment owing to the low priority for replacements for this particular theatre.  The CO also spoke about the forthcoming move to LOMMEL.    
      During the course of the morning several group photographs of Sqns were taken by a local photographer.  In the afternoon the Regt played a football match against a team from BERLIN Area HQ.  The Regt won this comfortably, the final score being 10-Nil.  Major-General LYNE, GOC Brit Troops BERLIN, Brig HINDE, Commanding Mil Gov BERLIN, and Brig MOORE, CRA 7 Armd Div, dined with the officers.  
  5   Major Rev WINGFIELD-DIGBY held a combined service in the Amphitheatre of the Barracks for the Regt and 3 RHA.  The Regt was called upon to provide a Guard of 1 NCO and six men to guard a wood alcohol store in a bombed out building in the city.    
      This duty was taken over from 1/5 QUEENS, whose sentries gave us the information that the Russians occasionally offered bribes to the Guard in an effort to obtain this spirit, which the Russians both drank and used to fill the petrol tanks of their cars with a fine impartiality.  
  6   This day was observed as a whole holiday by order of the GOC as it was August Bank Holiday.  Heats were run off in connection with forthcoming triangular Sports Meeting  
  7   Courses and training continued in the morning.  In the afternoon a Triangular Athletic Meeting was held between 3 RHA, 8H and 131 Fd Ambulance.  This was organised by the Regt who won comfortably from 3 RHA.  131 Fd Ambulance was third.  The CRA presented a statuette to the winners.  
  8   Courses and training continued.  In the evening the officers entertained the Colonel in Command of the composite French Regt in BERLIN.  The BM 22 Armd Bde arrived in BERLIN and stayed with the Regt, while Brig WINGFIELD, Bde Comd 22 Armd Bde, stayed at Div HQ.    
      Capt MS PAYNE, MC, left the Regt as he had volunteered for SEAC.  
  9   Courses and training continued.  The CO and Adjt attended a conference at Div HQ in the morning where the Comd 22 Armd Bde, the G2 7 Armd Div, and BM were present to discuss the Regt's impending move to LOMMEL, and in particular to make plans for handing in the CROMWELLS to 263 Fwd Del Sqn in the ITZEHOE area.  
      The Bde Comd decided that each Sqn would hand in its tanks in turn, that the men would return to BERLIN after handing in the tks, and that the Regt would move to LOMMEL on 30 Aug.  On returning to the Regt it was decided that the order of handing in would be "C" Sqn, "B" Sqn, "A" Sqn and RHQ.  "C" Sqn were scheduled to leave BERLIN 12 Aug 45.    
      Resultant on 11H and 3 RHA being ordered to provide armed mobile guards to prevent the Russians looting, the Regt was called upon to take over some of the guard commitments, i.e. a night guard at the Shell Mex factory consisting of 1 Sgt, 1 L/Cpl and 6 Ors, a 24 hrs guard at Siemens Factory consisting of 1 Sgt or Cpl, and 6 Ors, and a night guard at the Central Control Commission consisting of 1 Sgt or Cpl and 6 Ors.  
  10   Courses and training continued.  It had rained hard for 12 hrs and the deluge had found out the weak spots in the Barrack area: for example the roof in HQ Sqn's arms store had leaked and all the arms were soaking wet.    
      This and other salvage work demanded a good deal of attention.  In the afternoon a Regt cleaning fatigue was carried out.  At 1700hrs the CO held a Sqn Ldr's conference at which the agenda was the forthcoming handing in of tks.  
  11   Courses and training continued.  A Movement Order was made out for the movement of tks by Sqns to the ITZEHOE area.  This is att as an Appx to this diary.  Arrangements were made to accommodate parties of men from 22 Armd Bde who were spending a 72 hrs holiday in BERLIN.  These men were expected on 12 Aug 45. Appx D.1.
  12   No Church Service was held in the Barracks, but arrangements were made for men to visit the Garrison Church in the town.  At 1630hrs, 16 men from 22 Armd Bde arrived for their three day holiday, and arrangements which had been made for their reception worked smoothly. the move of "C" Sqn to ITZEHOE was postponed until Mon 13 Aug  
  13   "C" Sqn moved out at 0800hrs.  Their marching out state was as follows:- Offrs-3, Ors-64, Tracked vehicles-16, wheeled vehicles-7, transporters-1, MCs-1.  
  14   At 0900hrs the Regt mounted a Ceremonial Guard at HQ Brit Troops BERLIN.  This guard, consisting of one Sgt and 6 Ors, was a duty for one week.  The guard was to be changed every 24 hrs.    
      In the afternoon a small Athletic meeting was held against French troops garrisoning BERLIN.  Our Allies won this by a narrow margin of 18 points to 16.  Capt CJG MEADE. "B" Sqn, left for UK leave.  In his absence "B" Sqn was to be commanded by Capt JH LOMBARD, "HQ" Sqn  
  15   News was received of the unconditional surrender of JAPAN.  Orders were received to "Splice the Mainbrace" on this day and also on the following day which was to be observed as a whole holiday.    
      A telegram was received from OC "C" Sqn stating that 2573246 Tpr LEE, "C" Sqn DR, had been killed as a result of an accident in HAMBURG on the 14th.  The 22 Armd Bde leave party returned to ITZEHOE, and a fresh one arrived in the evening.  
  16   Lt.Col. GRD FITZPATRICK, DSO, MBE, MC, returned by air from LILOP and privilege leave in the UK and resumed comd.  2i/c of 1 R Tks arrived on a recce of the Regt area which was to be occupied by 1 R Tks when the Regt moved out to LOMMEL  
  17   "B" Sqn left at 0800hrs for ITZEHOE to hand in their tks to 263 Fwd Del Sqn.  Their marching-out state was as follows:- Offrs-3, Ors-70, tracked vehs-20, wheeled vehs-7, transporters-2.  
  18   An Adjt's parade was held from 0900hrs to 1000hrs.  Brig MOORE, CRA, visited the CO during the day.  "C" Sqn returned from ITZEHOE at 1415hrs and reported that the handing-in of the tks had gone smoothly and well.  The second leave party from 22 Armd Bde returned to ITZEHOE, and a fresh party arrived in the evening.  
  19   A Thanksgiving Service was held at the Garrison Church, SPANDAU, at which Sir Bernard MONTGOMERY read the Lesson.  The Regt was allocated 20 seats and the following offrs attended:- CO, 2i/c, Major CHARLTON, Capt JF WESTON SIMONS, and 2/Lt WINCH.  
  20/21   Maintenance and interior economy.  
  22   "A" Sqn left for ITZEHOE to hand in their tks.  Their marching-out state was as follows:- Offrs-2, Ors-114, tracked vehs-24, wheeled vehs-12, transporters-2, MCs-1.  This incl four RHQ tks.  "B" Sqn returned from ITZEHOE during the course of the afternoon.  They had an uneventful journey.    
      The Tech Offr, Capt GJ DAVIES, went to ITZEHOE by air and returned the same day.  He visited 263 Fwd Del Sqn and reported that the tks of the two Sqns had been handed-in in a good state of maintenance.  
  23   In the morning the Tk Park was cleared of all vehs with a view to cutting down the number of people on Guard.  What few vehs remained were removed into the Barrack area.  The 2i/c left for UK on LILOP.  Major CHARLTON will continue to act as 2i/c during his absence  
  24   Maintenance and interior economy.  Brig MOORE, CRA, visited the CO in the morning.  
  25   An Adjt's parade took place in the morning.  Maintenance and interior economy. In the afternoon there was a football match against the 3rd Regt of Chasseurs.  The game was played away and the Regt won comfortably, the final score being 7 goals to 1.  131 Bde has a Bde Athletic meeting in the Stadium.    
      There were two invitation races, an invitation mile and an invitation relay race.  The Regt entered both events, securing first and third positions in the mile and they were third in the relay  
  26   A cricket match was played against 3 RHA and was won by them.  
  27   "A" Sqn returned from ITZEHOE during the morning.  The CO left by air to see Brig Comd 22 Armd Bde.  The adv party moved down to take over accommodation at MOL under the comd of Major CHARLTON.  This was a small adv party, consisting of representatives from each Sqn and the various departments.  
  28   Preparations for the Regt to move on Thu 30 Aug started.  In the afternoon a triangular Regt Sports meeting was held between 5 RHA, 8H and 9 DLI.  The latter Regt was the one which had won the 131 Bde Athletic Tournament on 25 Aug.    
      The meeting was very closely contested and the 8H were losing until the last event, which was the tug-of-war, in which they gained second place making the final score 8H 30 ½ points, 5 RHA 30 points, and 9 DLI 29 ½ points.  The CO attended a conference at BERLIN area HQ which was presided over by the Director of Army Welfare Services Maj-Gen JML GROVER, CB, MC.  
  29   The Regt was relieved of its guard commitments at 1200hrs, the Wood Alcohol and Siemens Factory guards being taken over by the 11th Hussars and the Shell Mex and Control Commission guards by 3 RHA.  The CO lectured all Warrant Officers and senior NCOs at 1400hrs on the subject of the Release Scheme and its effects both from the individual and Regt point of view.  
      The CO also spoke shortly on future events.  Final arrangements and packing for the move were completed.  The Regt was to leave BERLIN together, led by the Main Party to MOL, and followed by the Rear Party, under comd Lt MOSSOP, "B" Sqn, to ITZEHOE.  The latter were to remain in the ITZEHOE area throughout the time the Regt was being converted to COMETS at MOL  
      The tks which were still remaining with the Regt were to move on transporters which had been ordered to report by the evening; however, by midnight they had not arrived.  The Movement Order is attached as an Appx to this diary. Appx D.2.
  30   The Regt reverted under comd 22 Armd Bde at 0800hrs.  During the previous night a signal had been received for the CO to attend a conference at 22 Armd Bde.  He therefore arranged for an air passage to ITZEHOE and did not accompany the Regt.  Owing to the short notice that had been given it subsequently transpired that he was unable to attend the conference owing to the flying conditions.  
      In the absence of the CO, Major HH FIRTH commanded the Main Party.  When the Regt moved out at 0800hrs the transporters had still not arrived, but it was decided to move all the remaining tks on their tracks to the other side of a diversion for tks some ten miles distant from the city, and to await their arrival.  The transporters arrived by mid-day, but it was found that they had to return to HAMBURG to replenish and this, though quite convenient as far as the Rear Party were concerned, meant that three CHAFFEES going to MOL to fire had to proceed first to HAMBURG on transporters and thence to MOL when the transporters had replenished.  
      The complete Rear Party awaited the arrival of the transporters in order that the whole party for HAMBURG and ITZEHOE should move together, as the tks comprised the larger part of Lt MOSSOP's comd.  The whole of the days march for the Main Party was along the Autobahn and the night was spent in leaguer in HANOVER, just South of the Autobahn itself.  The days journey was 173 miles and, apart from very minor vehicle troubles, there was only one lorry which had to be towed in by the LAD.  
X4225 31   The Regt left the previous night's leaguer at 0800hrs.  That evening it reached the Xrds at A4445, near WULFEN (map 1:250,000 DUSSELDORF), where it spent the night.  The days march was 162 miles and, apart from the vehicle already on tow from  the previous day, no vehicles fell out on the march.


GSGS 4416



Subject:-  Move to ITZEHOE

Copy No 18


8th K.R.I.Hussars




11 Aug 45


1.   All Tanks less Close Support, Chaffees and Jalopies, will be handed-in by Sqns to 253 Fwd Del  Sqn ITZEHOE according to the following time-table.


                  "C" Sqn -   dep BERLIN 0800hrs 12 Aug, arr ITZEHOE am 14 Aug.

                                    Maintenance 15 Aug.  Handing in 16 Aug.  Return 17 Aug                

                  "B" Sqn plus 4  3 RHA Tks – dep BERLIN 0800hrs 17 Aug, arr ITZEHOE am 19 Aug. 

                                    Handing in 21 Aug.  Return 22 Aug.

                  "A" Sqn plus RHQ Tks plus 4  131 Bde Tks – dep BERLIN 0800hrs 22 AUG, arr

                  ITZEHOE am 24 Aug.  Maintenance 25 Aug.  Handing in 26 Aug.  Return 27 Aug.


2.   Marching-Out States

      (a)        One copy will be handed to the Adjutant 48hrs before departure and a movement order


      (b)        One copy will be retained by OC each party.


3.   Staging

      1st Night      BRUNSWICK area.

      2nd Night     HAMBURG area.


4.   Petrol.

      (a)        All vehicles will start with full tanks and two full petrol lorries will be taken.

      (b)        Refuelling will take place in the staging areas as there are Petrol Points at both these



5.   Rations

      (a)        Two days fresh and one days compo rations will be taken by each party.

      (b)        Water Carts will not be taken, but sufficient water cans will be carried on vehs for 3 days.

      (c)        A Cooks lorry will be taken by each party.


6    Medical.

      MO will arrange for one medical orderly to travel with each party.


7.   Recovery.

      (a)        All recovery will be forward.

      (b)        Two transporters will report this HQ by 1800hrs on the day before the departure of each.



8.   Ammunition.

      (a)        All amn on tks and in lorries will be handed in at the Amn Point in the ITZEHOE area.

      (b)        The mixed load of small natures with "C" Sqn will be retained with the exception of the

                  2" Bombs which will be transferred and handed in.


9.   3 RHA Crews.

      (a)        Four CROMWELLS will report 8H by 1800hrs 17 Aug.

      (b)        The Crews will return to BERLIN with "B" Sqn and move to LOMMEL with 8H on 30


10. 131 Bde Crews.

      (a)        Four CROMWELLS will report 8H by 1800hrs 21 Aug.

      (b)        The crews will report to HQ 22 Armd Bde on completion of the handing in.

      (c)        HQ 22 Armd Bde is detailing THREE new crews and will please make arrangements for

                  these to report to 8H by 29 Aug.

11. Advance Party.

                  Lt KIRKHAM will go to ITZEHOE with the first party and return to BERLIN with the

                  last party.


12. Return Trip.

                  HQ 22 Armd Bde is arranging return of personnel to BERLIN by TCV.


13. Move to LOMMEL.

                  8H plus crews from 131 Bde and 3 RHA will move to LOMMEL 30 Aug 45.




    A U CASE, Major    

Commanding, 8th K.R.I.Hussars.




Copy No 1  -

OC "A" Sqn

Copy No 11 -


Copy No 2  -

OC "B" Sqn

Copy No 12 -

HQ 7 Armd Div

Copy No 3  -

OC "C" Sqn

Copy No 13 -

HQ "" Armd Bde

Copy No 4  -

OC "HQ" Sqn

Copy No 14 -

HQ 131 Bde

Copy No 5  -


Copy No 15


Copy No 6  -


Copy No 16  -

CO 263 Fwd Del Sqn

Copy No 7  -


Copy No 17/18

War Diary

Copy No 8  -


Copy No 19/22


Copy No 9  -




Copy No10 -





Subject:-   Move from BERLIN

Copy No 18

Maps:- 1:250,000. N53 BERLIN

8th K.R.I.Hussars

            M 53 MAGDEBURG     8H/387/1
            L 53 HANOVER   28 Aug 45
            K 53 OSNABRUCK  

K 52

                Sheet 3 BRUSSELS & LIEGE  

1.     8H will move from present locn 30 Aug 45.

        (a)    Main Party will move to MOLL.

        (b)    Rear Party will move to ITZEHOE

2.     Main Party.

        (a)    Composition            Comd: Lt.Col GRD FITZPATRICK, DSO, MBE, MC.

                                                Main Party as detailed.

        (b)    Order of March        "C", "HQ", "A", "B", LAD.

        (c)    SP                            Rly br 5o yds East of Tk Park.

        (d)    Route.                      Desert Rat Axis, HELMSTEDT, 250 Autobahn to RHEDA,                                            thence route 240 to HECHTEL, MOLL.

        (e)    Speed.                      40 m.i.2h

        (f)    Density.                   40 vtm and 100 yds between Sqns.

        (g)    Halts.                       20 mins halt at 20 mins to every even hour.  Lunch halt – 1140-                                       1240hrs.

        (h)    Timings.                   Head past SP 300800.

        (j)     Staging.                    Night 30/31 Aug – HANOVER.  Night 31 Aug/1 Sep Xrds A4447

                                                (North of DORSTEN)

        (k)    Harbour Parties.       (1) Each Sqn will have a Harbour Party

                                                (2) Capt AJ HIND will be Offr IC this party.

                                                (3) Harbour Parties will report to Capt HIND,

                                                      ready to proceed, at 300745C

                                                (4) Move out 300745C.

                                                (5) Sufficient petrol will be carried for the days journey.       

                                                (6) "HQ" Recce Party will also be responsible for accommodation for


                                                (7) Capt HIND will report to Town Major, HANOVER.

                                                (8) Harbour Parties will pick up Sqns on the Autobahn at Rly Br

                                                      5225 (Sheet 53).

        (l)     Replenishments.      (1) HANOVER,  (241 Pet dep) 4000 galls petrol

                                                (2) A501473 (WULFEN)         100 galls oil

        (m)   Tanks.                      Map Sheet N 7 1: 100.000

                                                (1) There is a diversion for the tks from 713387 to 686338.  This

                                                      route will be marked.

                                                (2) Three CHAFFEE Tks, travelling with Main Party, will be loaded

                                                      onto transporters at 685331.

                                                (3) These tks, together with the tks of the Rear Party under comd

                                                      apt HT PIERSON, will leave the SP at 300700C.

                                                (4) Capt PIERSON will supervise the loading of all tks on

                                                      transporters at the RV mentioned above.

                                                (5) Tks will join their respective parties when the latter arrive.

                                                (6) The three CHAFFEES will be placed on the three leading


                                                (7) "C" Sqn ARV will tow a fourth CHAFFEE to the RV.

        (n)    Med.                        (1) Distribution of med half-tracks:- "A" Sqn 1, "B" Sqn 1, "HQ"

                                                      Sqn 2.

        (o)    Inter-Com.               DR.

        (p)    Convoy Number.     AG/25. To be marked in chalk on off-side front and rear of all vehs.

3.     Rear Party.

        (a)    Composition.           Comd:  Lt. DJ MOSSOP.

                                                Rear Party as detailed plus four tks from 131 Bde HQ.

                                                Two will travel on transporters and two on tracks.

        (b)    Order of March.       As detailed by Comd.

        (c)    SP.                           Same as for Main Party.          

        (d)    Route.                      Desert Rat |Axis, HELMSTEDT, thence on 250 Autobahn to

                                                BRUNSWICK, due North on route N4, thence to HARBURG,

                                                thence Class 70 route from HAMBURG to BAD BRAMSTEDT,

                                                KELLINGHAUSEN, ITZEHOE.

        (e)    Speed, Density

                & Halts.                   As for Main Party

        (f)    Timings.                   Rear Party will move when tail of Main Party is clear of SP.

        (g)    Staging.                    Night 30/31 Aug – BRUNSWICK autobahn. Night 30 Aug/

                                                1/Sep – HARBURG Autobahn.

        (h)    Replenishments.      (i) HELMSTEDT. (5 Div Patrol Station)

                                                (ii) HARBURG.

        (j)     Tanks.                      As for Main Party.

        (k)    Med                         "C" Sqn Med Orderly will travel in one of the "C" Sqn Vehs with the

                                                Rear Party.

        (l)     Convoy Number.     AG24 to be marked in chalk on the off-side front and rear of all vehs.

        (m)   Reporting.                A representative will report to HQ 22 Armd Bde in advance to

                                                ascertain where the Rear party will be accommodated, and receive

                                                any other orders.


4.     GENERAL – Applicable to both Parties.

        (a)    All drivers will be in possession of a route card.

        (b)    When forming-up care will be taken not to block entrances and exits. Vehs will close right

                up so as to leave as much forming-up space as possible.

        (c)    The attention of all ranks will be drawn to the existing regulations for traffic discipline.

        (d)    Watches will be synchronised direct to Sqns by tel from the Adjt on the evening of 29 Aug


        (e)    Clocks will be altered to "B" time at 2359hrs, 30 Aug 45.

        (f)    All recovery will be forward.

        (g)    relief drivers will be available for as many vehs as possible.

        (h)    Petrol        One petrol lorry per Sabre Sqn and two lorries "HQ" Sqn will be taken with the

                                  Main Party.

        (j)     Feeding       Breakfast and evening meals will be hot.  Haversack rations will be issued for


        (k)    Route 250  BRUNSWICK, HANOVER, BIELEFELD, RHEDA, MUNSTER(not on any



                                  ROERMOND, MAESYNCK.



  AU  CASE Captain  

Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars.




Copy No 1


Copy No 6


Copy No11

Capt Pierson

Copy No 2

"A" Sqn

Copy No 7


Copy No12

Capt Hind

Copy No 3

"B" Sqn

Copy No 8


Copy No13

Lt Mossop

Copy No 4

"C" Sqn

Copy No 9


Copy 14/17


Copy No 5

"HQ" Sqn

Copy No10


Copy 18/19

War Diary






In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of SEPTEMBER 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.-Col. GRD Fitzpatrick, MBE, MC.

Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
A4445  1 The Regt was in the process of moving from BERLIN in two parties.  The Main party to MOL, where the Regt was going to be converted to COMET Tks, and the Rear Party, under Lt MOSSOP "B" Sqn, to ITZEHOE, where it was to remain throughout the time the rest of the Regt was at MOL.  On 1 Sep the Main Party, consisting of the bulk of the Regt, was at the Xrds at A4445, near WULFEN, on the third day of its move from BERLIN.  Leaguer was broken at 0800hrs, and the Main Party proceeded to the last lap of its journey to MOL, crossing the Rhine over the WESEL br.  The journey was uneventful and the Regt arrived at MOL at 1630hrs where it was met by Major CHARLTON and the Adv Party.  The day's journey was 116 miles, making a total mileage from BERLIN of 451 miles.  The Regt was accommodated in civilian billets in the town, one or two men per billet.  This was an unwelcome change from the central barrack acon that had been available in BERLIN.  The COMET Conversion Team from the AFV Schools, who had helped to convert the other Armd Regts of the Bde, was already est at MOL to help us in the process of conversion.  The RMO, Capt JB HEYCOCK, returned from LILOP and also a number of offrs who had been absent on privilege leave and courses.  It was also learnt, unofficially, that the Padre had been demobilised under Class "B" Release.  Confirmation of this fact is still awaited.  The remainder of the day was spent in settling into the new area.

GSGS 4316




1791 2 The CO held a conference at 0930hrs at which he discussed the forthcoming conversion programme.  He had arrived by air on 1 Sep, and had had time to discuss this matter with the Conversion Team before the conference.  The CO decided that, in turn, each Sqn would be allotted a 7 day period of gnry trg, a 4 day period of D&M trg, incl servicing, and a 7 days leave period for local 72 hr leave on the Continent.  The outline of the programme on COMET conversion discussed at the conference, is att as  an Appx to this Diary.  In the afternoon "C" Sqn drew their tks.  The day was spent in settling into the new area.

GSGS 4042




Appx G.1.

  3 The CO left by car for HQ BAOR to attend a conference on the future of the RAC.  He is expected to return sometime on 6 Sep.  A signal was received from Lt MOSSOP that the Rear Party had arrived in ITZEHOE without mishap, and that we could expect the three CHAFFEES to arrive on 5 Sep.  The Adjt went to 7 Base Sub-Area at ANTWERP during the afternoon to fix up matters connected with local leave on the Continent, and other admin matters.  
  4 Interior economy.  "B" Sqn drew its tks during the afternoon.  
  5 Conversion trg continued.  the three CHAFFEE tks arrived on transporters from HAMBURG.  A practice fire alarm took place in the afternoon assisted by the local Fire Bde.  
  6 Conversion trg continued.  

Conversion trg continued.  The Adjt visited 2nd Ech during the afternoon to discuss matters connected with the posting back to the Regt of ex-POW.

  8 Conversion trg continued.  "C" Sqn commenced firing on the ranges. The bulk of the amn has not yet arrived owing to the RASC tpt difficulties.  Unless this arrives quickly a serious situation will arise as only a very limited supply of HE amn is at present available on the ranges.  
  9 Conversion trg continued.  "C" Sqn was unable to fire on the ranges owing to the failure of amn to arrive.  The Adjt left on 72 hrs Continental leave; Capt JN LOMBARD took over the duties of Adjt in his absence.  
  10 Conversion trg continued.  The bulk of the amn arrived at 0930hrs.  
  11 Conversion trg continued.  The Div Comd arrived by air at Eindhoven and visited the Regt.  In the morning he watched "C" Sqn firing on the ranges, and in the afternoon he visited "B" Sqn who were employed in D&M classes for COMET conversion.  The Div Comd left Eindhoven by air at 1500hrs.  
  12 Conversion trg continued.  
  13 Conversion trg continued.  The Adjt returned from 72 hrs leave.  Capt LOMBARD relinquished the duties of Adjt.  
  14 Conversion trg continued.  Lt D ASTLEY COOPER rejoined the Regt.  This offr was captured at SIDI REZEGH in Nov 1941.  RSM HEGARTY and Sgt FERRIDGE also rejoined the Regt.  
  15 Conversion trg continued.  The GSO III, 22 Armd Bde came down by air from ITZEHOE to discuss the move of the Conversion Team to the Div School at the termination of the conversion trg.  Several other matters were also discussed, in particular that it was now unlikely that the Regt would leave MOL until the middle or end of Oct owing to the fact that the Regt was to be accommodated in barracks which would not be vacant at that time, as the barracks were at present occupied by Poles for whom alternative acon has to be found.  
  16 The CO held a Sqn Ldrs conference in the morning when he spoke about the possibility of the Regt remaining in its present location for at least another two or three weeks.  
  17 Conversion trg continued.  
  18 Conversion trg continued.  

Conversion trg continued.  The Adjt left for HQ 7 Armd Div and HQ 22 Armd Bde in ITZEHOE area to discuss various questions affecting our future, etc.  Capt JN LOMBARD took over the duties of Adjt.

  20 Conversion trg continued.  
  21 Conversion trg continued.  Co held a Sqn Ldrs conference in the evening when he spoke about the manpower situation.  This was due to a signal being received from 22 Armd Bde that a policy of "refreshing" the Div with late age and Service Groups was shortly to be carried out.  
  22 Conversion trg continued.  The CO left by car for RAC Branch HQ Rhine Army to attend a meeting, to which he had been summoned, on the personnel situation  
  23 Conversion trg continued.  The Adjt returned from 22 Armd Bde in the early afternoon.  HQ 7 Armd Div were still not certain how long the Regt would remain in its present location, but expected the answer from Rhine Army within a short space of time.  The Adjt had arranged to split the Rear Party up in order to bring back the main bulk of it to the Regt if the latter were to remain in their present location for any length of time.  The final decision as to whether this would take place now depends upon the answer received about our proposed move from HQ 7 Armd Div.  The CO returned to the Regt in the evening.  Lt TURNER left the Regt for ITZEHOE to act as offr in charge of Rear Party during the absence of Lt MOSSOP, of "B" Sqn, on UK leave.  
  24 CO held a conference for all Sqn Ldrs at 1215hrs.  At this conference he told Sqn Ldrs of the result of his meeting at Rhine Army where he had been informed that 7 Armd Div would, in future, act as the strategic reserve of the British Army, and in order to make this practicable, the time had come to replace the low age and service gps with offrs and men whose age and service gp was 30 and above, or those who were regular soldiers.  It was also the intention to replace men of any age and service gp if they had more than 2 years and nine months qualifying service towards PYTHON, or had already completed one PYTHON tour, provided that the men in both these categories did not wish to forgo their rights under PYTHON.  It is not clear at the moment exactly what "forego their rights under PYTHON" involves.  The target date for the replacing to be completed was 15 Oct.  The CO stated, however, that in his view, this was an ambitious date, and he told Sqn Ldrs that he had informed RAC Branch Rhine Army that it was impossible to receive incoming reinforcements to the Regt in the present location in view of the shortage of acon.  The CO had already placed his requirements of offr and OR replacements, as far as could be estimated, before RAC Branch Rhine Army.  At 1400hrs the CO spoke to all ranks on the resorting programme  and the future roll of the Regt.  He also expressed his own personal regret that men of low age and service gps, who had served the Regt throughout the war years so well, should now have to spend the remaining few months of their service with some other Regt or Holding Unit.  He pointed out that it was a matter of high policy, and a question which he, himself, had no control.  
  25 Conversion trg continued.  All the D&M conversion trg is now completed, and in the morning the D&M section of the Conversion Team left the Div School on their way back to England.  
  26 "C" Sqn carried out an indirect shoot on LOMMEL Range.  
  27 Maintenance and gun cleaning.  Lt.Col JW PHILLIPS came to spend 24 hrs with the Regt.  

Now that the conversion period is over the CO has directed that the following trg points should receive attention:

(a) Drill cadres for NCOs.

(b) Wrls Instrs trg.

(c) Cleaning and painting of tks.

(d) Maintenance and monthly inspections of "B" vehs.

In the afternoon a signal was received from 22 Armd Bde to say that the winter quarters for the Regt at ITZEHOE would be available in approximately one week.  Lt TURNER, who was already at ITZEHOE, was instructed to make arrangements to have the acon cleaned up, and the CO decided that Major ROBERTSON, OC "HQ" Sqn, should leave MOL on Mon, 1 Oct, to make a preliminary recce of the barracks.

  29 Maintenance and interior economy.  The CO held a conference at 1130hrs for Sqn Ldrs, during which he stressed the future trg policy, and told Sqn Ldrs what little information there was about the forthcoming move.  
  30 The day was observed as a holiday.




8th K.R.I.Hussars


1.     GENERAL.

        (a)    The regt will convert by Sqns.  the detail of trg will be organised by the AFV Schools

                Conversion team att to the Regt.

        (b)    In turn each Sqn will be allotted:-    7 days gnry trg

                                                                        4 days D&M trg inc servicing

                                                                        7 days leave period

2.     GROUPING.

        Tks and crews belonging to other Units will be att to Sqns for conversions and leave as under.

        "A" Sqn                           "B" Sqn                                    "C" Sqn

        4 Tks of 3 RHA               3 Tks of HQ 131                     1 Tk for 263 For Del Sqn

                                                Lor Inf Bde.

        Note:-                Tks from 263 Fwd del sqn need not be serviced.


        (a)    Outline       See Appx "A"

        (b)    Detail         To be issued by conversion Team        

4.     D&M and SERVICING.

        (a)    During the four day period all tks will be fully serviced during the course.

        (b)    Not les than two men per tk will undergo the course.

        (c)    Each Sqn will provide 4 qualified D&M instrs.  Those will attend a one day Cadre Course  in accordance with the programme

5.     GUNNERY.

        (a)    The 7 days Gnry Course will include theory and range practises.

        (b)    a Regtl pool of 13 gnry instrs will be formed.  This number must be maintained.  extra local leave will be allocated at the end of the conversion period.

        (c)    Three men per tk (inc tk comds) will be trained.


        (a)    ALL offrs (excl OC "HQ" Sqn, Adjt, Tech Offr, Gnry Offr and QM ) will undergo both D&M and gunnery courses.

        (b)    All offrs and Tp Ldrs will undergo, in addition, one half day's inspection course.  Separate instrs will be issued. (See Appx "A")


        (a)    Sqn veh mechs will undergo special trg organised by the conversion team currently with D&M and Servicing.

        (b)    Tech Offr will arrange details of a three week course for potential Veh Mechs, and a gun fitters course.


        (a)    Tks will not be inspected by LAD.  The servicing will cover this inspection.

        (b)    Tech Offr will, however, arrange that all guns will be inspected by LAD before firing.

9.     RECCE TP.

                Regt Gnry Offr will arrange trg and firing for Recce Tp. He will issue separate instructions through the Adjt to OC "HQ" Sqn.


                Adjt will arrange that a Range Party for target erection , etc, is made available for employment by Regtl Gnry Offr whenever required.  The strength of the party will be 24 Ors and 3 NCOs.

11.   LEAVE.

                Separate instructions on this subject will be issued in the near future.


A U CASE, Captain,

2 Sep 45 for Lt.Col., Commanding 8th K.R.I.Hussars  





In Lieu of AF C 2118



Month of OCTOBER 1945

Commanding Officer:. Lt.-Col. GRD Fitzpatrick,


Place Date

Summary of Events and Information

Ref to Appces
1791  1

The Regt was still at MOL having completed its conversion to COMET tks and in the interval that remains before returning to the ITZEHOE area the following courses will be held:-

NCOs Drill Cadre.

Wrls Instrs Cadre.

Besides these two courses tks were being cleaned and "B" vehs were being prepared for monthly inspections.  Major ROBERTSON, OC "HQ" Sqn, left by car for 22 Armd Bde to inspect our winter accon, and to make preliminary plans for allotting it to the various Sqns. 

GSGS 4042




  2 Courses continued  
  3 Courses continued.  A signal was received from Major ROBERTSON to the effect that the Adv Party should arrive at ITZEHOE on 10 )ct, and the remainder of the Regt on 13 Oct.  In the evening "B" Sqn held a dance.  
  4 Courses continued.  The CO held a conference for Sqn Ldrs at 1400hrs when he discussed the move, and informed Sqn Ldrs there was a standstill order in the Resorting Programme from HQ BAOR.  The Co also stressed the principles of admin.  
  5 Courses continued.  A signal was received from 22 Armd Bde that there was a possibility of tks moving by train and not by transporter.  CO and Adjt went to 7 Base Sub-Area at ANTWERP and discovered that, although there were suitable flats, there was no further information, as yet, as to dates, etc.  
  6 Courses continued.  

Major de CLERMONT, 2i/c, returned to the Regt from LILOP.  Major ROBERTSON arrived back from ITZEHOE.  A signal was received saying that resorting would now be carried out on a basis of retaining all men of A & S Gp 32 and above, except in the case of NCOs and certain tradesmen who might be retained in Gps 27 and above, in both cases provided that such men had not two years and six months qualifying service towards PYTHON.

  8 Courses continued.  A signal was received from 7 Armd Div saying that the Regt would not now move before 12 Oct.  The CO left for SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN to interview offrs who would be posted to the Regt under the resorting programme.  Notification was received that the standstill ordered in the Resorting Programme had now been rescinded and resorting could now be carried out on the latest basis of retaining men in A & S Gps 32 and above. Appx G. I.
  9 Courses continued.  The Adv Party under Capt DILL, Sigs Offr, left for ITZEHOE.  
  10 The Adjt went to 2nd Ech and submitted returns required by that HQ on the resorting programme.


  11 There is still no news of when the Regt will move to the ITZEHOE area.  This delay is causing considerable inconvenience.  
  12 No news of move.  
  13 Still no news of move.  
  14 Orders were received from 7 Base Sub-Area that the Regt could move its wheeled party as soon as possible, and the tks would move on four trains, the first leaving on the 16th, second on the 17th, third on the 18th and the fourth on the 19th.  It was decided that the earliest possible date to move the wheeled party would be on the 17th, and a Movement order, which is attached as an Appx to this diary, was issued.  
  15 The day was devoted to packing up preparatory to moving.  
  16 The "B" Sqn tks were loaded onto flats and left at 1600hrs.  The rest of the day was devoted to packing, preparing for the move, and cleaning up the area.  
  17 The Main Party left MOL for ITZEHOE, and by 1615hrs had reached NORD HORN, MR K53, V52.  
  18 After an uneventful day's march the Regt harboured at KAROXBOSTEL, MR 5347.  

5437  The wheeled party arrived at ITZEHOE by 1200hrs to find that the "B" Sqn train had arrived on the day previously, and "C" Sqn's would be arriving at 1300hrs.  The remainder of the day was spent in settling into the barracks.

1749 20 The day was spent in settling into the new area. The "A" Sqn tk train arrived at 2100hrs.  The CO held a conference for Sqn Ldrs at 1800hrs at which various problems of resorting and the future trg policy were discussed.

GSGS 4146



  21 The last tk train arrived.  The complete Regt is now at ITZEHOE.  .  The CO left by air for UK to attend the ALAMEIN Dinner in LONDON.  During his absence the Regt is being commanded by the 2i/c, Major de CLERMONT.  
    In the evening a dance was held at RHQ which was very popular.  The female talent was assembled after careful inspection from the local DPs.  "C" Sqn made a routine patrol.  
  22 Lt.MOSSOP, "B" Sqn, left for the UK for repatriation to South Africa.  The GOC addressed all ranks at 0915hrs and explained the reasons that necessitated the present resorting programme; he thanked those that were leaving the Division both for their magnificent work in the past and for the loyal support that they had always extended to him personally.  
  23 Interior economy.  One offr rft., Lt B.HANSEN, arrived from 23H.  

Interior economy.  The Regt was given the immediate operational commitment of providing a guard consisting of 2 NCOs and 12 Tprs to guard the SS hospital at ITZEHOE.  "C" Sqn provide the first guard which mounts on Fri 26 Oct for a tour of duty lasting 48 hrs.  Each Sabre Sqn will mount the guard in turn.  The reason for the guard is threefold:-

To prevent the SS soldier inmates of the hospital talking to the Werhmacht soldiers.

To prevent civilians entering and/or talking to the SS soldiers.

To prevent the escape of the SS wounded.

Two more offr rfts arrived.  They were Lt. JAG.WORLEDGE from ERY, and Lt.SCULLY from 2 F&F Yeo.

  25 Interior economy.  
  26 The Regt took over the operational commitment of guarding the SS hospital at ITZEHOE at 0900hrs from 15 LAA Regt.  The guard consists of 2 NCOs and 12 Ors.  Brig ADR.WINGFIELD, DSO, comd 22 Armd Bde, visited the Regt and went round the barrack blocks.  
  27 The CO arrived back with the Regt having been held up due to bad weather.  The first party of rfts under the resorting programme arrived, and the first party of men to leave the Regt left for the 23 Hussars the same afternoon.  Another offr rft, Capt VICKERS from 23H, arrived during the day.  
  28 Rfts arrived from the 2 F&F Yeo, and also 50 per cent of the rfts being sent by 49 APCR.  
  29 Men posted to 2 F&F Yeo left the Regt and also the first party of men being posted to 107 RAC.  The trade grading of the new rfts took place.  The CO attended a conference at Div HQ on the resorting programme, and the future trg during the winter months.  The CO held a Sqn Ldrs conference at 1415hrs and informed Sqn Ldrs that the GOC, 7 Armd Div, was going to carry out a Barrack inspection on Thu 1 Nov 45.  Rfts arrived from 49 APCR.  

A party of men for the 1 F&F Yeo were posted away during the day.  Grading of new rfts was continued.

  31 Two further parties of men were posted away during the day.  One party went to 49 APCR and the other to 107 RAC.  The grading of new rfts continued.  The CO carried out a Barrack inspection.  An operational order was issued covering the role of the Regt should an emergency arise owing to civilian unrest.  This Op Order is attached as an Appx to this Diary. Appx D.I.



COPY No 12




Ref maps 1:100,000 NEUMUNSTER  


1.     The civilian population may indulge in riots and civil commotion during the winter months

        owing to food and fuel shortages.

2.     22 Armd Bde is responsible for internal security within the Bde area.

3.     Other units locations will be notified to Sqns when these schemes are enforced.



4.     (a)    8H will find one Sqn as Bde Mob Res.

        (b)    8H will guard certain VPs when so ordered.



5.     States of Readiness

                (a)  Normal (as at present)

                (b)  "RED LIGHT"

                (c)  "FLOOD"


6.     Tasks – NORMAL

                (a) "A" Sqn will be Bde Mob Res.

                (b)  Gd on ITZEHOE SS Hospital (MR 173929) will be found as already detailed.,

                (c)  Sqns will recce VPs as detailed below by 5 Nov 45.


7.     Tasks – RED LIGHT.

                (a)  5 DG will be relieved by Sqns as follows:-

                      Guard                                                          Strength              Sqn

                      (i)     LOCKSTEDTER LAGER DP              2 NCOs              HQ

                              Camp MR 2398                                   12 Men

                      (ii)    ITZEHOE DP Camp.                           3 NCOs              B

                              MR 175935                                         18 Men

                      (iii)   HUNRIGER WOLF DP Camp             1 NCO               B

                              MR 2100                                             6 Men


                (b)  Sqns will be prepared at 1 hr's notice to mount gds as follows on the following

                      priority "A" VPs:-

                      Guard                                                          Strength             Sqn

                      (i)     ITZEHOE Cement Factory                   Two Tps            C

                              MR 171929                                         (mounted)

                      (ii)    Rd Br at MR 206925                           1 NCO               B

                                                                                          6 Men


                (c)  "HQ" Sqn will despatch patrols to visit the following "B" priority VPs once every

                      12 hours:-

                      (i)     Gas and Water Works ITZEHOE – MR 1694.

                      (ii)    LOCKSTEDTER LAGER Telephone Exchange – MR 2398.

                      (iii)   LOCKSTEDTER LAGER Water Works                         - MR 2398.

                      (iv)   HOHENASPE Telephone Exchange – MR 179014


                (d)  ALL ranks will carry arms at ALL times.


                                                                                                                    To Sheet 2/…

- 2 –


8.     Tasks - FLOOD

                (a)  "A" Sqn will be at 1 hr's notice to move.

                (b)  All troops NOT on duty will be confined to barracks.

                (c)  All priority "A" VPs will be guarded.

                (d)  All priority "B" VPs will be patrolled as for RED LIGHT.


9.     Annexures

                Annexure 1          GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL SECURITY

                Annexure 2          INSTRUCTIONS TO BE GIVEN TO COMMANDERS OF PARTIES                                       OF TROOPS DETAILED FOR RESTORING OR ENFORCING


                Annexure 3          LEGAL DIRECTIVE OF MEASURES WHICH CAN BE TAKEN

                                            AGAINST CIVILIAN POPULATION AND USE OF FIREARMS.



10.   Sups

                On RED LIGHT "A" Sqn will stow three days rations in tks and fill cans with fresh

                drinking water in the tks.

11.   POL

                On RED LIGHT "A" Sqn will maintain 100 miles POL on wheels.

12.   Amn

                On RED LIGHT "A" Sqn will check all 1st line amn in tks and in ech.

13.   Med.

                (a)    RAP will remain at present location in barracks under all circumstances.

                (b)    Two mod half-tracks will be att to "A" Sqn on RED LIGHT.



14.   Wrls.

                (a)    On RED LIGHT Regt Rear Link to 22 Armd Bde will open.

                (b)    On RED LIGHT Regt Fwd Control will open to "A" Sqn and all gds, which will

                        be provided with a wrls veh by the appropriate Sqns.

                (c)    Current codes and code signs will be used.


15    Code Words.

                The code words RED LIGHT / FLOOD will be issued through RHQ only.




    AU CASE, Captain,
    Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars
Method of Despatch………………..    


ANNEXURE 1 TO 8H OP INSTR No.1. Copy No. 12

General Principles of Internal Security.

1.   These obtain all over the British Zone and are issued as a guide to commanders when dealing with Civil  Disturbances in GERMANY.

      A commander is responsible in his own area for taking all measures he considers necessary for the       

      maintenance of order and security of his own troops.  So that the commander may be better able  

      to judge the gravity of any disturbance a Military Government Officer should, if at all possible

      be available to him to act as an advisor.  The commander, through the Military Government

      Officer or other agency, will do everything to persuade the civil population to disperse without

      the application of force'

      If the Military Government Officer is unable to persuade the crowd to disperse and the

      commander decides that order can only be restored by the use of force, warning will be given to

      the crowd of this intention by a German interpreter and the use of any available loudhailer or

      alarm equipment.


      (a)    The directions in the Manual of Military Law chapter XIII and in the King's Regulations

              as to authorisation and approval of the civil authorities required before military action is

              taken in aid of the civil power in UK does NOT apply in GERMANY.  Apart from this,

              however, these documents are a useful guide in respect of the employment of troops in

              such conditions, though they need not be adhered to too rigidly.

      (b)    Military action means the use of formed and armed bodies of troops to suppress disorder.

2.   Action by Civil Police Force.

      If there is a force in being and effective and the disorder is such that it does NOT effect military

      security it will be instructed that it is their duty to arrest and dispose of individual offenders.

3.   Military Action.

      The following are the immediate concern and responsibility of the commander on the spot acting

      on behalf of the C-in-C and in accordance with these principles.

      He, the commander, will decide when and what military action is required and the degree of

      force to be employed to suppress disorder.

      (a)    Public disturbance where there is the concerted action or threat of concerted action by the


      (b)    Violence to military personnel particularly when of an organised character.

      (c)    Sabotage of military installations.

4.   Powers and Duties of the Soldier

      All personnel of the Allied Forces of Occupation are empowered to arrest any German found

      committing an offence or who is suspected of having committed an offence, or about to commit

      an offence and to detain him pending trial.  Such persons should be handed over to the Service

      Police with a statement of the arrest.  Names and locations of all witnesses should be included.

      Troops are justified in using force if they are attacked by armed persons, or by unarmed persons

      who cannot be overcome by other means.


nstructions to be given to commanders of parties of troops detailed for restoring or enforcing order.


1.   The minimum force necessary to restore order must be applied.

2.   Troops must be sent out in formed bodies and will only take action on the orders of their


3.   Fire must be strictly controlled by an officer and indiscriminate shooting will NOT be allowed.

      Troops must be trained to count the number of rounds fired, including picking up all empties.

      Troops must be ordered to cease fire immediately the object has been achieved.

4.   All fire will be aimed, and, if possible, the ringleaders of a mob will be picked out, and named men will be detailed to deal with them.

5.   Orders will never be given to fire over the heads of a mob as innocent persons may be killed or  wounded.

6.   Secrecy and surprise in dealing with a disturbance are of great importance.  An unexpected  display of force may often be sufficient to discourage further trouble without the application of force'

7.   Every effort must be made to isolate the dissenters from the remainder of the population, to prevent the trouble spreading.

8.   A German speaking Military Government Officer should accompany detachments dealing with  disturbances, if one can be made available – failing that at least an interpreter.


Legal Directive on Measures which can be taken against Civilian population and Use of Firearms.

1.   Offences against Mil Gov orders will be dealt with by Mil Gov Courts.

2.   Sabotage and collective resistance will be suppressed by force of arms.  While the restrictions  laid down in the Manual of Military Law and King's Regulations for troops acting in aid of the    civil power do not apply to troops in Germany, firearms will not be used wantonly nor will an   excessive degree of force be used.

3.   the following principles, which epitomise the legal position, will be borne in mind throughout:-              

              (a)      The wanton killing or maiming of an unarmed civilian is a crime against the laws of war  and against British law, and the offender will be liable to trial by court-martial for the civil offence (murder, manslaughter or unlawful wounding).

              (b)  The use of weapons on the civil population to enforce a military order is only justified if compliance with the order is imperative  and if obedience to the order cannot  otherwise be obtained.  

(c)        The soldier need not, and will not, hesitate to protect himself by all means in his power and, if necessary, by the personal weapons with which he is provided; it is also his duty to prevent acts of violence which may imperil military security or interference   with military installations.  

4.   Any member of the Allied Forces is empowered to arrest any German committing an offence or  about to commit an offence.  The arrested person must be handed over as soon as possible to a  Service policeman or to the nearest unit guard room, together with a statement of the alleged  offence.

      A unit receiving an arrested person will hand him over to the Service police as quickly as possible  with the statement of the offence.


he following circumstances justify the use of firearms:-

              (a)  An attack by an armed person or persons.

              (b)  An attack by an unarmed person provided he cannot otherwise be overcome.

              (c)  Prevention of violent crime and sabotage.

              (d)  Prevention of a person from escaping from custody or resisting or evading arrest,  provided he cannot otherwise be secured.  If it is necessary to fire, fire will be aimed.


                    In cases of (b) and (d) above it will be normally sufficient to wound.

DISTRIBUTION (Copy Nos., Instructions & Annexures)  

A Sqn

Copy 1

HQ Sqn








B Sqn










C Sqn




Sigs Offr










    8th K.R.I.Hussars


OC. "A" Sqn    
OC. "B" Sqn  

8 Oct 45.

OC. "C" Sqn    
OC. "HQ" Sqn    
Copy to:-    
QM.   MO.  Tech Offr.  RSM.  Sigs Offr.  

1.   Further to my letter of even ref dated 5 Oct 45.


2.   Acon Stores.

              All Acon Stores issued in this area will be returned to QM Stores at 0930hrs Tue 9 Oct 45.

              All items will be thoroughly cleaned before handing in; QM will arrange for disposal to

              BOD, ANTWERP.

3.   Petrol Point.

              All veh tanks will be filled, and requirements of petrol in jerricans drawn from the Regtl  Petrol Point by 1600hrs on Mon 8 Oct, after which hr and date the Petrol Point will be closed down.

4.   Petrol Requirements.

              Petrol requirements, after the closing down of the Regtl Petrol Point, will be met under Sqn  arrangements from no 59 Petrol Station, BOURG LEOPOLD.

5.   Petrol Point Eqpt.

              QM will arrange for all the eqpt held on loan for the Petrol Point to be returned to  EINDHOVEN on 9 Oct, and for the disposal of POL surplus to requirements after Sqn  requirements have been met.

6.   Refuelling.

              It is most important that the petrol detail as ordered in the above quoted letter should be  strictly adhered to, and addressees are responsible for seeing that no veh leaves the present  area for ITZEHOE with a half full petrol tank and an insufficient supply of Jerricans.

7.   Requisitioned Buildings.

              Marching-out states, in triplicate, in respect of all requisitioned buildings will be forwarded by Sqns to No 26 Area Commandant TURNHOUT, by 1400hrs 10 Oct.  It is most important  that, where possible, the signature of the owner indicating agreement should be obtained on the form.  Where possible the keys of such buildings will be handed over to the owner. Where this is not possible the keys, suitably labelled, will be forwarded to No 26 Area Commandant TURNHOUT.  A certificate in respect of each requisitioned building will be  forwarded to the Area Commandant certifying that NO requisitioned chattels have been

              removed from the buildings.  As far as non-requisitioned buildings are concerned, 21 Army Gp Form 83 (Billeting Order) for each billet in which Offrs and Ors have been accommodated will be duly completed, the date of vacation shown, and handed over to the  householder prior to 11 Oct 45.  To avoid injustice to the local inhabitants it is essential  that the necessary form should be completed as directed.

8.   Move of Regt.

              It now appears likely that the Regt will move in three parties.

                    (a)  a small Adv party on 9 Oct.

                    (b)  Road Party on 11 Oct.

                    (c)  Tk Party – date of departure not yet known.

9.   Rations.

              Rations for all parties will be composed as under:-

                    Fresh rations during the day of departure.

                    Tinned equivalent for the duration of the journey and consumption on the day after arrival in ITZEHOE'.

10. Compo Rations.

              It will be pointed out to all ranks that Compo Rations, i.e. 2 days reserve Compo Rations  at present held, will not be used under any circumstances without the authy of the Adjt.  The2 days reserve Compo Rations will be held centrally from now on.

11. Marching-Out States.

              Assuming that all vehs, less Adv party and tracked vehs, will move by road on 11 Oct,  addressees will now prepare Marching-out states which will reach this office by 1800hrs 9 Oct 45.  It is appreciated that these returns may not be entirely accurate as regards personnel but they should, as far as possible, be accurate as regards vehs.

12. Cleaning of Area.

              It is of paramount importance that the area should be left clean and that items of eqpt and stores should not be left behind.  This order was not carried out when leaving BERLIN  and addressees will please give this matter their personal attention.

13. Medical.

              MO will be prepared to provide adequate medical services for the Tk party.


    AU CASE, Captain,

Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars



8H Movement Order No 1   8th K.R.I.Hussars
Maps 1:250,000  

Copy No 19


14 Oct 45

     "    2a,3a, WALCHEREN – AMSTERDAM  
     "    K52 DUSSELDORF  
     "    K53 OSNABRUCK    
     "    K53 HANNOVER    
     "    K54 HAMBURG    

1. 8H will move from present locations as follows:-

    (a)  Road Party       Wed 17 Oct 45, arriving ITZEHOE am 19 Oct 45.

    (b)  Tank Party       Trains will leave MOL Tue 16 Oct, Wed 17 Oct, Thu 18 Oct, Fri 19 Oct.


2. Road party.

    (a)  Commander               Major PHV de CLERMONT

    (b)  Composition              8H less Advance Party and Tank party

    (c)  Order of March          "C", "HQ", "A", "B", LAD

    (d)  SP                              Canal Br 200928 (Sheet 3)

    (e)  Route                         EINDHOVEN- s'HERTOGENBOSCH-thence route 200-NIJMEGEN                           ARNHEM-ZUTPHEN-HENGELO-OLDENZAAL-NORDHORN-                                                 LINGEN-CLOPPENBURG-BREMEN-HAMBURG-PINNEBURG


    (f)  Speed                         40 mi2hr.

    (g)  Density                      40 vtm and 100 yds between Sqns.

    (h)  Halts                          20 min halts at 20 mins to every even hour.  Lunch halt 1140-1240hrs.

    (i)   Timings                      Head past Head past SP 170800Ahrs

    (j)   Staging                       Night 17/18 Oct area NORDHORN (Guides will meet Main Party at

                                            Canal Crossing 7222 (Sheet K53).

                                            Night 18/19 Oct area X rds 1824 (Sheet L54) on the autobahn.  (Guides

                                            will meet Main Party at the ref given).

    (k)  Harbour Parties.        

                        (i)                 Each Sqn will have a Harbour Party (one veh per Sqn)

                        (ii)                Comd – Capt HT PIERSON, HQ Sqn.

                        (iii)               Harbour Parties will report to Capt PIERSON at the Orderly Room

                                            ready to proceed at 170730Ahrs

                        (iv)               Move out at 170745hrs.

                        (v)                Sufficient petrol will be carried for the days journey.

                        (vi)               HQ Recce Party will be responsible for the accommodation of LAD.

                        (vii)              Signs will be taken.

                        (viii)             Capt PIERSON will find the nearest available water point to each

                                            staging area.

    (l)   Replenishment.          As per my letter of even ref dated 5 Oct 45.

    (m) Rations                      4 days rations will be taken.

    (n)  Medical.                     Distribution of Med ½ tracks:- "A" Sqn-1, "B" Sqn-1, "HQ" Sqn-1

                                            (One with last train of Tk Party).

    (o)  Inter-comn.                DR.

3. Tank Party

    (a) Comd                         Major RH AMES, "A" Sqn.

    (b) Composition               All tks plus :-

                                            2 Rec Vehs of LAD.

                                            1 Water Truck (HQ).

                                            1 Staff Car (A Sqn)                                              To Sheet 2/…


                                            2 Fitters Vehs (A Sqn)

                                            1 Med Half-Track (HQ Sqn)

                                            1 3-ton Lorry (QM)

                                            1 Cooks Lorry (A Sqn)

                                            2 15cwts awaiting new engines (Both HQ Sqn)

    (c)  Train No 1 – leaving MOL Tue 16 Oct.

          Comd                         Lt DJ MOSSOP.

          Composition              17 B Sqn Tks, 1 263 Fwd Del Sqn Tk, 2 HQ COMET Tks.


    (d)  Train No. 2 leaving MOL Wed 17 Oct

          Comd                         Lt DL ASTLEY-COOPER

          Composition              17 C Sqn Tks, 1 263 Fwd Del Sqn Tk, 2 HQ CHAFFEE Tks.


    (e)  Train No 3 leaving MOL Thu 18 Oct.

          Comd                         Lt DF CRAVEN

          Composition              17 A Sqn Tks, 3  3RHA Tks


    (f)  Train no 4 leaving MOL Fri 19 Oct.

          Comd                         Major RH AMES

          Composition              1 RHA Tk, 1 HQ Sqn CHAFFEE Tk, 2 HQ Sqn COMET Tks

                                            plus all suitable B Vehs.

    (g)  B Vehs.

          (i)           All possible B Vehs remaining with Tk Party will travel on Train No 4.

          (ii)          A 3-ton lorry that cannot remove its superstructure cannot travel by train and

                        will therefore go by rd on Fri 19 Oct under the order of major AMES.

    (h)  Rations.

                        train parties will take 5 days rations with them, counting the day of departure as the

                        first day.

    (i)   Water.

                        Train parties will take sufficient water with them to last the complete journey, by     

                        filling all available water cans on Tks

    (j)   Med.      MO will arrange to leave 1 half-track and orderly with the Tk Party.  This veh will

                        travel on Train No 4.

    4.   General.

    (a)                All dvrs in Road Party will be in possession of a route card.

    (b)                When forming-up at SP vehs will close right up.  At all other halts 40 vtm will be

                        observed unless vehs can draw right off the rd.

    (c)                The attention of all ranks will be drawn to existing orders for traffic discipline.

    (d)                Until the arrival in ITZEHOE of the "A" Sqn cooks lorry with Tk Party, OC "B"

                        Sqn will be responsible for cooking for "A" Sqn personnel with the Road Party.

    (e)                All rec will be fwd.

    (f   Feeding                      .

                        (i)                 Road Party – Bkfasts and evening meals will be hot.  Haversack rations                       will be issued for lunch.

                        (ii)                Tk Party     -  All Train parties once they have left MOL will be on veh cooking.

    (g)                Relief dvrs will be provided where available.

    (h)                Tac HQ will consist of :-

                                            Major PHV de CLERMONT (HQ Sqn Staff Car)

                                            Adjutant (Adjt's Jeep)

                                            All available DRs.

                        These vehs will travel behind the leading veh of "C" Sqn.      

    (i)                 Tk Crews will consist of at least two men per Tk.

    (j)                 All ranks will be prepared to spend the night in the open if necessary.

    (k)                (i)                 The leave party whose D day is 18 Oct will remain behind with the

                                            Train party and will report to the RTO ANTWERP on the evening

                                            of 17 Oct 45 by train from MOL leaving MOL 1205hrs arriving

                                            Antwerp 1344hrs.

                        (ii)                The Leave party whose D Day is 21 Oct will remain behind with the train party and will report to the Transit Camp ANTWERP on 18 Oct by train from MOL – train timings as above.

                        (iii)               All documentation will be completed by Sqn Offices on 16 Oct.

    (l)                 Maj RH AMES will be responsible for the closing up and administration of all.         

                        personnel remaining after the departure of the Road Party.

    (m)               All Sqns will provide this office and Maj AMES with exact nominal rolls showing:-

                        (i)                 Tank Party.

                        (ii)                Leave Party – D Day 18 Oct.

                        (iii)               Leave Party -  D Day 21 Oct.

    (n)                Watches will be synchronised on Tue 16 Oct under orders from the Adjutant.





    Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars.
ROS 1142240A    
Method of Despatch  SDR    



Copy No 1


Copy No 11


Copy No 2


Copy No 12


Copy No 3

OC "A" Sqn

Copy No 13


Copy No 4

OC "B" Sqn

Copy No 14


Copy No 5

OC "C" Sqn

Copy No 15


Copy No 6

OC "HQ" Sqn

Copy No 16


Copy No 7


Copy No 17


Copy No 8

Tech Offr

Copy No 18/19

War Diary

Copy No 9


Copy No 20/24


Copy No 10


Copy No 25






Map GSGS 4042   Brussels – Liege (3)





Changes in Command

Approx Strength








Sqns, Btys, Coys


Dets under Comd

Own tps detached




K 1791

ABC - K1791

22 Armd Bde






Moving to new location

rest after move, trg and draw Comet tks


















































Training & leave











































Trg  leave














































































































Trg  leave






































































ABC – K1791

22 Armd Bde






CO's address to Regt





































OCTOBER, 1945  

Map GSGS 4042   Brussels – Liege





Changes in Command

Approx Strength








Sqns, Btys, Coys


Dets under Comd

Own tps detached





A, B, C- K1791

22 Armd Bde





































































































































































































A, B, C -1794





























Trg.  CO left for Alamein Dinner











GO C 7 Armd Div

























ABC – 1794

22 Armd Bde


















OC 22 Armd Bde












8 Corps















































November 1945

Commanding Officer:  Lt.-Col. GRD Fitzpatrick, DSO, MBE, MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
ITZEHOE 1   The GOC 7 Armd Div carried out a barrack inspection at 1000hrs. Rfts arrived from 1 FF Yeo under the resortng scheme.  
1749     The trade grading of the new rfts continued.  

GSGS 4146

2   The CO attended a conference at 8 Corps HQ at which the C-in-C was in the chair.   


    The trade grading test of the new rfts continued.  
1:100,000 3   The CO spoke to all recent rfts on the tk park at 1200 hrs and told them the future of the regt, the trg that would be initiated and welcomed them.  
      In the afternoon the CO told a Sqn Ldrs conference the proceedings of the meeting he had attended  the previous day at 8 Corps HQ.  
  4   The Adjt, Captain AU Case, left the regt for UK on privilege leave, Captain CJG Meade took over the duties of Acting Adjutant,  
      Lieut S Bates and two rfts arrived from 23H. Maint and cleaning of areas continued.  
  5   The Regt commenced one week's Ceremonial Guard Duty at Div HQ.  
      There was a Sqn Ldrs conference at 1100 hrs on the subject of promotion,  
  6   At 1230 hrs the CO interviewed all the men promoted at the conference of the day before.  
      The grading of new tradesmen rfts continued. Maint and area cleaning continued.  
  7   An Adjts parade was held at 0900 hrs on the tk park,  
  8   Maint continued. There was an Offrs Mess Meeting at 1400 hrs.  
  9   Maint continued. CO and Capt HT Pierson sttend a Mil Gov Courts in ITZEHOE,   
      There was a regt welfare meeting in the 2 IC's office at 1400 hrs. A letter and programme from the CO dealing with individual conversion trg for rfts was sent to all sqns. Copies are att to this Diary as Appx Ap px J.1



10   There was an Adjts parade at 0900 hrs on the tk pk. CO and Captain HT Pierson attended second day's sitting of the Mil Gov Court in ITZEHOE. Maint continued  
  11   A service to commemorate the Dead of two wars was held in the Garrison Church ITZEHOE at 1130 hrs.  
      The two minute silence was observed at 1200 hrs zone "A" time. Haig poppies were distributed to all ranks.  
      Three offrs from 22 Dgns were interviewed by the CO.  
  12   Conversion trg courses for all recent rfts commended in D&M. Wrls and Gny. Seven rfts arrived from 2 FF Yeo, and the CO interviewed all men leaving to join 2 FF Yeo.  
      CO and Captain HT Pierson again attended the Mil Gov Court in ITZEHOE.  
      Rev ES Pickup CF joined the regt from HQ RA 11 Armd Div, to fill the vacancy caused by the demobilisation of the Rev FL Hone.  
  13   Trg of rfts continued. Offrs day was held during the morning. The CO lectured on the method of tac trg.  
      Maj C Millner, 1 RB, lectured at 1100 hrs on the use of mot inf. Ten rfts arrived from 107 RAC.  
      An audit board assembled at 1400 hrs to audit regt and sqn accounts.  
  14   Trg of rfts continued. Captain JA Comyn arrived from UK after absence of 5 years, having been a PW in ITALY and GERMAN.  
      The CO interviewed all men of A & S Gp 21 who were due to leave the Regt of 18 Nov.  
  15   A Conference on the forthcoming Internal Security exercise XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was held in the CO's office at 11000 hrs.  
      Ten rfts arrived from 107 RAC  
  16   Preparations for the Internal Security exercise due to commence on the following day were made. Captain CJG Meade left the Regt for UK on LILOP leave, and Capt RPG Drill, Sign Offr, took over th duties of Acting Adjt until return of Capt AU Case.  
      The 2IC held a meeting of Regt messing representatives in his office at 1400 hrs.  
  17   22 Armd Bde Internal Security and Wrks exercise "DE-FRAT" was run to test  
                (a) all coms in the bde and regts  
                (b) plan and orders by junior comds  
                (c) degrees of resdiness  
                (d) speed of moves etc  
                (e) adm arrangements  
                (f) offrs and operators in the new SLIDEX method  
      Some difficulty was at first experiences with the regt rear link owing to the screening of the set by buildings.  
      After Tax HQ had been moved from the Adjts Office to the car pk good comns were set all round. Adm of the scheme was proved quite satisfactory with the exception of the ops room already mentioned.  
      Notification was received that the following had been Mentioned in Despatches for Gallantry and Distinguished Service on NW Europe.  

          Lt FW SAXBY               "A" Sqn

          SSM J KNILL                "B" Sqn

          Sjt A HARRIS                "A" Sqn

          Sjt M ROBINSON          (Since posted to 1 FF Yeo)

  18   A promotions conference was held in the CO's office at 0900 hrs.  
  19   Conversion trg of Gnr, Dvr and Wrls Operators continued.  
      The CP left for privilege leave in the UK a 2348 hrs. The 2IC, Major PHV de CLERMONT, assumes comd of the regt in his absence.  
      Five Veh Mech rfts arrived from Armd Rft Unit.  
      Notification was received that the Rev FL Hone had been Mentioned in Despatches for Gallantry and Distinguished Service on NW Europe.  
  20   A Bde cross country run was won by this Regt with 1 RB second.  
      An Inppectorate from 21 AIE visited the regt and inspected G1098 eqpt and arms. The subsequent report from the Inspectorate stated that the adm of the regt was "very good".  
  21   Lieut JR MALSEED and 6 OR rft arrived from 23H.  
  22   Lieut DW DAVIES from 1 FF Yep and 28 rfts from 9 R Tks were received.  
  23   The CO attended conference at HQ 22 Armd Bde at 1030 hrs.  
      Lieut BA BOWERS arrived from 23 H.  
  24   Adjts parade at which the standard of turn-out was particularly good.  
  25   Weather remained very cold. Major DRWG CHARLTON arrived in the evening from UL with 6-1/2 couple of beagles.  
  26   13 SS Men discharged as fit from the SS hosp ITZEHOE, were transported to internment on Area "F".   
      The regt were called upon to provide a part of men for the arrest of Graf zu RANZAU BRIETENBERG and BARON von ROSENBERG as the latter was suspected of being MARTIN BORMAN, the major war criminal.  
      Lieut CRP ANSTEY was placed in chare of the party which successfully accomplished the arrests.  
      The suspects were taken to 270 Fd Sec Sec where there were questions. The Graf zu Ranzau was released and the Baron von Rosenberg held for further interrogations. Throughout the afternoon it snowed heavily.  
      In the evening Captain AU case returned from UK leave.  
  27   Exercise "SINN FEIN". This was a Div exercise to test out the plans which will be put into operation should civil unrest occur in the district during the winter.  
      A "spy" was captured trying to enter the barrack area in the evening.  
  28   Exercise "SINN FEIN" continued and terminated at 1230 hrs.  
  29   Captain WG LOWTHER rejoined the regt and was posted to "A" Sqn.  
  30   Individual trg continued.  


APPX "J -1"

Subject :-                                                             Individual Trg.


O.C. "A" Sqn.

  8th K.R.I.Hussars

O.C. "C" Sqn.


O.C. "B" Sqn.
O.C. "HQ" Sqn.

 9 Nov 45


1.                The first stages of the Conversion Trg for rfts will commence on 12 Nov 45. The courses for this trg are set out in Appces as follows

Appx "A"      -       D & M Conversion

Appx "B"      -       Wrls           "

Appx "C"      -       Gnry          "

2.                All these courses will be conducted Regimentally, but in addition, OsC Sqns will make their own arrangements for the following trg:-.

      (a)    Wrls.

Sqns will conduct practices "nets" twice each week. Timings of these "netting" practices will be notified direct to Sigs Offr.

      (b)    Tk Comds Map Reading

Sqns will concentrate on this in the immediate futures.

3.               Regimental Gnry Offr will make himself available to instruct two Tk Comds per Sabre Sqn each Tues and Fri  in Fire control on the Field Miniature Range. Regimental Gnry Offr will issue separate instructions to OsC Sqns on this matter.


4.               No men who have been ordered to undergo Conversion Courses will be put on 24 hrs guard without the permission of the Adjt. OsC Sqns will inform the Adjt and appropriate Department forthwith if any on the Instructors nominated are not available.


5.               Students for Courses commencing on 12 Nov will parade at 0900 hrs outside the appropriate Wing. Hours of work will be as follows:- 

Mondays to Fridays - 0900 - 1030 hrs

                                  1100 - 1230 hrs,

                                  1400 - 1530 hrs,


(There will be no afternoon parade on Wednesdays).




G R D Fitzpatrick


Commanding 8th K.R.I.Hussars.





Copies to:- 2 IC.
Tech Offr.
Sigs Offr.
Gnry Offr.





December 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt.-Col. GRD Fitzpatrick, DSO, MBE, MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
1749 1   An Adjt's parade was held at 0900hrs  
  2   A quiet day.  
  3   An Offrs Day was held when lectures were given by the acting CO, Major PHV de CLERMONT, and Major DRWG CHARLTON, OC "B" Sqn.  
  4   Two Czech offrs arrived on a week's visit to the Regt.  It is planned to show them all details of Regtl trg.  
  5   The CO returned from UK leave, and resumed control of the Regt.  
  6   Regt trg continued.  
  7   Regt trg continued.  
  8   An Adjt's Parade, which was to have taken place at 0900hrs, was cancelled due to bad weather.  
  9   A quiet day.  Major RH AMES left the Regt on demobilisation.  
  10   All Offrs attended a farewell address by Maj-Gen. LO LYNE, CB, DSO, GOC, 7 Armd Div.  The GOC is leaving the Div to take up his duties as Director of Staff Duties at the War Office.  The new GOC is Maj-Gen. GPB ROBERTS, CB, DSO, MC, previously GOC 11 Armd Div.  
  11   Maj PHV de CLERMONT took over comd "B" Sqn while retaining the appointment of 2i/c.  Duties of PRI are being performed by Maj DRWG CHARLTON.  
  12   Brig HB SCOTT, DSO, now comd 22 Armd Bde, made his first official visit to the Regt at 0900hrs.  He inspected all phases of Regt trg during the morning.  The opening meet of the Regt Beagle Pack was held in the afternoon.  
  13   The CO held a promotions conference at 1400hrs.  
  14   A quiet day.  Regt trg continued.  
  15   Maj-Gen GPG ROBERTS, CB, DSO, MC, new GOC 7 Armd Div, visited the Regt and inspected the Barrack area.  He also watched the Adjt's Parade which was held at 0900hrs.  
  16   A quiet day  
  17   An Offrs day was held when lectures were given by Major G ARMITAGE, MBE, 5 RHA, the CO, and Maj DRWG CHARLTON.  
  18   Regt trg continued.  
  19   Lt FW SAXBY, "A" Sqn, was killed in a jeep smash between ELMSHORN and BARMSTEDT  
  20   A quiet day  
  21   Lt FW SAXBY was buried at the Brit Mil Cemetery, HAMBURG, at 1400hrs.  A copy of the funeral instructions are att as an Appx to this Diary. Appx J.1.
  22   An Adjt's Parade was held at 0900hrs.  
  23   A quiet day  
  24   It being Christmas Eve, the day was observed as a half holiday.  
  25   Christmas Day.  
  26   A quiet day  
  27   Regt trg was resumed after two day's holiday for the Christmas period.  Maj PHV de CLERMONT assumed comd of the Regt in the absence of Lt.Col. GRD FITZPATRICK, DSO, MBE, MC.  
  28   A quiet day  
  29   There was no Adjt's Parade owing to the loading of amn.  
  30   A quiet day  
  31   Regt trg continued.  



Subject :-                                                             Funerals.

                                                                                                                             8th K.R.I.Hussars


                                                                                                                                        20 Dec 45

1.           The funeral of Lt FW SAXBY will take place at 1400hrs, 21 Dec 45 at the Brit Mil                               Cemetery, HAMBURG.

2.   Pall Bearers.

      (a)    The following offrs will act as Pall Bearers :-

                                    Lt VA BUIST

                                    Lt PG  HARTWRIGHT.

                                    Lt TD MOLL 

                                    Lt BB HANSEN

                                    Lt DF CRAVEN

                                    Lt AL PRESTON.

      (b)    These offrs will travel to 94 Brit Gen Hospital, HAMBURG, in one 15cwt provided by OC. "HQ" Sqn accompanied by another 15cwt also provided by OC "HQ" Sqn in which the  coffin will be placed on arrival at the Hospital.  This tpt will report to the Main Gate at  1115hrs and will leave the Barracks, under the orders of Lt BUIST, not later than 1125hrs.This tpt will report to 94 Gen Hospital by 1350hrs.

      (c)    On arrival at the Hospital this party will await the arrival of Major the Rev VC CASTLE,  Senior Chaplain 7 Armd Div, and will thereafter work under his orders

      (d)    All Pall Bearers will wear Green side hats, best battledress, web belt and shoes.

 3.   Padre.

      (a)    The funeral service will be conducted by Major the Rev VC CASTLE, CF, who will be at  the hospital by 1400hrs in his own tpt.

      (b)    The Hospital will provide a guide to guide the cortege to the cemetery.

 4.   Mourners – Offrs.

      (a)  All offrs who wish to do so will attend the funeral with the exception of one offr per Sabre Sqn and Lt JR MALSEED, Regt Orderly Offr, who will inform the Orderly Room and Signal Exchange of his whereabouts.                                       

      (b)  Sqn Ldrs will arrange mutually for the tpt of their offrs from the Barracks direct to the Cemetery.

      (c)  Tpt will leave the Barracks at 1130hrs to arrive at the Cemetery by 1350hrs.

      (d)  Staff Cars.  The CO will travel in the Bde Staff Car together with Major DRWG CHARLTON and the Adjt.  OC "HQ" Sqn will have the CO's Regt Staff Car at the Offrs Mess at 1115hrs.  This car will take Major de CLERMONT, Major WG LOWTHER, Capt JA COMYN and Capt JN LOMBARD.

      (e)  PMC will please arrange for tea and sandwiches to be available in the Offrs Mess from 1045-1115hrs.

      (f)  Offrs attending will hand in their names to the Mess Sgt as soon as possible so that haversack lunches may be made for them.

      (g)  Dress for Offrs will be SD Caps, best battledress, web belt and shoes.

5.   Mourners – OR's

      (a)  All Ors who wish to do so will attend the funeral.

      (b)  OC "A" Sqn will be responsible for providing all tpt for Ors.  This tpt will be formed up outside "A" Sqn block by 1115hrs, and will move off in convoy direct to the Cemetery at 1130hrs sharp to arrive there at 1350hrs.

      (c)  An NCO will be placed in charge of each lorry.

      (d)  OC "A" Sqn will be notified by 1000hrs as to the numbers of men from other Sqns wishing to attend.

      (e)  Haversack lunches will be taken.

      (f)  Dress Ors – best battledress, web belts, boots and anklets web.

6.   Wreaths.

      (a)  Major CHARLTON will arrange for wreaths.

      (b)  Wreaths will be placed on the grave after the ceremony.  Personnel detailed will salute the grave after laying their wreaths

      (c)  The CO will lay the first wreath.

7.   Route.

            Route to the hospital and cemetery will be down the axis to HAMBURG.  Routes from then on will be signposted through the town.

8.   Crepe Bands.        

      (a)  Major CHARLTON will issue crepe bands to all offrs attending the funeral at 1100hrs in the Offr's Mess

9.   Overcoats.

      (a)  All ranks will take overcoats.

      (b)  Instructions will be issued by the Adjt at the Cemetery as to whether overcoats will be worn during the funeral or not.

10. Arrangements after the Funeral.

            Ors may proceed after the funeral to the NAAFI in HAMBURG for refreshment, and will then return to barracks under the NCO i/c each lorry.


BAOR.                                                                                                                              AU CASE, Captain,

                                                                                         Adjutant 8th K.R.I.Hussars.


"A" Sqn


Maj the Rev VC CASTLE, CF.

"B" Sqn

Messing Offr

Spare (2)

"C" Sqn



"HQ" Sqn


PMC Offrs Mess





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